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icon8.gif   Draft saved after ~15 minutes, then anything entered a few hours later is ignored, posted by Celeste Torkzaban on Tue Mar 12 09:12:32 2024 
    icon2.gif   Re: Draft saved after ~15 minutes, then anything entered a few hours later is ignored, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Apr 15 17:53:23 2024 
Message ID: 69783     Entry time: Mon Apr 15 17:53:23 2024     In reply to: 69759
Icon: Reply  Author: Stefan Ritt  Author Email: 
Category: Bug report  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: ELOG V3.1.3-793 
Subject: Re: Draft saved after ~15 minutes, then anything entered a few hours later is ignored 

That's strange. If you edit a message, indeed a draft is saved every ten seconds or so when you keep typing. In our installations we keep an elog entry typically open for eight hours, then save it at the end of the shift, and everything works fine. Have you tried playing aournd with your config file, like "Restrict edit time" or so? Please also make sure you have the current elog version. I sse you have 3.1.3 which is quit old.

Celeste Torkzaban wrote:


I've noticed that many times, I start an elog and continue editing adding to a few hours later, then I submit and it deletes everything I entered after the last time a draft was saved. I paid more attention and saw that it saves a draft after about a few minutes, and if I wait too long before submitting, it doesn't let me re-save the draft. My workaround is to copy all text before I submit, so if it ignores whatever I entered after the last saved version, I can edit it and paste it back in. Is there a setting someplace that I can change to fix this problem?



ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6