On a new MacBook Pro (Silicon M3), I installed version 3.1.5 build 23df00d9. The application appears to work normally, except that, after a short while, the indicated attachment count (paperclips in the attachment column of the Summary view) starts to increment fairly rapidly with each time that I visit the page. Attachment counts appear even for records that don't have any attachments. When I access records individually, either those with or without real attachments, everything looks OK. Any insights as to what might be causing this, and how to correct?
Installation went smoothly using the (now longstanding) MacOS installation instructions, with one small exception: When doing the "sudo launchctl load ..." step, there is occasionally an I/O error of some kind. (Sorry, I don't have an exact transcript of the error at the moment, but it appears to refer to line 5 of a script.)
Many thanks,
Andreas W. |