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icon4.gif   Can't use the command-line client, posted by Pieter Edelman on Wed Mar 16 20:04:32 2005 
    icon2.gif   Re: Can't use the command-line client, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Mar 16 22:14:19 2005 
       icon7.gif   Re: Can't use the command-line client, posted by Pieter Edelman on Thu Mar 17 09:56:21 2005 
          icon2.gif   Re: Can't use the command-line client, posted by Stefan Ritt on Thu Mar 17 10:02:45 2005 
             icon2.gif   Re: Can't use the command-line client, posted by Pieter Edelman on Thu Mar 17 23:06:54 2005 
                icon2.gif   Re: Can't use the command-line client, posted by Stefan Ritt on Fri Mar 18 08:02:52 2005 
    icon5.gif   Re: Can't use the command-line client, posted by David Spindler on Tue Oct 4 19:40:27 2005 
       icon2.gif   Re: Can't use the command-line client, posted by David Spindler on Tue Oct 4 20:24:26 2005 
          icon2.gif   Re: Can't use the command-line client, posted by David Spindler on Tue Oct 4 20:33:05 2005 
Message ID: 986     Entry time: Wed Mar 16 20:04:32 2005     Reply to this: 987   1423
Icon: Warning  Author: Pieter Edelman  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: 2.5.7 
Subject: Can't use the command-line client 

Hi all,

I'm trying to use the command-line client from linux, but I can't make it work and that's driving me nuts...

What I want is to reply to a selected message in the logbook, but I stumble onto two problems:

  1. There is a read password ("Read Password=..." entry in elogd.cfg)on the logbook which I cannot bypass from the client. Specifying the switch -u "" password on the command line has no effect, and neither does -w password. The error message I get is included at the bottom of this message. If I disable the read password, I get past the authentication.
  2. There is a required attribute called "Publiek", and it's defined as MOptions. Whenever I try to upload, I keep getting the message that it misses this attribute. I tried the switch -a Publiek=Anders, -a "Publiek=Anders", -a Publiek_0=Anders, -a "Publiek_0=Anders" -a "Publiek_1=Onbekend, -a Publiek=1 on the beginning, end, and middle of the command, but the results are the same. Both "Anders" and "Onbekend" are in the MOptions list (including capitals).

For completeness, here's (one variety) of my command line:

elog -a "Publiek=1" -h localhost -p 8181 -l Artikelen -v -r 80

The obvious question is if anybody knows what I'm doing wrong. Any help is greatly appreciated.


Authentication error:

Successfully connected to host localhost,
port 8181
Request sent to host:
GET /Artikelen/80?cmd=download HTTP/1.0
User-Agent: ELOG
Cookie: upwd=bWFOZGFyaWpO;

Response received:
HTTP/1.1 401 Authorization Required
Server: ELOG HTTP 2.5.7-1
WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="Artikelen"
Connection: close
Content-Type: text/html

<TITLE>401 Authorization Required</TITLE>
<H1>Authorization Required</H1>
This server could not verify that you
are authorized to access the document
requested. Either you supplied the wrong
credentials (e.g., bad password), or your
browser doesn't understand how to supply
the credentials required.

</BODY></HTML> Error transmitting message

Missing attribute error

Successfully connected to host localhost, port 8181
Request sent to host:
POST /Artikelen/ HTTP/1.0
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------75ABFDB1E
User-Agent: ELOG
Content-Length: 3651

Content sent to host.
Response received:
HTTP/1.1 200 Document follows
Server: ELOG HTTP 2.5.7-1
Content-Type: text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1
Connection: Keep-Alive
Keep-Alive: timeout=60, max=10

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<html><head><title>ELOG error</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="default.css">
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico">
<link rel="icon" href="favicon.png" type="image/png">
<table class="dlgframe" width="50%" cellpadding=1 cellspacing=0<tr><td
rormsg"><i>Error: Attribute <b>Publiek</b> not
Please go back and enter the <b>Publiek</b> field.
<tr><td class="errormsg">Please use your browser's back button to go back

Error: Missing required attribute "Publiek"
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6