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icon5.gif   external authentication possible?, posted by Steve Allen on Mon Dec 6 02:34:32 2004 
    icon2.gif   Re: external authentication possible?, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Dec 6 21:22:20 2004 
       icon2.gif   Re: external authentication possible?, posted by Steve Jones on Mon Dec 6 22:48:19 2004 
          icon7.gif   Re: external authentication possible?, posted by Steve Allen on Tue Dec 7 01:18:14 2004 
          icon2.gif   Re: external authentication possible?, posted by Stefan Ritt on Sun Dec 12 12:49:06 2004 
             icon12.gif   Re: external authentication possible?, posted by Steve Jones on Wed Dec 15 15:42:13 2004 
                icon2.gif   Re: external authentication possible?, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Dec 15 18:19:31 2004 
                   icon2.gif   Re: external authentication possible?, posted by Steve Jones on Thu Dec 16 05:23:54 2004 
Message ID: 833     Entry time: Mon Dec 6 22:48:19 2004     In reply to: 831     Reply to this: 834   844
Icon: Reply  Author: Steve Jones  Author Email: 
Category: Info  OS: All  ELOG Version: 2.5.5-2 
Subject: Re: external authentication possible? 
> > In order to avoid having to remember multiple usernames/passwords for
> > different systems, is it possible for ELOG to use external authentication
> > via Active Directory, etc?
> Not yet.

I would note that this is a request that comes in fairly frequently, but to
Stephan's credit (and looking back at previous comments) the task of trying to
implement authentication that would *not* be a maintenance nightmare basically
pushes such a request down to the bottom of the list.

The only common denominator that could possibly cover all contingencies would
be LDAP authentication.  One way of doing this in a more-or-less universal
fashion is to offload the auth task from eLog itself and place the burden on
Apache.  This means figuring out how to get Apache to pass auth info to eLog
when eLog operates behind Apache.  In the end, anything that can use LDAP as an
authentication mechanism (like AD) can host eLog - as long as eLog can glom off
of Apache's ability to do the actual authenticating.  

For our twiki (source from website, we use the following config:

-- In Apache http.conf
LoadModule auth_ldap_module   libexec/

AddModule auth_ldap.c

AccessFileName .htaccess

# Twiki
Include /proj/www/twiki/conf/httpd.conf

-- The http.conf in the Twiki directory
<VirtualHost *>
        DocumentRoot "/proj/www/twiki/html"
        ServerName twiki
        ErrorLog error_log
        CustomLog access_log combined
        <Directory "/proj/www/twiki/html/bin/">
                Options +ExecCGI
                allow from all
                AllowOverride Authconfig FileInfo Indexes Limit Options
        <Location /bin>
                Options +ExecCGI
                AuthType Basic
                AuthName CoreID
        CustomLog access_log combined
        <Directory "/proj/www/twiki/html/bin/">
                Options +ExecCGI
                allow from all
                AllowOverride Authconfig FileInfo Indexes Limit Options
        <Location /bin>
                Options +ExecCGI
                AuthType Basic
                AuthName ID
                require valid-user
                allow from all
                <Limit OPTIONS>
                        Order Deny,Allow
                        Deny from all

--- Then the DocumentRoot ("/proj/www/twiki/html") has a '.htaccess' file with
the following:

RedirectPermenant       /

--- Also in the /bin directory we have:


AuthType                 Basic
AuthName                 "LDAP Login"

SetHandler cgi-script

ErrorDocument 401 /bin/oops.cgi/TWiki/TWikiRegistration?template=oopsauth

<Files ~ "[^/]*\.html$">
       SetHandler blabla
       allow from all

<Files "*">
       require valid-user
        allow from all

Whether this is at all relevant, well . . . . 
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6