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New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
icon5.gif   Post using html form , posted by Hayg Guler on Thu Oct 20 16:52:09 2022 

Dear All,

we are trying to post from an HTML form, as included in our config file :


Comment = Shift Check List (exemple a modifier)
Attributes = Author, D, M, Y, Shift, LasE, LasIris, Q, E, Li, TL, RI
Quick filter = Shift, Author
Options Shift = Morning, Evening, Night

Enable attachments = 0
Show text = 1
Custom new form = /www/Web/htdocs/elog/sites/THOMX/shiftcheck.html
Custom edit form =  /www/Web/htdocs/elog/sites/THOMX/shiftcheck.html
Custom display form =  /www/Web/htdocs/elog/sites/THOMX/shiftcheck.html


we are facing the following problem when trying to submit :

--> Error: Command "Submit" not allowed


is there something missing in our config file ?


Many thanks in advance

    icon2.gif   Re: Post using html form , posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Oct 25 09:45:41 2022 

Probably people have to log in to the logbook before opening the form. I guess the "submit not allowed" comes from the fact that they access the logbook as a guest.


Hayg Guler wrote:

Dear All,

we are trying to post from an HTML form, as included in our config file :


Comment = Shift Check List (exemple a modifier)
Attributes = Author, D, M, Y, Shift, LasE, LasIris, Q, E, Li, TL, RI
Quick filter = Shift, Author
Options Shift = Morning, Evening, Night

Enable attachments = 0
Show text = 1
Custom new form = /www/Web/htdocs/elog/sites/THOMX/shiftcheck.html
Custom edit form =  /www/Web/htdocs/elog/sites/THOMX/shiftcheck.html
Custom display form =  /www/Web/htdocs/elog/sites/THOMX/shiftcheck.html


we are facing the following problem when trying to submit :

--> Error: Command "Submit" not allowed


is there something missing in our config file ?


Many thanks in advance


       icon2.gif   Re: Post using html form , posted by Hayg Guler on Wed Nov 16 12:01:29 2022 elog.pngelog2.png

Dear Stefan,

that is strange since I logged in ... 

It seems like when I go in the shift check topic in the elog, it does not get my login id ... is there something coming from the HTML file that should be set in order to get the login from elog ?

see in the attached image : I am logged in but I still need to feed the Author item. And even If I fill it, 

And then if I Click on new to write a new filling form, author is not filled as you could see on the second image "Author ?"  ...

so I don' see from where appears the problem


Stefan Ritt wrote:

Probably people have to log in to the logbook before opening the form. I guess the "submit not allowed" comes from the fact that they access the logbook as a guest.


Hayg Guler wrote:

Dear All,

we are trying to post from an HTML form, as included in our config file :


Comment = Shift Check List (exemple a modifier)
Attributes = Author, D, M, Y, Shift, LasE, LasIris, Q, E, Li, TL, RI
Quick filter = Shift, Author
Options Shift = Morning, Evening, Night

Enable attachments = 0
Show text = 1
Custom new form = /www/Web/htdocs/elog/sites/THOMX/shiftcheck.html
Custom edit form =  /www/Web/htdocs/elog/sites/THOMX/shiftcheck.html
Custom display form =  /www/Web/htdocs/elog/sites/THOMX/shiftcheck.html


we are facing the following problem when trying to submit :

--> Error: Command "Submit" not allowed


is there something missing in our config file ?


Many thanks in advance



icon1.gif   User groups, posted by Ralph Biggins on Sat Nov 5 15:21:44 2022 

Is it possible to have within elog (defined in password file?) a user group so that only those members of a group have certain elements visible?

icon1.gif   Up to date windows version, posted by Finn Junker on Thu Oct 20 10:04:51 2022 
Dear Developers

I know this topic i on and off in this forum but it seems the only updated versions of Elog are in the linux binaries. Have anybody been able to compile a windows versions since 2018?

Kind Regards Finn
    icon2.gif   Re: Up to date windows version, posted by Antonio Bulgheroni on Thu Oct 20 10:10:12 2022 
I'm also supporting this request. 

