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ID Date Icondown Author Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subject
  1353   Thu Jul 28 01:02:00 2005 Warning John reportLinux 2.5.9+r16problem with list display attribute
I not sure if this has been found and fixed as I did find something to do with the list display attribute in the forums but wasn't sure if it was the same thing.

There seems to be a bug with the List Display attribute in that it drops the last attribute of the list. So in my example if I want to display the Subject in my list I have to add a dummy attribute after it otherwise the Subject will not be displayed. The comma after Subject is not enough, but all you have to do is to add 1 letter and then you will see the subject in List view. If you don't all I see is the Date and Author fields and then the Text field in my Summary view in the log book.

List Display = Date,Author,Subject,t

I am running elog 2.5.9+r1674-1 on Debian sarge.
  1355   Thu Jul 28 04:27:30 2005 Warning PJ Meyerpjm@pjmeyer.orgBug reportWindows2.60b3Response is very slow with beta3
I finally got 2.60 Beta3 running on my server (explicit statements in cfg for most of the defaults)

Now I'm seeing a veerrry slooooow response time - over 3 minutes to open a logbook vs 10 sec in 2.54
Utilization of CPU runs to 60% on elogd.

Tried slimning down elog.cfg, 'emptying' userlog file (actually renamed so Elog created a new one).

Still 2.60b3 is very slow to respond.

When I rolled back to 2.54 speed was fast again.

Any ideas?

this is on a dual processor Win2000 server with 2 gb memory.

attached is the elog.cfg if that helps.

i'm stumped

7/28 Follow-up testing and trials

When I stopped using a password file - speed was quick and responsive (on test book with no password file speed was good which got me thinking about the password file)
When I added back in the 'old' xml password file - slow response
I created new password file with only one user - slow response (took almost 3 minutes to save new account)

I've attached the password file so you can try it out if yo want....

This has me very stumped.
  1397   Wed Aug 10 18:32:14 2005 Warning Oleg SolovyanovOleg.Solovyanov@ihep.ruBug reportLinux2.6.0-b4Comment tooltip shows comment from other logbook
I have several logbooks with Comment lines,
but the tooltip shows sometimes the correct comment,
sometimes the comment from other logbook...

I see the same behaviour also on this very page...

I use Mozilla 1.7.10.
Tried with Konqueror -> same problem.
  1444   Mon Oct 10 19:22:51 2005 Warning Exaos LeeExaos.Lee@gmail.comBug reportMac OSX2.6.0-betaInstall error on MacOS X
Executing "make" on MacOS X is OK, but "make install" failed due to the following error:
/usr/bin/install -m 0755 -d /usr/local/bin /usr/local/sbin /usr/local/man/man1/ /usr/local/man/man8/
/usr/bin/install -m 0755 -o bin -g bin elog elconv /usr/local/bin
install: bin: Invalid argument
make: *** [install] Error 67

The reason is that the account "bin" and group "bin" are missing on MacOS X. I also found that the following lines in "Makefile" doesn't work:
ifeq ($(OSTYPE),darwin)
CC = cc

I have fixed this problem. The diff of Makefile as following:
diff Makefile.darwin Makefile.origin
< BINOWNER = bin
< BINGROUP = bin
< OSTYPE = $(shell uname)
< ifeq ($(OSTYPE),Darwin)
< OSTYPE=darwin
< endif
< BINOWNER = root
< BINGROUP = admin
<       $(INSTALL) -m 0755 -o ${BINOWNER} -g ${BINGROUP} elog elconv $(DESTDIR)
<       $(INSTALL) -m 0755 -o ${BINOWNER} -g ${BINGROUP} elogd $(SDESTDIR)
>       $(INSTALL) -m 0755 -o bin -g bin elog elconv $(DESTDIR)
>       $(INSTALL) -m 0755 -o bin -g bin elogd $(SDESTDIR)

The modified Makefiles have been attached.
Attachment 1: makefile_modified.tgz
  1453   Thu Oct 13 11:40:32 2005 Warning Yoshio Imaiimai@kph.uni-mainz.deQuestionLinux2.6.0beta2Re: Conditional hiding of attributes in list view
Hi again!

