> > We are trying to use ELog on Windows XP with Protection on individual log
> > book and we unable to login after creating users even if we give correct
> > user name and password login screen reappears. We are able to log in to the
> > Elog when we use windows 98 Client we are running Elog on Windows XP and
> > without password protection on logbook it is working fine with windows 98.
> >
> > For win xp clients we are using winxp sp 1, ie 6.1 using a proxy server
> First, upgrade to 2.5.4-5 (if you haven't done so). If the problem persists,
> please start elogd on the server with the "-v" flag, capture the screen output
> and send it to me by email so that I can have a look. Please send also your
> elogd.cfg file.
> - Stefan
Mr. Stefan
Following is elogd.cfg file text:
port = 8080
Main Tab = Home
Protect Selection page = 1
[Daily Log]
Password file = pwdfile
Self register = 0
Login expiration = 0
Admin user = user
Logout to main = 1
Theme = bubbles
Comment = Daily Call tracking and Issue Solving
Attributes = Author, Type, Category, Subject
IOptions Author = icon6.gif, icon7.gif
Options Type = Routine, Software Installation, Problem Fixed, Configuration, Other
Options Category = General, Hardware, Software, Network, Other
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