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icon5.gif   Login/Password request appears twice, posted by PJ Meyer on Mon Dec 6 20:05:58 2004 
    icon2.gif   Re: Login/Password request appears twice, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Jan 5 16:04:53 2005 
       icon2.gif   Re: Login/Password request appears twice, posted by PJ Meyer on Wed Jan 12 23:48:18 2005 elogd.cfg
          icon2.gif   Re: Login/Password request appears twice, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Jan 17 21:29:32 2005 
Message ID: 883     Entry time: Mon Jan 17 21:29:32 2005     In reply to: 875
Icon: Reply  Author: Stefan Ritt  Author Email: 
Category: Bug report  OS: Windows  ELOG Version:  
Subject: Re: Login/Password request appears twice 
> OK elogd.cfg is attached.

I tried to reproduce your problem, but without success. I only have to login once. 

So can you please check how your cookies are set? Under Mozilla Firefox, enable
prompting for cookies (Tools/Options/Privacy/Cookies/Keep kookies=ask me every
time, IE must have similar switch). Each cookie contains a path, for which it
will be sent to the elogd in the future. Since you have your password files in
the [global] sections, they are valid for the whole set of logbooks and the path
is therefre "/". This means of course that the browser also tries to send the
cookies to the logbooks in the other top groups, since in the URL path they are
all next to each other (like "/Work+Requests", "/Completed+Work+Requests").

With the cookie prompting enabled, you can check which cookie gets set for which
directory. You should see a cookie "unm" for username, "upwd" for the encrypted
password and "urem" for the "Remember me" button. If the cookie contents is
empty, the cookie will be removed.

So carefully check the sequence of setting and resetting of cookies, trying to
figure out what goes wrong. It is a good idea for a starting point to delete all
your cookies.

- Stefan
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6