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icon5.gif   increasing the height of the attribute display field, posted by John Habermann on Thu Jan 20 16:32:25 2005 
    icon2.gif   Re: increasing the height of the attribute display field, posted by Stefan Ritt on Thu Jan 20 17:40:33 2005 
       icon2.gif   Re: increasing the height of the attribute display field, posted by John Habermann on Thu Jan 20 23:59:19 2005 
          icon2.gif   Re: increasing the height of the attribute display field, posted by Stefan Ritt on Fri Jan 21 10:43:21 2005 
Message ID: 887     Entry time: Thu Jan 20 16:32:25 2005     Reply to this: 888
Icon: Question  Author: John Habermann  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Linux  ELOG Version:  
Subject: increasing the height of the attribute display field 
Was wondering  if it was possible to increase the height that the text box
for an attribute is displayed as. I would like to construct a form for a
weekly report which consist of a couple of text area attributes. I have
found the format option and can see how you can increase the width and
number of characters but not the height. This is what is have in the config
file for the log book:

[Weekly Reports]
Comment = The logbook for people to enter their weekly reports

Attributes = Author,Position, Achievements_last_week, Plans for Coming Week,
Issues and Concerns, Other Items to Report
Format Achievements_last_week = 0,messageframe,attribvalue,90,1000

Show text = 0
Enable Attachments = 0

Basically what I would like is for the text field for 4 of the attributes to
be something like the text area for the main body. Is that possible or is a
better way to incorporate the form into the main body somehow?

Thanks for any help. Been using elog for about a month now as a logging tool
for our IT team and this is the first time i have had to ask anything thanks
to the great documentation and the example. Great job Stefan
ELOG V3.1.5-2eba886