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  1201   Sat Jun 18 23:14:51 2005 Question Paul Paquettepaquettep@gmail.comQuestionWindows V2.5.4prevent CVS and XML exports
Hello All and Happy Father's Day,

How do I prevent Anonymous Users from exporting the Data when using the search funtion?

Thank You

  65930   Wed Jul 23 11:26:12 2008 Question Peter Hirschbichlerpeter.hirschbichler@no.spam.comQuestion V2.7.3-205preset type useremail with current user

Hi, I would like to preset an attribute type useremail with $user_email but that does not work because $user_email contains mailto: like mailto:user_email@domain
Has anyone an idea how to resolve this problem?

Type Reporter = useremail
Preset Reporter = $user_email
  67098   Tue Aug 2 13:55:06 2011 Question Juergen Lupkejuergen.lupke@computacenter.comQuestionLinuxV2.9.0-241present Text

I have define a MOption  BACKUP = Server, Switch, Router any now i link to use the Status of the Backup Option to display diffrent html file in the Text field, i the a posible way to do this ?


MOption  BACKUP = Server, Switch, Router

{Server&Switch&Router} Present Text = file1

{Server&Switch} Present Text  = file2

  907   Mon Feb 7 13:28:18 2005 Warning Emiliano GabrielliAlberT@SuperAlberT.itBug reportLinux2.5.6preselected values and conditional options
here is a piece of my current config:

Attributes = Author, Type, Category, Subject
Required Attributes = Author, Type, Subject

Options Type = Deposition{1}, Arc Studies{1}, Conditioning{1}, Vacuum{2},
Show Attributes = Author, Subject, Type

{1}ROptions Category = Nb, NbN, W, cavity system
{2}ROptions Category = pump, leak, mounting

{1}Show Attributes = Author, Subject, Type, Category
{2}Show Attributes = Author, Subject, Type, Category

this is an escamotage I use to have the option to be displyed.
I mean that something like the following:

Attributes = Author, Type, Category, Subject
Required Attributes = Author, Type, Subject
Options Type = Deposition{1}, Arc Studies{1}, Conditioning{1}, Vacuum{2},
Preset Type = Deposition

{1}ROptions Category = Nb, NbN, W, cavity system
{2}ROptions Category = pump, leak, mounting

{3}Show Attributes = Author, Subject, Type

rises a bug: the select input correctly shows "Deposition" as preselected
value, BUT the attributes shown are not those identified by the "{3}".
re-selecting by hand the "deposition" Type option everything goes right.

sorry for my bad english
  68584   Fri Mar 24 15:36:55 2017 Question Paraic Faheyparaic.fahey@pfizer.comQuestionWindows3.1pre defined Find as Home page

This command makes the Homepage a FIND page: Start page = ?cmd=Find

My question is: can we pre-populate some of the search fields and execute the search so that the homepage becomes the SEARCH RESULTS

  68315   Mon May 2 22:20:40 2016 Question Devin Bougiedevin.bougie@cornell.eduQuestionLinux3.1.1posting messages through email

Has anyone implemented an email gateway for ELOG, allowing users to submit entries by sending an email?  Granted this should be possible using the elog client binary, but I thought I'd see if I've overlooked any examples or docs first.

  67564   Thu Sep 12 18:01:34 2013 Question toddtodd.holsten@noaa.govQuestionLinux2.9.2-1posting future logbook entries

Is there a way to post a logbook entry to a future dated logbook file?  I've searched through the user manual for forward dating but can't seem to find anything.  As an example at my office, a user wants to add a personal entry stating they will be absent from work on October 5th and I would like that entry information written to the 131005a.log file instead of the current days log.

  1130   Sat May 7 17:51:22 2005 Question damon nettlesnettles@phgrav.phys.lsu.eduQuestionAll post box question
is there any way to get a larger text box to type in when making a new post?
the default box is rather small and you have to scroll up and down when
making a new post or editing an existing one.

once the post is submitted, the display goes to a larger box, but the text
only takes up the left side of the page. seems the only way to get it to go
all the way to the right is to make everything html and submit it that way.

can the normal text look like the html does without submitting it as html?
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