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ID Date Icon Author Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subjectdown
  92   Wed Aug 7 15:43:28 2002 Question Stefan Siegelssiegel@lucent.comBug report  problem with required attributes
When an entry is submitted with an required attribute missing one gets to 
the resubmit page. When you the click your browsers back button all 
previously filled attribute field are blank.

Is there a workaround to get the old text back?

used versions:
Elog 2.0.5
Netscape 4.76

Best regards,

  1353   Thu Jul 28 01:02:00 2005 Warning John reportLinux 2.5.9+r16problem with list display attribute
I not sure if this has been found and fixed as I did find something to do with the list display attribute in the forums but wasn't sure if it was the same thing.

There seems to be a bug with the List Display attribute in that it drops the last attribute of the list. So in my example if I want to display the Subject in my list I have to add a dummy attribute after it otherwise the Subject will not be displayed. The comma after Subject is not enough, but all you have to do is to add 1 letter and then you will see the subject in List view. If you don't all I see is the Date and Author fields and then the Text field in my Summary view in the log book.

List Display = Date,Author,Subject,t

I am running elog 2.5.9+r1674-1 on Debian sarge.
  68778   Wed Apr 4 19:56:48 2018 Question Andrea Mazzolariandrea.mazzolari@gmail.comQuestionLinux3.1.3problem with chkeditor

Hi All,
I just installed elog latest version. I can see that my chkeditor (HTML encoding) is pretty simplified with respect to the version i can see there. Why this ? For example, it does not offer the possibility to upload images.

Could you please help me ?

Thank you

  420   Fri Aug 1 13:18:42 2003 Warning Heiko Scheith.scheit@mpi-hd.mpg.deBug fixLinux2.3.9.problem with boolean attributes
Boolean attributes were not displayed correctly in version 2.3.9.
Patch is attached.
Attachment 1: elog.diff
--- elogd.c     Fri Aug  1 13:13:09 2003
+++ elogd.c_    Fri Aug  1 13:12:59 2003
@@ -11275,10 +11275,10 @@
         if (atoi(attrib[i]) == 1)
           rsprintf("%s:</td><td class=\"%s\"><input type=checkbox checked disabled></td>\n",
-                   attr_list[i], class_value);
+                   class_value, attr_list[i]);
           rsprintf("%s:</td><td class=\"%s\"><input type=checkbox disabled></td>\n",
-                   attr_list[i], class_value);
+                   class_value, attr_list[i]);
       /* display image for icon */
       else if (attr_flags[i] & AF_ICON)
  295   Tue Apr 22 17:17:36 2003 Question Alexander ZVYAGINAlexander.Zviagine@cern.chBug report  problem with 20+ attachments
It seems that maximal number of attachments is about 20. When you try to add
more, a new entry _is_ added to the logbook but the refernce to it is not
added to the web page.
  56   Mon Jul 8 17:18:05 2002 Question Momsheikh25@hotmail.comBug report  problem saving elogd.cfg
In version 2.0.4 of eLog I was having some problems with saving my 
configuration file once I edited it on the web using the config. command.
I keep getting the message "Cannot open file %s: elogd.cfg".  I made sure 
the file was in the right directory.  I dont know if I am doing something 
wrong or if its a bug?

  66216   Sat Feb 21 03:53:42 2009 Question Razvan Gorneagornea@gmail.comBug reportLinux2.7.5problem reading attached PDF files!


I was wondering if anybody else seen this problem and maybe has a solution. I use Elog version 2.7.5 rev. 2172 that I compiled from the tar.gz package on a Ubuntu PC. It is very strange that everything works fine except I can not view / download PDF attachments specifically. I can view / download images and I can download all sorts of file formats: xls, doc, ppt, etc. Viewing in the same window / tab or in a different one does not work. Saving the attachment produces a file empty file with the correct name! This is so strange, for example following a link from an image or any other attachment type works but if that link is a PDF file I get an empty page! When uploading a PDF file there a thumbnails that are generated, I do view the thumbnail but not the PDF itself! I didn't even managed to start a download on PDF attachment.

Any help would be appreciated!

  1203   Mon Jun 20 04:29:57 2005 Cool Paul Windows prevent CVS and XML exports
Hello Again,

I'm being asked to do the impossible to list the Assessing Dept Data but not letting people download the whole database. This way they can lookup the info the Town uses to assess their property. The Town’s Selectmen have stopped paying for the company who hosted the database and the software they used. Now I'm asked to do the same service in house with out funds and without resorces. Hence the question.


ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6