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    icon2.gif   Re: Self register = 0 not working , , posted by rudy on Wed Jun 8 17:08:56 2016 

Hi Andreas

I'm following the instruction from , please scroll to the Top Groups

Group Linux PCs = Red Hat, Debian, Mandrake
Group Windows PCs = 98, ME, NT, XP, CE
Group CE = 1.0, 2.UL

Top group engineering = Linux PCs, Windows PCs
Top group administration = Employees, Purchases

[global engineering]
Password file = engineers.pwd
Admin user = stefan

[global administration]
Password file = admin.pwd
Admin user = bill
Andreas Luedeke wrote:

It would be new to me if elog would support independent [global] sections for each logbook.
I thought you can only have one [global] section. Whatever is defined in that section will be valid for all logbooks.

If you need to have different user files, you'll need to run different elogd services with independent config files (and Password files).


rudy wrote:

I have Split Elog to Two Top Group [Check the Config Below].

Problem = 

After Staff01 login successfully to and if he/she fill the url and choose any elog topic, it will direct registration form.


port = 8080
Self register = 0
Show top groups = 1
Preset Author = $long_name
Locked Attributes = Author
Restrict edit = 1

Top group Staff = Website, Notes
Top group Administrator = Website Update, Admin Notes, Ticketing

[global Staff]
Menu commands = List, New, Edit, Reply, Duplicate, Find, Config
Password file = staff.pwd
Admin user = sylpid
Login user = staff01

[global Administrator]
Password file = admin.pwd
Admin user = sylpid
Login user = admin01



    icon2.gif   Re: Self register = 0 not working , , posted by rudy on Thu Jun 9 04:29:14 2016 

Hi Andreas, 

Thanks for your help. I will try to do that and if I found how to fix this problems, I will post it at here again.

Andreas Luedeke wrote:

Aparently I've missed that one :-)

In order to test your problem it would be useful to have a minimal config file to reproduce the problem. Yours does not include any actual logbook, only [global *] sections.


rudy wrote:

Hi Andreas

I'm following the instruction from , please scroll to the Top Groups

Group Linux PCs = Red Hat, Debian, Mandrake
Group Windows PCs = 98, ME, NT, XP, CE
Group CE = 1.0, 2.UL

Top group engineering = Linux PCs, Windows PCs
Top group administration = Employees, Purchases

[global engineering]
Password file = engineers.pwd
Admin user = stefan

[global administration]
Password file = admin.pwd
Admin user = bill
Andreas Luedeke wrote:

It would be new to me if elog would support independent [global] sections for each logbook.
I thought you can only have one [global] section. Whatever is defined in that section will be valid for all logbooks.

If you need to have different user files, you'll need to run different elogd services with independent config files (and Password files).


rudy wrote:

I have Split Elog to Two Top Group [Check the Config Below].

Problem = 

After Staff01 login successfully to and if he/she fill the url and choose any elog topic, it will direct registration form.


port = 8080
Self register = 0
Show top groups = 1
Preset Author = $long_name
Locked Attributes = Author
Restrict edit = 1

Top group Staff = Website, Notes
Top group Administrator = Website Update, Admin Notes, Ticketing

[global Staff]
Menu commands = List, New, Edit, Reply, Duplicate, Find, Config
Password file = staff.pwd
Admin user = sylpid
Login user = staff01

[global Administrator]
Password file = admin.pwd
Admin user = sylpid
Login user = admin01





icon5.gif   Cascading menus???, posted by ron murphy on Tue Nov 29 18:12:40 2011 

This may be already answered somewhere around here, but I could not find it. 

Question: Is it possible to have a pull down will a sub menu.  Something like,


Entry 1

Entry 2 --> Entry 2a

                   Entry 2b

                   Entry 2c

Entry 3

Entry 4




icon5.gif   Attachment file "" empty or not found, posted by roets on Tue Sep 28 22:44:50 2004 
I am getting the following error message with version 2.5.4-4 when I try to
add a new entry to a log book.

Attachment file "" empty or not found

If I add the following line to me elogd.cfg I do not get the error, but will
not be able to use attachments.

Enable attachments = 0

I recently upgraded from version 2.2.5 which did not have the problem.  I
did not see anything in the changelog referencing this type of change to how
attachments are handled.

I there something I need to set in the config so that an attachment is not
expected every time a new entry is made?
icon5.gif   maximum attributes for drop down menu., posted by rob on Fri Feb 20 11:04:03 2015 
We use a servername field to be able to select a server.

When i entered my entire serverlist (574 entries), only 250 of them show up.

Looking at the online documentation about attributes, it is stated that there is a maximum of 100 entries.

With the version we are using (2.7.1) it seems the limit is 250

Can someone tell me if version 3 has the same limitation, or that the max has been increased?

icon12.gif   lost elogd.cfg, posted by ribo on Fri Dec 19 14:59:29 2008 


I’m running SLES Linux Box with Elog 2.7.4, until yesterday everything was running perfectly. Now elog is not running anymore, because the elogd.cfg where i made changes for my use is lost.....(arghhhhh......) The logbooks ar still under /usr/local/elog/logbooks aviable.
Now i would like to upgrade to the latest version of elog. How to i made my logbooks available ?
thanks for your feedback.
icon5.gif   Changes in Comment and Elog Index page?, posted by ralphb on Wed Aug 10 11:28:30 2005 
Just updated to ELOG V2.6.0-beta4 from V2.5.6-2 and I note a couple of changes:

- HTML code inculed in elog.cfg "Comment" lines were previously rendered, now they are not. e.g. "Comment = Some comment
<A href="" target="_top">&nbsp; Some link text</A>" Is this change deliberate, or is the functionality likely to return? Any workaround?

- The "Several logbooks are defined on this host" elog index page was previously collapsable, now it is not. Same questions as previous.

Thanks & best regards,

    icon2.gif   Re: Changes in Comment and Elog Index page?, posted by ralphb on Thu Sep 1 17:53:58 2005 

ralphb wrote:
- The "Several logbooks are defined on this host" elog index page was previously collapsable, now it is not.

OK, I've fixed that one with "Expand Selection page = 0"
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6