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Message ID: 69825     Entry time: Mon Sep 2 12:54:12 2024
Icon: Question  Author: Daniel Sajdyk  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Windows  ELOG Version: ELOG V3.1.4-a04 
Subject: Please help with config 


I'm trying to create config file for simple incident logbook. It should has 3 attributes:

  1. source (source of incident) with options: 
    1. email
    2. jira_id
    3. ezd_id
  2. Tactics (from MITRE but for simplicity I wrote only this):
    1. aaa,
    2. bbb,
  3. Technics (also from MITRE but also for simplicity I wrote only this):
    1. tactics1, tactics2,
    2. tactics3, tactics4

And this is not working.

For me it looks that choosing first attribute - Source - causes problems, because after that I cannot choose third - Technics - attribute.

When I will start filling attributes from the second - Tactics - then Technics options are avaiable. 

Below is config file:

Theme = default
Page Title = ELOG - $Theme

Attributes = Source, Technics, Tactics

Options Source = Email{a}, Jira{b}, EZD{c}
{a} Attributes = Source, Adres_email, Technics, Tactics
{b} Attributes = Source, JIRA_ID, Technics, Tactics
{c} Attributes = Source, EZD_ID, Technics, Tactics

Options Technics = aaa{1}, bbb{2}
{1} Options Tactics = tactics1, tactics2
{2} Options Tactics = tactics3, tactics4

Page Title = ELOG - $subject
Reverse sort = 1
Quick filter = Source, Technics, Tactics

I will appreciate any help.

Best Regards

ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6