> Dear Developers
> I know this topic i on and off in this forum but it seems the only updated versions of Elog are in the linux binaries. Have anybody been able to compile a windows versions since 2018?
> Kind Regards Finn
    icon2.gif   Re: Up to date windows version, posted by Laurent Jean-Rigaud on Thu Oct 20 13:13:16 2022 
> Dear Developers


> I know this topic i on and off in this forum but it seems the only updated versions of Elog are in the 
linux binaries. Have anybody been able to compile a windows versions since 2018?


> Kind Regards Finn


We discussed on windows build some weeks ago and i tried to make one to check if it’s possible.

The result is in

This could help you up to official new build.


       icon2.gif   Re: Up to date windows version, posted by Finn Junker on Fri Oct 21 09:25:37 2022 
> > Dear Developers
> > 
> > I know this topic i on and off in this forum but it seems the only updated versions of Elog are in the 
> linux binaries. Have anybody been able to compile a windows versions since 2018?
> > 
> > Kind Regards Finn
> Hi,
> We discussed on windows build some weeks ago and i tried to make one to check if it’s possible.
> The result is in
> This could help you up to official new build.
> .
> Laurent

Hi Laurent

I've found the attached zip files in post 69491. The one containing the ELOG probgram libary won't run on my test laptop - the service wont start
There is in the same thread a post from Just Keijser containing only the executables, and it won't start either. Starting the elog.exe though gives me that the exe is missing 2 dll files which can be downloaded seperately.
It is not easy cause there are several versions of the 2 dll files and only one working, but now my elog reports version ELOG V3.1.4-1ebfd06c

But this cant be the solution - if so the windows version is put to the grave

Kind Regards Finn
          icon2.gif   Re: Up to date windows version, posted by Laurent Jean-Rigaud on Fri Oct 21 17:09:37 2022 
Hi Finn,

I've just tested the same archive on new laptop with Windows 11. 
I unzip it and double-click elogd.exe file, bypass defender warning and the server is running.
To test, i open localhost:8080 on web client and it displays the demo logbook.

Btw i didn't test it as a service. What are the 2 libs you said it misses ?


> Hi Laurent
> I've found the attached zip files in post 69491. The one containing the ELOG probgram libary won't run on my test laptop - the service wont start
> There is in the same thread a post from Just Keijser containing only the executables, and it won't start either. Starting the elog.exe though gives me that the exe is missing 2 dll files which can be downloaded seperately.
> It is not easy cause there are several versions of the 2 dll files and only one working, but now my elog reports version ELOG V3.1.4-1ebfd06c
> But this cant be the solution - if so the windows version is put to the grave
> Kind Regards Finn
             icon2.gif   Re: Up to date windows version, posted by Finn Junker on Mon Oct 24 14:55:44 2022 
> Hi Finn,
> I've just tested the same archive on new laptop with Windows 11. 
> I unzip it and double-click elogd.exe file, bypass defender warning and the server is running.
> To test, i open localhost:8080 on web client and it displays the demo logbook.
> Btw i didn't test it as a service. What are the 2 libs you said it misses ?
> .
> Laurent
> > 
> > Hi Laurent
> > 
> > I've found the attached zip files in post 69491. The one containing the ELOG probgram libary won't run on my test laptop - the service wont start
> > There is in the same thread a post from Just Keijser containing only the executables, and it won't start either. Starting the elog.exe though gives me that the exe is missing 2 dll files which can be downloaded seperately.
> > It is not easy cause there are several versions of the 2 dll files and only one working, but now my elog reports version ELOG V3.1.4-1ebfd06c
> > 
> > But this cant be the solution - if so the windows version is put to the grave
> > 
> > Kind Regards Finn

Hi Laurent

OK, i can recreate the unzip to folder and run elogd.exe and it works :-). If i unzip to the folder of the version installed (with the windows installer) where it runs elogd.exe as a service, the service won't start.

The problem with the dll files only applies to the post from Just Keijser containing only the executables (3 files) and these executables repport missing: libcrypto-1_1-x64.dll and libssl-1_1-x64.dll

These versions are a black box for me, are the important?

