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Message ID: 821     Entry time: Fri Dec 3 08:43:49 2004
Icon: Angy  Author: Ulrich Trüssel  Author Email: 
Category: Bug report  OS: Windows  ELOG Version: 2.5.5-1 
Subject: ELOG-Server crashes after date entry 
God really STRANGE and problematic effect on 2.5.5-1 (can't remember it this
was with 2.5.5 or 2.5.4-X but i'm nearly sure it worked well):

Entering a date (Formate Bithday = date) may crash down the server:
Value is 22.2.2004: Everything is well
Value is 22.2.1962: Server crashes emmediatly (menas restarzing several
times, always the same problem)

I do not have time to check true all the years for finding out where the
problem may beginn, sorry. Also I was not able to check on other systems
right now. My system: Win XP Pro SP 1, IE 6 as well as Mozilla Calssic 1.7.3. 

Didn't check it under Linux right know in case of a lot work.

Clould you this fix please Stefan???  THANK'X!!!
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6