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New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
ID Date Icondown Author Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subject
  1217   Mon Jun 27 15:09:12 2005 Warning Emiliano GabrielliAlberT@SuperAlberT.itBug reportAll2.6.0beta2Re: [BUG] show only new entries

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Emiliano Gabrielli wrote:
the new link "show only new entries" is very useful but seems to still have some problems:

  • I can't find any simple way to return to the "every entries" display .. may be the link has to be switched to a checkbox to be actived or not
  • I found a way (at least)... following the "config" link, doing nothing and coming back restores the view .. this is a feature now, but when a less tricky mechanism will be implemented will become a bug Tongue

I added a "Show all entries" link to go back.

I think you only committed the changes to elcode.js but not the ones relative to elogd.c ... the Attribute quick filter is now empty, and no "show all entries" is ever displayed
  1222   Mon Jul 4 12:16:13 2005 Warning Emiliano GabrielliAlberT@SuperAlberT.itBug reportAll2.6.0beta2Re: [BUG] show only new entries

Emiliano Gabrielli wrote:

Stefan Ritt wrote:

I added a "Show all entries" link to go back.

I think you only committed the changes to elcode.js but not the ones relative to elogd.c ... the Attribute quick filter is now empty, and no "show all entries" is ever displayed

Just tested the rev 1.686 .. now the link is displayed, but following the "Show only last" link the "attach=1" setting in the URL I use is removed, not being able to have inline attachment in full view. They are displayed again when turning back to "Show all entries"
  1253   Mon Jul 11 11:16:59 2005 Warning Laurent S. Nadolskinadolski@synchrotron-soleil.frBug reportLinux2.6 and beicon comment not display using firefox

I found out the following bug.
Icon comment are not displayed when browsing with firefox. But it works fine with IE.
A goo test page is this very elog entry.
If you move your mouse on a icon nothing will be displayed using Firefox.

In the following example, I noticed, that the tooltip Icon is displayed instead (whenever existing).
This means, it displays info (for all icons if several) and not "showbug" on icon1.gif

Attributes = Icone
IOptions Icone = icon1.gif
Tooltip Icone = info
Icon comment icon1.gif = showbug

Thanks for your help,

  1259   Mon Jul 11 19:04:38 2005 Warning Heiko Scheith.scheit@mpi-hd.mpg.deBug fixLinux2.5.9elog utility for submission used wrong 'Host:' in POST header
The 'elog' utility for commandline submission used wrong 'Host:' in POST header.
The host listed after 'Host:' should be the host where the server runs, not the 
localhost (see patch below).

$ diff -u elog.c_20050711  elog.c
--- elog.c_20050711     Mon Jul 11 18:54:20 2005
+++ elog.c      Mon Jul 11 18:55:31 2005
@@ -421,7 +421,7 @@
       sprintf(request + strlen(request), "%s/%d?cmd=download", experiment, message_id);
    strcat(request, " HTTP/1.0\r\n");
-   sprintf(request + strlen(request), "Host: %s\r\n", host_name);
+   sprintf(request + strlen(request), "Host: %s\r\n", host);
    sprintf(request + strlen(request), "User-Agent: ELOG\r\n");
    first = 1;
@@ -872,7 +872,7 @@
    strcat(request, " HTTP/1.0\r\n");
    sprintf(request + strlen(request), "Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=%s\r\n", boundary);
-   sprintf(request + strlen(request), "Host: %s\r\n", host_name);
+   sprintf(request + strlen(request), "Host: %s\r\n", host);
    sprintf(request + strlen(request), "User-Agent: ELOG\r\n");
    sprintf(request + strlen(request), "Content-Length: %d\r\n", content_length);
  1260   Tue Jul 12 10:15:30 2005 Warning Emiliano GabrielliAlberT@SuperAlberT.itBug fixLinux2.5.9Re: elog utility for submission used wrong 'Host:' in POST header
> The 'elog' utility for commandline submission used wrong 'Host:' in POST header.
> The host listed after 'Host:' should be the host where the server runs, not the
> localhost (see patch below).
> $ diff -u elog.c_20050711 elog.c
> --- elog.c_20050711 Mon Jul 11 18:54:20 2005
> +++ elog.c Mon Jul 11 18:55:31 2005
> @@ -421,7 +421,7 @@
> sprintf(request + strlen(request), "%s/%d?cmd=download", experiment, message_id);
> strcat(request, " HTTP/1.0\r\n");
> - sprintf(request + strlen(request), "Host: %s\r\n", host_name);
> + sprintf(request + strlen(request), "Host: %s\r\n", host);
> sprintf(request + strlen(request), "User-Agent: ELOG\r\n");
> first = 1;
> @@ -872,7 +872,7 @@
> strcat(request, " HTTP/1.0\r\n");
> sprintf(request + strlen(request), "Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=%s\r\n", boundary);
> - sprintf(request + strlen(request), "Host: %s\r\n", host_name);
> + sprintf(request + strlen(request), "Host: %s\r\n", host);
> sprintf(request + strlen(request), "User-Agent: ELOG\r\n");
> sprintf(request + strlen(request), "Content-Length: %d\r\n", content_length);

This is not completally true IMHO .. better, it is, but it is not the only problem.

Elog seems to speak HTML/1.0, where "host:" is not implemented ... Since ELOG does not support Vhosts I think the right beaviour is to remove the "Host:" header at all ...

On the other hand it should replay with an error when a bogus client tries to speak HTML/1.0 specifing "host:",
and (the wrost case) when the bogus client says to speak HTML/1.1 and doesnt provide the required "Host:" header ...
Yes .. elog will ignore it, but it is an RFC requirement for HTML/1.1 !
  1277   Mon Jul 18 10:16:35 2005 Warning Emiliano GabrielliAlberT@SuperAlberT.itBug reportLinuxrev 1.703Display Subject and HTML tags, regression
rev 1.703 makes the following code not to work:
Display Subject               = <b>$subject</b>

the <b> tag is displayed and not interpreted, as it was in previous revisions..
  1278   Mon Jul 18 18:36:32 2005 Warning Emiliano GabrielliAlberT@SuperAlberT.itBug reportLinuxrev 1.703Re: Display Subject and HTML tags, regression

Emiliano Gabrielli wrote:
rev 1.703 makes the following code not to work:
Display Subject               = <b>$subject</b>

the <b> tag is displayed and not interpreted, as it was in previous revisions..

this patch should fix the problem .. a little bug still remain, if you insert some allowed HTML tags in the subject this is detected by is_html() so the Display Attribute and the Link is not applied .. the result is that the HTML is working but no elog featur is applied
  1343   Wed Jul 27 02:15:59 2005 Warning PJ Windows2.60 beta3Problems with beta 3 (Follow-on to CVS/XML msg 1296)
Ok downloaded and installed beta 3
can get xml and cvs with dates as date! verrry haaapppppy! Smile

but something happened to the css.
i'm getting white background and no icons anywhere.

so tried to install in a clean location as it comes out of the box with no changes. get white background, no colour.

tried moving css files, graphic files, etc, around - nothing.

emptied bowser caches (IE and Opera)
deleted appropriate cookies
stop and started many time.

and still at the end of the day - i get a white background only, no colour what so ever.

also get page not found when clicking on a row to edit entry.
is record #1 in demo table, elog can't display it when i click on it in the list window.

any ideas?
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6