The unzip version (your version) reports: ELOG V3.1.4-395e101 (I think this is the same number as for the 2018 installed version)
The version with the 3 exe files (my version) from Just Keijser reports: ELOG V3.1.4-1ebfd06c
This site reports: ELOG V3.1.4-bcd7b50

Kind Regards Finn
icon5.gif   UNC Pfade, posted by Michael on Wed Oct 19 13:52:24 2022 


gibt es eine Möglichkeit das subdir auf ein Netzlaufwerk zu legen?


Der Freigabepfad wird leider immer unter C:\... angelegt

Vielen Dank

    icon2.gif   Re: UNC Pfade, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Oct 19 14:08:15 2022 

UNCs are not officially supported by elog, but your operating system might map them if you're lucky, just try. It is however not recommended to do so, since network drives can sometimes be slow during network congestion and the response of elog will then suffer.


Michael wrote:


gibt es eine Möglichkeit das subdir auf ein Netzlaufwerk zu legen?


Der Freigabepfad wird leider immer unter C:\... angelegt

Vielen Dank


       icon2.gif   Re: UNC Pfade, posted by Michael on Thu Oct 20 07:53:31 2022 

So there is no way to save the file on the network?! :(

Can i install the elog on a windows server? i tried it yesterday, but i think i missed something, couse i only could open the elog on the server and not with a client pc.

Stefan Ritt wrote:

UNCs are not officially supported by elog, but your operating system might map them if you're lucky, just try. It is however not recommended to do so, since network drives can sometimes be slow during network congestion and the response of elog will then suffer.


Michael wrote:


gibt es eine Möglichkeit das subdir auf ein Netzlaufwerk zu legen?


Der Freigabepfad wird leider immer unter C:\... angelegt

Vielen Dank



          icon2.gif   Re: UNC Pfade, posted by Antonio Bulgheroni on Thu Oct 20 08:37:23 2022 

I'm running ELOG on a windows server 2016. Just installed the windows installer and worked out of the box. 

Have you checked the firewall?

Michael wrote:

So there is no way to save the file on the network?! :(

Can i install the elog on a windows server? i tried it yesterday, but i think i missed something, couse i only could open the elog on the server and not with a client pc.

Stefan Ritt wrote:

UNCs are not officially supported by elog, but your operating system might map them if you're lucky, just try. It is however not recommended to do so, since network drives can sometimes be slow during network congestion and the response of elog will then suffer.


Michael wrote:


gibt es eine Möglichkeit das subdir auf ein Netzlaufwerk zu legen?


Der Freigabepfad wird leider immer unter C:\... angelegt

Vielen Dank




icon5.gif   Duplicating attachments when editing an entry via command line elog.exe, posted by Antonio Bulgheroni on Wed Oct 19 14:19:39 2022 

Hi there! 

I have noticed this effect when editing entries with the command line elog.exe.

Let's say I submit a new entry via the command line and I'm also submitting an attachment file. If I check the elog entry via the browser I see my entry there with its attachment as expected. The attachment is also present on the server in the logbook folder with the date and time stamp in front of the original name. 

Now, let's say I would like to edit the same entry via the command line, if I don't pass the attachment, the edited entry won't show any attachment in the browser but on the server there is still the old attachment file available. 

A similar situation is when I edit an entry and I want the edited entry to have the same attachment file of the original one. In that case, the entry on the browser will show the attachment, but on the server I have two copies of the attachment file with the two timestamps (original submission and edited submission). Moreover the first copy is unreachable from any client because not linked to any entry anymore.

In general I would not care much, but I have an application that is regularly updating entries and I will soon have the server hard disk full of useless copies of unlinked attachment. 

I have seen that when deleting an entry, also all its attachments are removed. Would it be possible to have attachments removed when editing an entries? 

