results of security scan, posted by David Stops on Mon Nov 1 12:52:23 2021
Recently central IT scanned our elog server and reported the following "vulnerabilities"
42873 (1) - SSL Medium Strength Cipher Suites Supported (SWEET32)
51192 (1) - SSL Certificate Cannot Be Trusted
(1) - SSL RC4 Cipher Suites Supported (Bar Mitzvah)
85582 (1) - Web Application Potentially Vulnerable to Clickjacking
Is |
restrict edit time and autosave, posted by Kester Habermann on Fri Oct 30 18:20:22 2015
When using restrict edit time together with autosave, there is the following problem: The counter for restrict edit time seems to start after
the autosave. If the time is up, it is no longer possible to submit the report. |
restrict edit time, posted by Sebastian Schenk on Mon Jul 15 17:35:48 2019
I have experienced some inconveniences with the restrict edit time option.
First, it is not possible for admin users to edit an entry after the edit time. |
restrict access, posted by Gerald Ebberink on Wed Jun 21 22:11:15 2006
Dear all,
I am trying to get elog used in our company but I need some help.
restrict a field to upper or lower case, posted by lisa giaime on Mon Jan 26 19:09:01 2009
Is it possiblet to restrict a field so that when a new record is added, whatever the user types is automatically converted to lower case?
Thanks! |
reset password link when using proxy, posted by Devin Bougie on Thu May 15 18:36:55 2008
For heightened security, we allow access to our ELOG installation from offsite through an apache proxy. Therefore, the URL for our ELOG becomes
. Everything seems to work properly with this setup except for the "reset password" utility. When trying to reset ones password,
the link sent in the "Password recovery" email becomes, for example: |
resending information confirmation box after refresh interval, posted by Ken Ludington on Mon Nov 16 20:42:15 2015
After submitting a new post, if the page is left completely alone,, it will after a few minutes prompt that the page needs to resend information.
This is the same prompt you'd get if you attempt to refresh a page that had session variables passsed to it. Example is attached.
require smileys to have whitespace on either side?, posted by Glenn Horton-Smith on Sat Mar 4 05:17:14 2006
It would be nice if elog would only interpret something as a smiley if it is surrounded by whitespace. It can be particularly annoying that an 8 followed
by a right paren becomes a "cool" smiley -- e.g., a parenthetical reference to event eighteen (18) becomes mangled... [That was "18" inside the parens.]