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icon5.gif   Extra 'append on edit' action when adding attachment, posted by Mike Stolove on Thu Oct 14 16:33:51 2004 
    icon2.gif   Re: Extra 'append on edit' action when adding attachment, posted by Stefan Ritt on Thu Oct 14 21:45:32 2004 
Message ID: 734     Entry time: Thu Oct 14 16:33:51 2004     Reply to this: 733
Icon: Question  Author: Mike Stolove  Author Email: 
Category: Request  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: 2.5.4-5 
Subject: Extra 'append on edit' action when adding attachment 
I have the following in a local logbook config: 
  append on edit = "\n\n[$date: $short_name]\n" 
When I upload an attachment to an entry, it appears like the page is 
getting refreshed in the browser and the 'append on edit' action is called 
again. This results in two appended strings in the text entry, one for the 
initial edit and one for the upload. 
Is this by design or an inadvertent result of uploading an attachment? 
My preferred handling of this - and perhaps a more intuitive behavior - 
would be to have the append/prepend actions happen once and only once for 
each edit or reply. 
BTW Stephan, many thanks for the great program. 
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6