Thanks for your help! 




icon8.gif   Anyone else running elogd on redhat ES 8 having random crashes?, posted by mathew goebel on Tue Oct 4 20:43:28 2022 

For the last couple of months we are getting a random elogd crash once in a while we are getting something like the following in the middle of the night

> Sep 29 20:45:07 elog kernel: server_name686835]: segfault at 7ffd7f5a0000 ip 00007fceaeabbf06 sp 00007ffd7f577348 error 6 in[7fceaea8a000+1bc000]

I'm going to try and see if it will leave a coredump file, just thought I would ask if anyone else had seen this before?





    icon2.gif   Re: Anyone else running elogd on redhat ES 8 having random crashes?, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Oct 5 08:21:12 2022 

Most likely these are some currupt logbook files. If you get a coredump (or stack trace) you can maybe figure out which file it was. These are plain ASCII files (YYMMDDa.log) and you can see with an editor if someting there is not in order.


mathew goebel wrote:

For the last couple of months we are getting a random elogd crash once in a while we are getting something like the following in the middle of the night

> Sep 29 20:45:07 elog kernel: server_name686835]: segfault at 7ffd7f5a0000 ip 00007fceaeabbf06 sp 00007ffd7f577348 error 6 in[7fceaea8a000+1bc000]

I'm going to try and see if it will leave a coredump file, just thought I would ask if anyone else had seen this before?






       icon2.gif   Re: Anyone else running elogd on redhat ES 8 having random crashes?, posted by mathew goebel on Wed Oct 5 20:39:16 2022 

Thanks for the info! 

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Most likely these are some currupt logbook files. If you get a coredump (or stack trace) you can maybe figure out which file it was. These are plain ASCII files (YYMMDDa.log) and you can see with an editor if someting there is not in order.


mathew goebel wrote:

For the last couple of months we are getting a random elogd crash once in a while we are getting something like the following in the middle of the night

> Sep 29 20:45:07 elog kernel: server_name686835]: segfault at 7ffd7f5a0000 ip 00007fceaeabbf06 sp 00007ffd7f577348 error 6 in[7fceaea8a000+1bc000]

I'm going to try and see if it will leave a coredump file, just thought I would ask if anyone else had seen this before?







icon3.gif   Finden Sie das beste Herrenhemd für den Büroalltag bei in St. Gallen, posted by Brandmarkt on Thu Sep 29 08:52:05 2022 

