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icon5.gif   Menu command = doesn't list, posted by PJ Meyer on Wed Jan 12 23:53:27 2005 
    icon5.gif   Re: Menu command = doesn't list, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Jan 17 15:22:30 2005 
Message ID: 880     Entry time: Mon Jan 17 15:22:30 2005     In reply to: 876
Icon: Question  Author: Stefan Ritt  Author Email: 
Category: Bug report  OS: Windows  ELOG Version: 2.5.2 
Subject: Re: Menu command = doesn't list 
> Have tried to use "Menu commands =" to list menu commands available as per:
> "Menu commands = List, Back, New, Edit, Delete, Find, Config, HELP, Logout"
> but it does not seem to work; with command above I get default menu 
> structure.
> Using:
> "Find Menu commands = List, Back, New, Edit, Find, Delete, Config, Logout, 
> I get the menu I want.
> Q what's the difference?????

"Find menu commands" apply to the LIST of entries, while "Menu commands" apply
to the page where a SINGLE entry is shown. I know that "Find menu commands" is
a misleading name, but it's historical, I should change it to "Menu commands"
and change the other to "Entry menu commands", does that make more sense?
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