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  591   Wed Jul 14 11:49:26 2004 Question Bartjan Wattelwatt0006@mail.hzeeland.nlQuestionWindows2.5.3Re: How to construct different logbooks with the same logbook options
> > I know I can simply copy the settings for logbook B and repeat the settings 
> > for all logbooks C-S. But is there a better way to accomplish this?
> Yes. Put all common settings into the [global] section, only differences into
> the individual logbook sections. Like
> [global]
> Attributes = ....
> Options ....
> [A]
> ; Logbook A is different
> Attributes = ....
> Options = ...
> [B]
> Option X = ...
> [C]
> Option X = ...
> [D]
> Option X = ...
> This way all logbooks "inherit" the settings from the [global] section, only the
> differents are superseeded in the individual sections. Still you need two lines
> for each logbook, but all recurring configuration can be omitted.

Thanks for you quick and correct answer. I have one question left ;-)

Suppose I want to have different password files for all the logbooks, but I want to 
have a single (admin) user that can log in to all logbooks... Do I need to specify 
the admin data in all the different password files, or can I use one global 
password file containing the login name and password for the administrator?
  592   Wed Jul 14 11:57:18 2004 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionWindows2.5.3Re: How to construct different logbooks with the same logbook options
> Suppose I want to have different password files for all the logbooks, but I want to 
> have a single (admin) user that can log in to all logbooks... Do I need to specify 
> the admin data in all the different password files, or can I use one global 
> password file containing the login name and password for the administrator?

I would not recomment different password files for all logbooks, but a common one and
individual "login user" options on the logbooks, like

Password file = xxx
Admin user = xxx

Options X = ...
Login user = <user1>,<admin user>

Option X = ...
Login user = <user2>,<admin user>

This has the advantage that there is only a single password file which is easier to
  594   Wed Jul 14 13:31:33 2004 Question Bartjan Wattelwatt0006@mail.hzeeland.nlQuestionWindows2.5.3.Always suppress email notifications
Hi - again a configuration question.

How can I suppress all email notifications? The "Suppress default = 2" flag 
allows me to always produce a notification, but the flag does not provide 
an option to never produce a notification. The flag "Suppress Email on 
edit" does help a bit, but still notifications for new messages will be 

I'm looking forward to your fast response... So far your support is 

Bartjan Wattel
  595   Wed Jul 14 13:55:13 2004 Reply Geo Geogorilla_geo@yahoo.comQuestionWindows2.5.3Re: Admin right
Hi Stefan
Thanks for your reply
Can i check , with the new snap shot , can i disable the capability for the admin 
to delete the logbook and create new logbook
I tried with the config -
Allow Delete the logbook = admin 
 but cannot , please advise

And As for the id , can i have the month and the day in the id , what is the 
corresponding field for just the month and day , if there is .

And is there a way to prevent preset value get overwritten when user do a reply
Example , i preset a field with 
Preset test = "9v"
so when the user submit , it will have 9v and they may have enter some following 
value. but when a user reply , the test field get reset back to 9v


