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icon5.gif   Can the elog client submit an entry with a html body?, posted by Kristinn B. Gylfason on Tue Nov 2 02:51:09 2004 
    icon2.gif   Re: Can the elog client submit an entry with a html body?, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Nov 2 17:47:43 2004 
       icon2.gif   Re: Can the elog client submit an entry with a html body?, posted by Kristinn B. Gylfason on Tue Nov 2 18:15:09 2004 
Message ID: 761     Entry time: Tue Nov 2 02:51:09 2004     Reply to this: 762
Icon: Question  Author: Kristinn B. Gylfason  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: 2.5.4 
Subject: Can the elog client submit an entry with a html body? 
I'm running a Debian package of elog with verision number 2.5.4+r1480-1. 
The revision of the elog client in this package is 1.21. 

I'm using the elog client to send entries generated by a script to my
logbook.  I want to format the body text of the entry using HTML, to include
links and images.  When I submit the entry with the elog client it is
submited as text and not HTML.  

The man page for the elog client does not mention any commandline options to
specify the formating of the entry and I have not found any info in this
forum on the issue.

Is it possible to submit an entry with a html body using the elog client?
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6