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Message ID: 69831     Entry time: Tue Sep 24 19:38:23 2024
Icon: Entry  Author: Gabriel Lopez  Author Email: 
Category: Bug report  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: elog-3.1.4-3 
Subject: Catgegory filtering 

Currently have multiple logbooks hosted with elogd. One book is having an issue with Categories. The user regulary uses the category filtering to see one subject for the whole month. This past week it hasn't been working properly. When choosing a drop down category to filter there are not logs found. I've notice the fields under the categories change randomly. Sometimes it would add a % sign where there should be --. Some other fields go from displaying -- Subject -- to just the dashes, thats when the filtered eLogs do not show. Clearing out the erroneous characters can eventually load the specified logs. Has anyone else seen this? Should I just upgrade the system and hope for the best?


PS. while writing this I was able to mitigate the issue by removing the troubled fields from the quick filter section. I'm pretty sure this will not be an issue for my end user but any input is appreciated.

ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6