> > I have setup top group in my elog . I will want to restrict the different 
> > admin user on the global and the global on top groups .
> > But however i am not able to use the configuration on "admin user" on the 
> > global portion to strict admin of top group to access the main global 
> > config .
> > Did i configure it wrongly or is there a way?
> There was indeed a bug which I fixed. Please obtain the newest snapshot (see
> download page). If an admin user is defined in a top group, it does not gain
> access to the global if the admin of the global is different, like
> [gloabl]
> password file = passwd
> admin user = joe
> Top group g1 = demo1, demo2
> Top group g2 = demo3, demo4
> [global g1]
> admin user = joe
> [gloabl g2]
> admin user = jack
> [demo1]
> ....
> So if user "jack" is logged in to demo3 and therefore g2, he can change the
> [global g2] section, but not the [global] section, since only user "joe" is
> allowed to so do.
> > And for email notification , is there a way which i can select who to email 
> > it to ? like check box etc.
> This is not directly implemented, but one can configure this kind of "manually",
> like
> Attributes = ..., Send Email, ...
> ROptions Send Email = joe, jack, ...
> Email "Send email" joe = joe@some.domain
> Email "Send email" jack = jack@other.domain
> The option "Email <attribute> <value> = <email address>" gets executed when the
> attribute "Send email" has the value "joe" in the first line, so email is sent
> to joe@some.domain. It's a bit cumbersome since one cannot use the email
> addresses from the password file, but better than nothing. 
> > And is there a way which i can setup the summary page to refresh every 
> > 15mins , so that new entry can be shown ?
> No, this is not foreseen. One should use email notification for that, which
> tells you immediately (not after 15 mins) when a new entry has been submitted.
> > And can i make the message id unique , when i move the messages from one 
> > log book to another log book , the messages id change accorddingly based on 
> > the number or messages . Anyway for me to make it fixed even i moved to 
> > another log book , i need the running number still .
> The message id must be unique in a logbook (like in a relational database). If I
> would keep the id when moving entries to another logbook, this could cause a
> conflict. Assume you have two logbooks both with three entries having ID's
> 1,2,3. Now you move ID 3 from the first logbook to the second, but ID 3 exists
> already in the second logbook, so you would have that ID twice, which breaks the
> database structure. What you can do however is user an "numbered" attribute like
> Attributes = ..., tag, ...
> Preset tag = ID%d
> For each new submission, the attribute "tag" gets a new number, like ID1, ID2
> etc. These attributes are not modified when moving an entry to another logbook,
> but if the target logbook has already an entry with the same tag, you get this
> tag twice. I don't know if that is what you want...
  597   Wed Jul 14 16:11:46 2004 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionWindows2.5.3.Re: Always suppress email notifications
> How can I suppress all email notifications? The "Suppress default = 2" flag 
> allows me to always produce a notification, but the flag does not provide 
> an option to never produce a notification. The flag "Suppress Email on 
> edit" does help a bit, but still notifications for new messages will be 
> sent.

Suppress email to users = 1

  598   Wed Jul 14 16:26:48 2004 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionWindows2.5.3Re: Admin right
> Can i check , with the new snap shot , can i disable the capability for the admin 
> to delete the logbook and create new logbook
> I tried with the config -
> Allow Delete the logbook = admin 
>  but cannot , please advise

No, disabling the capability to delete the logbook is not implemented. Usually the
admin user is an experienced user who knows what she/he does. The admin user typically
also was write access directly to the elogd.cfg file, and no flag in the world can
then prevent them from adding/removing logbooks by changing directly.

> And As for the id , can i have the month and the day in the id , what is the 
> corresponding field for just the month and day , if there is .

No, but it's on the wishlist. I added your vote there.

> And is there a way to prevent preset value get overwritten when user do a reply
> Example , i preset a field with 
> Preset test = "9v"
> so when the user submit , it will have 9v and they may have enter some following 
> value. but when a user reply , the test field get reset back to 9v

This is clearly a bug. The 'Preset test = 9v' should not be evaluated on a reply. I
fixed that and updated the CVS and snapshot.

- Stefan
  612   Fri Jul 16 06:20:40 2004 Agree Geo Windows2.53.Fixed Attribute Reply
Hi Stefan 
YOu have been a great help on the Elog problem solving .
I have another sort of bug , when i have a attribute type as date.
And i have fixed the attribute on reply , i actually get a string of 
number when i reply , and the date becomes not the orginal date in the 
first message.

So the way i work ard is that i did not place the date field in the fixed  
attribute reply which i will run the risk of pple modifying that entry .
Can this be fix?

  616   Mon Jul 19 06:07:54 2004 Question Geo Geogorilla_geo@yahoo.comQuestionWindows2.5.3Author field on reply
I followed copied the example config provide to run on my server .
Apparently , the author field was blank when i do a reply .
I was hoping to get it to be the actual reply author.
Just like the way the forum is done up.
Please help ..

Are you using Remove on reply option ? 

ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6