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icon1.gif   Page not found after login or create useraccount, posted by Rob de Bruin on Tue Feb 8 10:38:39 2005 
    icon1.gif   Re: Page not found after login or create useraccount, posted by Rob de Bruin on Tue Feb 8 11:04:18 2005 
       icon7.gif   Re: Page not found after login or create useraccount, posted by Rob de Bruin on Tue Feb 8 14:49:40 2005 
       icon7.gif   Re: Page not found after login or create useraccount, posted by Rob de Bruin on Tue Feb 8 14:55:26 2005 
Message ID: 915     Entry time: Tue Feb 8 10:38:39 2005     Reply to this: 916
Icon: Entry  Author: Rob de Bruin  Author Email: 
Category:   OS: Linux  ELOG Version: 
Subject: Page not found after login or create useraccount 
best all,

I'm having trouble with redirecting after creating an account or login.
For example when i create an account with an Admin user when i click on 
Save i recieve the following error:
Error finding page!
And this is what de browser address tels me.

But when i remove the line frome the ? and than press enter then i'll while 
be able to just elog again.

here is my Global cfg file setting.

What did i do wrong??


Port = 80
Grp = elog 
Usr = elog 
Password file = /usr/local/elog/elog-2.5.6/passwd
User login = /usr/local/elog/elog-2.5.6/passwd
Admin user = rdbruin
Resource dir = /usr/local/elog/elog-2.5.6/
Logbook dir = /usr/local/bin/logbooks/
time format = %d %B %Y %H:%M
SMTP host =
Main tab = Startpagina
Page Title = Logboeken Zernike College 
IOptions Icon = icon1.gif, icon3.gif, icon4.gif, icon5.gif, icon6.gif, 
icon7.gif, icon8.gif, icon12.gif, icon13.gif, icon14.gif
Submit page = /usr/local/elog/elog-2.5.6/bericht
Attributes = Author, Type, Category, Subject, Owner, Email
Group Zernike college = Desktops, Servers, Printers, Ribox, Switches, 
Routers, Algemeen, Documentatie, XafaX
Options OS = Windows XP, Novell, Windows 2003, Windows 2000, Windows 98
Options Type = Software, Hardware, Besturingssysteem, Monitor
Group Desktops = Harmjan, Helperbrink, Julianalaan, Rummerinkhof, 
Group Helperbrink = ZC004, ZC006, ZC026, ZC155, ZC209, ZC241, ZC246, ZC247, 
ZC248, ZC267, ZC288, ZC307, ZC308, ZC446, ZC475, ZC600, ZC601, ZC602, 
ZC603, ZC604, ZC605, ZC606, ZC607, ZC608, ZC609, ZC610, ZC611, ZC612, 
ZC613, ZC614, ZC615, ZC616, ZC617, ZC618, ZC619, ZC620, ZC621, ZC622, 
ZC623, ZC624, ZC625, ZC626, ZC627, ZC628, ZC629, ZC630, ZC631, ZC632, 
ZC633, ZC634, ZC635, ZC636, ZC637, ZC638, ZC639, ZC640, ZC641, ZC642, 
ZC643, ZC644, ZC645, ZC646, ZC647, ZC648, ZC649, ZC650, ZC651, ZC652, 
ZC653, ZC654, ZC655, ZC656, ZC657, ZC658, ZC659, ZC660, ZC662, ZC708, 
ZC712, ZC707, ZC711, ZC900, ZC901, ZC902, ZC903, ZC904, ZC905, ZC906, 
ZC907, ZC908, ZC909, ZC910, ZC911, ZC912, ZC913, ZC914, ZC915, ZC916, 
ZC917, ZC918, ZC919, ZC920, ZC921, ZC922, ZC923
Group Servers = HJZ1, HPB2, HRN1, HRN2, RHF1, ZDL1, ZC-ROOT1, ZC-ROOT2
Group Ribox = HPB, HJZ, HRN, WD, ZDL
Group Printers = HP, Canon
Group HP = 4L, 6L, 2100, 4000, 4050, 4550 kleur, 8000
Group Documentatie = Administratief, Educatief, Systeembeheer, Software, 
Group Xafax = Pasjes, Chipnet, Smartprinter, Docs

ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6