Herrenhemden in St. Gallen
Titel: Finden Sie das beste Herrenhemd für den Büroalltag bei brandmarkt in St. Gallen
Wenn es darum geht, sich für die Arbeit zu kleiden, ist es am besten, eine Vielzahl von zuverlässigen Büromodellen zur Verfügung zu haben. Von allen Kleidungsstücken, die zur Auswahl stehen, sind Herrenhemden für das Büro das attraktivste Kleidungsstück für Berufstätige.
Berufstätige Männer wollen immer gut in ihre Bürokleidung investieren. Die günstigste Herren-Business-Kleidung zu kaufen, ist sehr schwierig.
Möchten Sie die originellen und stilvollen Herrenhemden für die Bürobekleidung in St. Gallen kaufen?
 Bei 9000 in St. Gallen hat Brandmarkt eine Vielzahl von Herrenhemden für die Bürobekleidung. Langärmelige Herrenhemden für den Arbeitsplatz, kurzärmelige Herrenhemden in aktuellen Modetrends sind zu günstigen Preisen erhältlich.
Berufstätige Männer wollen immer stilvoll und bequem aussehen, indem sie leichte Kleidung wie T-Shirts oder kurzärmelige Herren-Arbeitshemden tragen. Sie können ein kurzärmeliges T-Shirt mit einer Jeans oder einer Hose tragen und sind damit bei einem Meeting präsentabel.
Kleiden Sie sich im Sommer mit der bequemsten und stilvollsten Herren-Bürokleidung für das Büro. Herrenhemden für das Büro in hellen Farben sind die perfekte Kleidung für den Sommer. Herrenhemden für den Sommerlook gibt es bei Brandmarkt zu günstigen Preisen.  
Geschäftsleute wollen immer Klasse in ihrem Auftreten mit der aktuellsten Herren-Business-Mode. Meistens werden für die Bürokleidung der Herren Anzüge getragen. Passende Hemden zum Anzug sorgen für Abwechslung im Erscheinungsbild.
Bei Brandmarkt in St. Gallen können Sie Marken-Herrenhemden in verschiedenen Farben, Mustern und Designs zu günstigen Preisen kaufen und mit Ihrem Büroanzug kombinieren.
Viele Büros planen verschiedene Tage wie den "Causal Wear Friday" für ihre Mitarbeiter. Es ist Zeit, sich in Freizeitkleidung zu kleiden. Sie können ein Hemd oder T-Shirt mit Jeans tragen. Passende Herren-Accessoires wie Gürtel und Krawatten können Ihren Look ebenfalls aufwerten.
Holen Sie sich die exklusiven Herrenhemden bei Brandmarkt zu den günstigsten Preisen. Sie können die Top-Marken wie Ice Peak bei Brandmarkt, Jako bei Brandmarkt, Tom Taylor bei Brandmarkt, Puma bei Brandmarkt, Nike bei Brandmarkt und viele andere zu einem sehr günstigen Preis bei Brandmarkt in St. Gallen kaufen.
Nicht nur die Hemdenkollektion, sondern auch Herrenschuhe und Herrenaccessoires können Sie bei Brandmarkt in St. Gallen zu sehr günstigen Preisen kaufen.
Unternehmen veranstalten für ihre Mitarbeiter meist Sportveranstaltungen. Es ist an der Zeit, dass die Angestellten ein anderes Outfit als den Dresscode des Büros tragen. Herren-Sportbekleidung Hemden sind die beste Option für Sportveranstaltungen.
Jetzt können Sie sich für das Büro anders stylen als mit einem Anzug, einem Hemd oder einem T-Shirt. Tragen Sie ein schmal geschnittenes, langärmeliges Herren-Sporthemd mit Jogginghose und machen Sie bei Sportveranstaltungen im Büro eine gute Figur.
Für informelle Tage wünscht sich jeder Mitarbeiter einen besonderen Look. Wenn Sie auf der Suche nach Sportbekleidung, Herrenhemden in Slim Fit, Regular Fit, Herren Outdoor Hemden sind. Holen Sie sich diese im Brandmarkt in St. Gallen.
Dort gibt es exklusive Marken von Herren Sporthemden in St. Gallen zu sehr günstigen Preisen. Zu günstigen Preisen, nicht nur das Herren Sporthemd sondern auch die Marken Herren Sportschuhe zu Ihrem Outfit.
Wo kann man in St. Gallen günstige Herren-Bürohemden zu günstigen Preisen kaufen?
Unser Modehaus Brandmarkt an der 9000 in St. Gallen hat originelle und hochwertige Herrenhemden in St. Gallen, darunter eine große Auswahl an langärmeligen Herren-Arbeitshemden, kurzärmeligen Herren-Arbeitshemden, Slim-Fit-Hemden und Sporthemden, alles zu sehr günstigen Preisen.
Worauf warten Sie noch? Kommen Sie zu Brandmarkt in St. Gallen und kaufen Sie die beste Qualität an Herrenhemden in St. Gallen für Ihre Bürokleidung zu Einzelhandelspreisen. Sparen Sie Ihr Geld und sehen Sie professionell aus.

icon1.gif   Need help with permission, posted by Dan Witteman on Fri Sep 23 01:32:15 2022 


I have just installed elog onto an ubuntu focal server using <sudo make install> and I am unable to create new entries.

When I access the log via a windows PC connected to the local network, I can see the demo logbook with the 1 test post, but I cannot create or edit anything.

Attempting to post throws the error:

New entry cannot be written to directory "/usr/local/elog/logbooks/demo/"

Please check that it exists and elogd has write access and disk is not full.



Please point me in the right direction to correctly set permissions and create aditional log books.




    icon2.gif   Re: Need help with permission, posted by Mikkel D. Lund on Mon Sep 26 12:21:52 2022 

Hi all,

I have the same problem on Ubuntu 22.04. I have compiled from the latest tarball and copied all our logbooks from our old Ubuntu 18.04 server to a new Ubuntu 22.04. The logbooks does however not appear when I log in, so I assume ELOG doesn't have read access either?
Any hints on how to set the permissions correctly would be greatly appreciated.


Dan Witteman wrote:


I have just installed elog onto an ubuntu focal server using <sudo make install> and I am unable to create new entries.

When I access the log via a windows PC connected to the local network, I can see the demo logbook with the 1 test post, but I cannot create or edit anything.

Attempting to post throws the error:

New entry cannot be written to directory "/usr/local/elog/logbooks/demo/"

Please check that it exists and elogd has write access and disk is not full.



