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icon5.gif   Extendable options for conditional attributes, posted by David Kappel on Mon Dec 13 19:46:46 2004 

right now I'm testing Elog to use it as a task/todo-log for our small 
workgroup. What I saw so far looks very nice and I like it very much. 
Thanks for the good work.

Playing with all the configuration possibilities I have one issue:
I like to use the "Extendable options" but I can't combine them with 
the "Conditional attributes".

-- snip

Options Area = Area_1{1}, Area_2{2}, Area_51{3}
{1} Options Ressort = Res01, Res whatever, end so on
{2} Options Ressort = somthing else, fill in
{3} Options Ressort = Alien observation, Budget planning
Extendable options = Ressort

-- snip

The "Conditinal Attributes" do have the "Add Ressort" button and the elog-
entry is written with this new attribute. But the new attribute is not 
inserted into the config file.

Long time ago I last read C syntax but mabye the function 
add_attribute_option should take care of the prefix {n} in extendable 

Or do I miss something in the configuration syntax? 


    icon2.gif   Re: Redirect to wrong hostname, posted by Stefan Ritt on Fri Dec 17 23:20:02 2004 
> I think you should be using tcp_hostname instead of gethostname if it is 
> specified.

Sorry my late reply, I was ill for some time. I implemented your suggestion in
revision 1.522 which is available from CVS.

Note that there is also the "URL = xxx" option in the configuration file which
lets you specify the whole URL including the host name.
    icon5.gif   Re: Redirect to wrong hostname, posted by Ulrich Trüssel on Sun Dec 19 19:00:06 2004 
know that illness...  :-(  but was the last of the family of 4 people

i'd like to ask for an other usefull change togehter with this and how url's are 
handled by elog:

since there may be spaces in the name of a logbook (ex. "1stWordOfLogbook 
2ndWordOfLogbook") it is very userfriendly to name logbooks. also it's easy th 
make a reference for a other entry by copy and paste:

Display ThisURL = http://localhost:8080/$logbook/$message id

however, using spaces in the logbook name may give a wrong result, because the 
url would be http://localhost:8080/1stWordOfLogbook

and the space as well as the 2ndWordOfLogbook//$message id is only normal text.

may it be possible stefan, to replace the space in an url (starting 
with "http://") with a "+" or "%20"? this would allow to automate some things. 
actual the logbook name has to be hardcoded.

> > I think you should be using tcp_hostname instead of gethostname if it is 
> > specified.
> Sorry my late reply, I was ill for some time. I implemented your suggestion in
> revision 1.522 which is available from CVS.
> Note that there is also the "URL = xxx" option in the configuration file which
> lets you specify the whole URL including the host name.
    icon2.gif   Re: Redirect to wrong hostname, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Dec 20 17:18:16 2004 
Ok, I changed that in version 2.5.5-3. Note that one can also use the "elog:..."
substitution, like

Display ThisURL = elog:$logbook/$message id
    icon2.gif   Re: Login/Password request appears twice, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Jan 5 16:04:53 2005 
> Have set up 3 top level groups, each with their own password file.
> Ever since users have to 'login' twice to get to the appropriate elog.
> You click on top level group, get to log book and click on the one you want 
> and get login/password dialog box, click ok and and you get it again and 
> then you finally get into the elog book.
> Anything I can check on this behavior?

Sorry my late reply, was very busy these days... (;-) Can you send me your
elogd.cfg so that I can see how you defined your groups?

- Stefan
    icon2.gif   Re: Extendable options for conditional attributes, posted by Stefan Ritt on Thu Jan 6 10:08:54 2005 
> Playing with all the configuration possibilities I have one issue:
> I like to use the "Extendable options" but I can't combine them with 
> the "Conditional attributes".

That was never ment to work. But I found some time to implement it. If you
download elog255-4.exe from today it whould work. Let me know if you have
    icon3.gif   Re: Extendable options for conditional attributes, posted by David Kappel on Fri Jan 7 17:15:14 2005 
> > Playing with all the configuration possibilities I have one issue:
> > I like to use the "Extendable options" but I can't combine them with 
> > the "Conditional attributes".
> That was never ment to work. But I found some time to implement it. If you
> download elog255-4.exe from today it whould work. Let me know if you have
> problems.

Thanks a lot for fixing this issue, especially as it was never planed. I will
test it on Monday afternoon and will give you a reply.
    icon14.gif   Re: Extendable options for conditional attributes, posted by David Kappel on Mon Jan 10 20:42:31 2005 
> > > Playing with all the configuration possibilities I have one issue:
> > > I like to use the "Extendable options" but I can't combine them with 
> > > the "Conditional attributes".
> > 
> > That was never ment to work. But I found some time to implement it. If you
> > download elog255-4.exe from today it whould work. Let me know if you have
> > problems.
Hello Stefan,

the changes I asked for, are working as requested. The extandable options are 
inserted into the correct line of the conditional attributes. 


PS: While testing on a new demo logbook, I first made the mistake to declare 
both options, the first one and the related one as extendable. But I can imagine 
that this was really never ment to be implemented.
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6