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icon5.gif   Attribute Negative Search, posted by Rich Persaud on Wed Nov 24 00:42:10 2004 
    icon2.gif   Re: Attribute Negative Search, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Nov 24 13:55:22 2004 
       icon2.gif   Re: Attribute Negative Search, posted by Rich Persaud on Wed Nov 24 18:59:45 2004 
          icon2.gif   Re: Attribute Negative Search, posted by Stefan Ritt on Thu Nov 25 08:42:07 2004 
Message ID: 818     Entry time: Thu Nov 25 08:42:07 2004     In reply to: 816
Icon: Reply  Author: Stefan Ritt  Author Email: 
Category: Request  OS: All  ELOG Version: 2.5.4-6 
Subject: Re: Attribute Negative Search 
> Display Subsystem = <a href="/LogBook1/?Subsystem=$Subsystem" style="color:
> saddlebrown">$Subsystem</a>
> ABC and DEF links would perform filter searches of a _different_ logbook.   
> MOptions does not work because the options are not fixed.   The options can be any
> numeric ID for items in a related logbook.
> Consider the case of two logbooks, where we wish to associate items in the second
> logbook with more than one item in the first logbook.  We could define separate
> attributes for each "parent item", e.g. Parent1, Parent2, Parent3, then use a
> "Display" spec to convert a numeric ID into a hyperlink to the first logbook's item.
>   The exact relationship is not important, could be parent/peer/child - some generic
> relationship.
> The benefit here would be the same as having separate links for MOptions attribute
> values.

Ah, now I'm getting your point. You want kind of relational database where a logbook
correspond to a table, using the entry ID as primary key. Well, elog was not designed
having that in mind, so its capabilities will always be very limited. A MySQL with
phpMyAdmin might be better for that.

But what you could do is to put manual links betweek logbooks. If you enter in an
attribute following text:

elog:Forum/816 elog:Forum/806

then you get two links to entries 806 and 816. Writing this is a bit more than just 
"816 | 806", but it's less than writing directly an HTML link.
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6