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icon5.gif   ELOG Command Line Utility, posted by Tim Fowler on Wed Feb 9 15:40:12 2005 
    icon2.gif   Re: ELOG Command Line Utility, posted by Stefan Ritt on Sun Feb 13 17:21:19 2005 
Message ID: 940     Entry time: Sun Feb 13 17:21:19 2005     In reply to: 927
Icon: Reply  Author: Stefan Ritt  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Linux | Windows  ELOG Version: V2.5.6-2 
Subject: Re: ELOG Command Line Utility 
> I am trying to use the command line utility elog. Some of the attributes 
> that I have setup are multiple options. When I run the command line 
> utility to create a new message, any attribute that is setup with multiple 
> options will not be filled in. The syntax I am using is as  follows:
> elog -h localhost -p 8080 -l Lab -a "Site=xxxx" -a "Area=System" -
> a "Priority=Low" -a "Shift=1" -a "Status=Open" -m text.txt
> Site and Area are defined in the config file as MOptions. Is there a way 
> to use this feature with multiple options on attributes with the 
> attributes = to one or more variables?

For MOptions, you have to append an "_n" to each attribute to distinguish
different options for the same attribute, like

elog -h localhost -p 8080 -l Lab -a "Site_0=Home" -a "Site_1=Work" ...

Even if you only use one attribute, the trailing "..._0" is necessary. I will
add a note to the documentation.
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6