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icon5.gif   MOptions - How do I space them out, posted by mark james on Tue Mar 22 12:58:30 2005 
    icon2.gif   Re: MOptions - How do I space them out, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Mar 22 13:29:44 2005 
Message ID: 999     Entry time: Tue Mar 22 13:29:44 2005     In reply to: 998
Icon: Reply  Author: Stefan Ritt  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Windows  ELOG Version: 2.5.7-1 
Subject: Re: MOptions - How do I space them out 
> I would like to increase the spacing between 'MOptions' choices. I have
> created a new theme and have been playing with the CSS stylesheet. But can't
> find how to increase this spacing. Having lots of fun otherwise!

Intersting question (meaning: I don't have an answer... (;-) )

The class which applies there is "attribvalue". You can increase the padding for
that class, but that only increases the space between all options and the cell
border, but not between them. I could put each MOption in a separate cell of a
subtable. Then one could increase the padding between them, but the layout would
be fixed, meaning that they are always left-to-right. As you can see in this
forum, the MOptions nicely place below each other if the screen is too narrow.
This functionality would be lost.

Maybe someone else has a clever solution?
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6