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Message ID: 69866     Entry time: Thu Mar 20 07:34:24 2025
Icon: Angy  Author: Harry Martin  Author Email: 
Category: Bug report  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: 3.1.5 
Subject: 3-level conditional not working 

Not sure if this is a bug or not; if it is not, kindly reclassify the category.

Following is a small example of what I will dub a 3-level, conditional logbook:

attributes = region, manufacturer, model

show attributes edit = region
options region = american{1}, japanese{2}, european{3}

{1} options manufacturer = ford, chrysler, gm
{2} options manufacturer = toyota{4}, nissan{5}, mitsubishi{6}
{3} options manufacturer = audi, mercedes, bmw, volvo, fiat
{1,2,3} show attributes edit = region, manufacturer
{4} options model = corolla, prius, miata
{5} options model = sentra, murano
{6} options model = starion, outlander, mirage
{4,5,6} show attributes edit = region, manufacturer, model

This example is hardly complete, but it is sufficient to demonstrate the issue I am running into.  This works until I select from the 2nd level (manufacturer); it won't display the dropdown for the model (I think my show attribute edit is supposed to display that).  Is there a restriction on how many levels of conditional I can have?  If there is, it would be disappointing because I am trying to do something similar to this example.

I hope there is something very simple I can do to correct this, or perhaps a completely different approach that accomplishes the same thing.  I'd like to stick with the multi-level selection process as I have done here.

I am running elog 3.1.5 on Devuan Chimaera (approx. Debian Bullseye, sans systemd) in a Virtualbox VM.

ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6