I noticed the quickfilter option in the config guide in the meantime Wink!
I have one question however, concerning the "Resource Dir"-statement of the
config file. When setting it, the default theme doesn't work any more, I get
white background and no color schemes when going to the elog page with the
browser. Does this mean that the default resource location (/usr/share/elog/themes)
is overriden by this statement, and that all resources have to be put there
(if so, is it on purpose or is it a bug)?



BTW, do you think it is at all feasible to implement the changes we mentioned earlier?
  1477   Mon Oct 24 12:00:51 2005 Warning mark jamesmark_james@inmarsat.comQuestionWindows2.6.0b5Quicklink does not work for one field
I am not so bold as to log this as a bug but one of my Quicklink fields just do not work. It is the "Spacecraft" field. When I select any 'Spacecraft' quicklink, the no. of records stays exactly the same (i.e. no. in full recordset). If I select F1, then I see F1 highlight in yellow in the string "4F1". But strangely the "F1" entries are not highlight. Very strange.

My config file below (admin username removed).
Theme = default
Comment = Inmarsat SCD Analyst Log book

Attributes = Record Date, Spacecraft, Author, SubSystem, Title
MOptions Spacecraft = F1, F2, F3, F4, G1, G2, G3, G4, G5, 4F1, 4F2, 4F3
Options Author = John MacDougall, John Turton, Joe Fowler, Mark Davidson, Mark James
Options SubSystem = Thermal, Propulsion, Power, AOCS/ADCS, Payload, TTC, Other/None
Required Attributes = Record Date, Spacecraft, Author, SubSystem, Title

Type Record Date = datetime
Time format = %A, %d %B, %Y, %H:%M
Date format = %A, %d %B, %Y

Filter Menu text = scripts/calendar_filter/calendar_filter.html

Preset Record date = $date, $time
List Display = Record date, Spacecraft, Author, SubSystem, Title
Start page = ?rsort=Record date

Entries per page = 100
Message Height = 15
Page Title = ELOG - $title
Reverse sort = 1
Quick filter = Date, Spacecraft, SubSystem, Author

message comment = "Please make your log entry in the box BELOW."
Attachment Comment = "Please upload your attachment in the box BELOW."

Menu commands = List, New, Edit, Delete, Reply, Find, Help, Download, Last Day, Copy to

Password file = pwfile
Self register = 0

Subst Author = $long_name from $remote_host
Subst Email = $user_email

Suppress default = 1
Use Lock = 1

RSS Title = $Title, by $author on $Record Date

Guest menu commands = Find, Last 10, Login, Help
Guest Find Menu commands = Find, Last 10, Login, Help
  1486   Wed Oct 26 16:00:00 2005 Warning Yoshio Imaiimai@kph.uni-mainz.deBug reportLinux2.6.0beta5Preset text overriden after preview
Hi, Stefan!

I have run across a problem with preset texts. We have defined a form to be filled in when the operator selects a specific combination of attributes. This form appears correctly, but after filling in the form, clicking on "Preview" leads to an error: the preview text is correct, but the actual text entry field is overriden again with the empty form. Clicking on "Submit" at this point then submits only the empty form, and the information filled in is lost.
When clicking on "Submit" without previewing, the text is entered correctly to the elog. Do you know where the problem might come from?

Thanks in advance

  1506   Tue Nov 15 08:35:33 2005 Warning Oleg SolovyanovOleg.Solovyanov@ihep.ruBug reportLinux2.6.0-4page2?cmd=List does not show next page
Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but the following does not work on a Elog with multiple pages:

1. View message
2. Click List
3. Click Next or page number
4. Only the last page is shown

It looks like the URL pageN?cmd=List does not work, while pageN works.

Any hints?

Same behaviour can be seen also with Discussion forum on Elog site.
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6