> > Is there any way to include the text of a log message in the CSV export?
> > Anyway to include a pointer to the attachment?
> The text of a log message is usually several lines long. To my knowledge, CSV
> only allows single line values, that's why I excluded the text field from the
> CSV export. This is different in the XML export, which supports multi-line
> values. If you teach me however how multi-line values can be represented in
> CSV format, I could easily add that.
> As for the attachment, do you just need a name, or a URL back to the logbook?
> Should the pointer be in the form "http://elog.server/logbook/attachment.jpg"
> or in HTML form like <a href="http:/...">attachment</a> ?
I will attempt to use an active x script in a DTS package on SQL Server to parse
the xml and load it into the database. I can see where CSV has it's limitations. |