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Message ID: 854     Entry time: Sun Dec 19 16:55:03 2004
Icon: Question  Author: Heiko Scheit  Author Email: 
Category:   OS: Linux  ELOG Version:
Subject: forum entries not displayed in correct order 
I just submitted a reply to elog:847 (the reply is elog:853).
Normally the thead containing the reply should now be listed as
the top thread.  Instead only the original message of the thread
(elog:820) is listed but the remaining messages in the thread are not 
listed.  It seems the problem is that for elog:820 the 'reply to this'
header is missing.  And elog:820 and elog:824 are the same messages
except that for elog:824 the subject is missing.  Actually ALL attributes
for elog:824 are missing.

I guess you could fix things up if you:
- add 'reply to this: 823' to elog:820
- remove entry elog:824
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6