Please point me in the right direction to correctly set permissions and create aditional log books.





       icon2.gif   Re: Need help with permission, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Sep 26 12:38:29 2022 

Permissions are handled by the operating system and have nothing to do with elog. Make sure you run elog under an account which has write access to the desired directories. Consult Ubuntu documentation how to do that. Sometimes it's helpful to start elog interactively with the -v flag to see some verbose output. Maybe you can spot something there.


Mikkel D. Lund wrote:

Hi all,

I have the same problem on Ubuntu 22.04. I have compiled from the latest tarball and copied all our logbooks from our old Ubuntu 18.04 server to a new Ubuntu 22.04. The logbooks does however not appear when I log in, so I assume ELOG doesn't have read access either?
Any hints on how to set the permissions correctly would be greatly appreciated.


Dan Witteman wrote:


I have just installed elog onto an ubuntu focal server using <sudo make install> and I am unable to create new entries.

When I access the log via a windows PC connected to the local network, I can see the demo logbook with the 1 test post, but I cannot create or edit anything.

Attempting to post throws the error:

New entry cannot be written to directory "/usr/local/elog/logbooks/demo/"

Please check that it exists and elogd has write access and disk is not full.



Please point me in the right direction to correctly set permissions and create aditional log books.






          icon2.gif   Re: Need help with permission, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Sep 26 12:45:50 2022 

Sometimes this can also be an SELinux issue, if you have that service running. Try "journalctl | grep denied" to see denied resources and consult the SELinux documentation on how to fix that.

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Permissions are handled by the operating system and have nothing to do with elog. Make sure you run elog under an account which has write access to the desired directories. Consult Ubuntu documentation how to do that. Sometimes it's helpful to start elog interactively with the -v flag to see some verbose output. Maybe you can spot something there.


Mikkel D. Lund wrote:

Hi all,

I have the same problem on Ubuntu 22.04. I have compiled from the latest tarball and copied all our logbooks from our old Ubuntu 18.04 server to a new Ubuntu 22.04. The logbooks does however not appear when I log in, so I assume ELOG doesn't have read access either?
Any hints on how to set the permissions correctly would be greatly appreciated.


Dan Witteman wrote:


I have just installed elog onto an ubuntu focal server using <sudo make install> and I am unable to create new entries.

When I access the log via a windows PC connected to the local network, I can see the demo logbook with the 1 test post, but I cannot create or edit anything.

Attempting to post throws the error:

New entry cannot be written to directory "/usr/local/elog/logbooks/demo/"

Please check that it exists and elogd has write access and disk is not full.



Please point me in the right direction to correctly set permissions and create aditional log books.







             icon2.gif   Re: Need help with permission, posted by Dan Witteman on Mon Sep 26 19:21:33 2022 

I used "chown" to pass permissions from root to my deafult user, then restarted the service and now I can make posts. Thank you!

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Sometimes this can also be an SELinux issue, if you have that service running. Try "journalctl | grep denied" to see denied resources and consult the SELinux documentation on how to fix that.

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Permissions are handled by the operating system and have nothing to do with elog. Make sure you run elog under an account which has write access to the desired directories. Consult Ubuntu documentation how to do that. Sometimes it's helpful to start elog interactively with the -v flag to see some verbose output. Maybe you can spot something there.


Mikkel D. Lund wrote:

Hi all,

I have the same problem on Ubuntu 22.04. I have compiled from the latest tarball and copied all our logbooks from our old Ubuntu 18.04 server to a new Ubuntu 22.04. The logbooks does however not appear when I log in, so I assume ELOG doesn't have read access either?
Any hints on how to set the permissions correctly would be greatly appreciated.


Dan Witteman wrote:


I have just installed elog onto an ubuntu focal server using <sudo make install> and I am unable to create new entries.

When I access the log via a windows PC connected to the local network, I can see the demo logbook with the 1 test post, but I cannot create or edit anything.

Attempting to post throws the error:

New entry cannot be written to directory "/usr/local/elog/logbooks/demo/"

Please check that it exists and elogd has write access and disk is not full.



Please point me in the right direction to correctly set permissions and create aditional log books.








ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6