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  66583   Sun Nov 8 23:29:35 2009 Reply soren poulsensoren.poulsen@cern.chQuestionLinux2.7.7Re: Automatically generated incrementing tags (#)

soren poulsen wrote:

soren poulsen wrote:

soren poulsen wrote:


I am using the # character to generate automatically incrementing numbers for new messages.

My issue is that # is evaluated when you hit "New" but E-log is only aware of the new value being used when you hit "Submit".

So, two E-logs can have the same value substituted for # if two E-logs are being edited in parallel.

Maybe someone has a solution to this ?

Soren Poulsen



The solution is to use "Subst" instead of "Preset".

 This is not really resolved, since "Subst" creates a new number on both "New" and "Reply". I would like "Subst" to create a new number only on "New" and preserve this number through replies throughout the thread. I would like to be able to say "Subst thread = #" to make a new number for the thread and combine it with "Subst on reply thread = $thread" to preserve the number on replies, but this does not work. Maybe someone has already done this ?


 This can be solved with something like "Subst <attr> = $shell(cmd...) where cmd calculates a new value of attr, as a function of #, when attr does not already have a value. This thread is closed.



  66595   Tue Nov 10 21:36:21 2009 Reply soren poulsensoren.poulsen@cern.chQuestionLinux2.7.7Re: Automatically generated incrementing tags (#)

Stefan Ritt wrote:

soren poulsen wrote:

soren poulsen wrote:

soren poulsen wrote:


I am using the # character to generate automatically incrementing numbers for new messages.

My issue is that # is evaluated when you hit "New" but E-log is only aware of the new value being used when you hit "Submit".

So, two E-logs can have the same value substituted for # if two E-logs are being edited in parallel.

Maybe someone has a solution to this ?

Soren Poulsen



The solution is to use "Subst" instead of "Preset".

 This is not really resolved, since "Subst" creates a new number on both "New" and "Reply". I would like "Subst" to create a new number only on "New" and preserve this number through replies throughout the thread. I would like to be able to say "Subst thread = #" to make a new number for the thread and combine it with "Subst on reply thread = $thread" to preserve the number on replies, but this does not work. Maybe someone has already done this ?


I just reworked the "Subst" command to make it more consistently. Now "Subst on Edit" and "Subst on Reply" are executed after the entry submission,  and they are mutually exclusive. So all you need right now is

Subst Tag = #

and it will not increment when editing or replying to an existing entry. The fix is in SVN revision 2264.

 Thanks a lot for doing this change.

  66622   Wed Nov 18 13:51:55 2009 Reply soren poulsensoren.poulsen@cern.chQuestionWindows2.7.6-2236Re: Re: Elog & SSL Export to CSV , Problem

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Chuck Brost wrote:

Stefan, would it be possible to make the following change so that the document is not cached and at the same time it is possible to save it.

The change would entail replacing the "Pragma: no-cache" directive with an "Expires: " <HTTP-date> where <HTTP-date> is the same as Date header value. Please see section 14.21 of

Hopefully there are no other side effects to this change.

ok, so I removed the "Pragma: no-cache". With IE it looks fine now, and if I repeat it two times it always gets is from elog and not from the cache due to the "Expires:" statement. The "no-cache" came from old days when some browsers did not yet support the "Expires" tag. I hope that this is better now, so let's see when we get the first complaints. The modification is in SVN revision 2265.

 This seems to work fine.

  66623   Wed Nov 18 13:54:25 2009 Cool soren poulsensoren.poulsen@cern.chQuestionLinux2.7.6Re: Re: Export and save problem with IE7

Stefan Ritt wrote:

soren poulsen wrote:


Would it be possible to use the "Export to:" function with IE7 on the Forum logbook, and save the logbook.

I can do the export but saving the file with IE7 does not work. Saving the file with Firefox, Chrome, Safari works.

This makes me think that E-log is good and IE7 is bad ?



It seems to be a well known probmel with IE: 

So I tried all variations there, but none of them worked. The interesting thing is that it works if you use it locally, but not with the forum (which has an additional "/elogs" in the URL).



 Problem resolved.

  66711   Wed Feb 17 17:02:38 2010 Question soren poulsensoren.poulsen@cern.chBug reportLinux2.7.8-2282Problem using attribute type


This little logbook has a problem:


Attributes = Author, Category, Type, Subject, Number

Type Number = numeric

Options Category = General{1}
{1} Options Type = Routine


(it was of course more complicated to start with).

When creating a new entry and selecting the Category option, there is a problem with the JavaScript which will populate the Type option.

To avoid the problem, I just comment out the line "Type Number ... "


Is this a bug ?

Thanks for your time



(P.S. Using a reserved name as an attribute name is maybe not optimal, but it does not seem to be the  problem).






  66712   Thu Feb 18 13:21:15 2010 Reply soren poulsensoren.poulsen@cern.chBug reportLinux2.7.8-2282Re: Problem using attribute type

soren poulsen wrote:


This little logbook has a problem:


Attributes = Author, Category, Type, Subject, Number

Type Number = numeric

Options Category = General{1}
{1} Options Type = Routine


(it was of course more complicated to start with).

When creating a new entry and selecting the Category option, there is a problem with the JavaScript which will populate the Type option.

To avoid the problem, I just comment out the line "Type Number ... "


Is this a bug ?

Thanks for your time



(P.S. Using a reserved name as an attribute name is maybe not optimal, but it does not seem to be the  problem).






 To overcome this problem it is sufficient to switch language from "Language = french" to "Language = english"

It was a mistake not to include the "global" settings in this bug report.

What probably happens is that something in the French translation (accents ?) disturbs the java scripting.



  66713   Thu Feb 18 15:37:07 2010 Reply soren poulsensoren.poulsen@cern.chBug reportLinux2.7.8-2282Re: Problem using attribute type

soren poulsen wrote:

soren poulsen wrote:


This little logbook has a problem:


Attributes = Author, Category, Type, Subject, Number

Type Number = numeric

Options Category = General{1}
{1} Options Type = Routine


(it was of course more complicated to start with).

When creating a new entry and selecting the Category option, there is a problem with the JavaScript which will populate the Type option.

To avoid the problem, I just comment out the line "Type Number ... "


Is this a bug ?

Thanks for your time



(P.S. Using a reserved name as an attribute name is maybe not optimal, but it does not seem to be the  problem).






 To overcome this problem it is sufficient to switch language from "Language = french" to "Language = english"

It was a mistake not to include the "global" settings in this bug report.

What probably happens is that something in the French translation (accents ?) disturbs the java scripting.



 To use "Language = french" it is necessary to remove or substitute the accent character ' with something else in eloglang.french and then the Javascript code works again.


  66726   Tue Mar 2 14:21:46 2010 Question soren poulsensoren.poulsen@cern.chQuestionLinux2.7.8-2282Thread view problem in searches


When I upgrade from build 2278 to  2282 the thread view changes when performing searches: The thread children are not indented and there are no "thread icons" in the search list (e.g. like the read right arrow for replies).

On the forum site I also note that the thread view is not indented when performing searches.

Does anyone have an idea ?



ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6