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icon4.gif   BUG: lost entry data, posted by Rich Persaud on Wed Nov 24 00:17:45 2004 
    icon2.gif   Re: BUG: lost entry data, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Nov 24 11:52:26 2004 
       icon2.gif   Re: BUG: lost entry data, posted by Rich Persaud on Wed Nov 24 19:05:53 2004 
Message ID: 813     Entry time: Wed Nov 24 11:52:26 2004     In reply to: 805     Reply to this: 817
Icon: Reply  Author: Stefan Ritt  Author Email: 
Category: Bug report  OS: All  ELOG Version: 2.5.4-6 
Subject: Re: BUG: lost entry data 
> After THREE tries to enter a long detailed list of questions, all have been 
> replaced by just one:  why do ELOG textareas and entry forms lose all data 
> if the browser goes back/forward?  Or if a submission causes an error?  
> Other forms in other applications don't have this kind of data loss.
> Submitting this now before I lose it again.  Will submit rest of questions 
> as separate entries.

Really strange. I tried with Mozilla Firefox and IE 6.0 and none of them lost
the entry data. What browser did you use? As far as I learned, data only
vanishes on pages which have an HTTP header containing "Expires: ..." with a
date in the past. But I made sure that the entry form does not contain this.

Please refreain in the future from sending many small entries. People being
registered with email notifications on the forum get flooded by notifications.
In worst case, write your posting using an editor and do copy-and-paste into a
single posting.
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6