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  1403   Thu Sep 1 18:26:38 2005 Reply ralphbelog@spampot.comComment  Re: something for the wishlist: 'Recent Changes'

Heiko Scheit wrote:
A 'Recent Changes'-link (option) that lists entries that were changed
recently, where 'recent' can be changed from 1,2,3...(some maximum)

Two possible solutions:

1. Use ELOG's RSS support (look for "RSS Title" in the config syntax help). I added an RSS icon to each entry with "Bottom Text=<a href="http://myserver:8080/mylogbook/elog.rdf"><img border=0 height="14" width="36" src="/Rssicon_3614.gif" alt="[RSS]"></a>

2. Add a new attribute "Revised" and config it as follows: "Locked attributes = Revised" and "Subst on Edit Revised = $date". It'll get updated each time the entry gets updated. Then all you just need to create a link to "http://yourserver:8080/yourlogbook/page?mode=summary&rsort=Revised"

Best regards, Ralph.
  1411   Tue Sep 6 18:36:21 2005 Reply   Re: Changes in Comment and Elog Index page?

Stefan Ritt wrote:
I added some code now which checks if the comment is real HTML, and reverts back to the old behaviour if it is. The update is in CVS.

Thanks very much Stefan.

Our new server has no gcc so I had to compile it on a sister machine, pending the next RPM release.

By the way, your download page needs an extra line:
cvs -d checkout mxml
to have a hope of the make working.

Also, it would be nice if the "Installing and running on UNIX" section of the Administrator's Guide also had a set of "Installation from CVS" instructions.

Stefan Ritt wrote:
it's really hard to make everybody happy!!!

Ah, but you are doing it so well!

Thanks again.

Best regards, Ralph.
  68517   Wed Dec 21 20:15:19 2016 Question rahul bhandarirbhandari@winnipeg.caInfoWindows3.1.2Elog source code giving errors when compiling about missing header files

I downloaded the source code from the git repository which contained the new fix that was made for the missing username-crash error. I tried compiling the elogd.c file using a GCC compiler and it gave an error about missing header files. It first gave an error about netdb.h file and when I commented that header file call, it gave further errors for other header files. I do not really understand why it gives an error about that.  

  67725   Wed Nov 26 09:31:42 2014 Question pudi astutiirwandi.mahakarta@gmail.comQuestionWindows2.9.2menu download

dear stefan

I have a problem how to bring up the menu page menu elog download?
thank you

  67730   Fri Nov 28 03:15:17 2014 Reply pudi astutiirwandi.mahakarta@gmail.comQuestionWindows2.9.2menu download

yes I mean functionally of elog or how to download files at elog?

  69285   Thu Dec 31 18:35:19 2020 Reply prinnydoodmoltensolderlabs@pm.meBug reportLinux3.1.3Re: Path disclosure on unfound file

I can confirm this issue exists on version 3.1.3, which I have installed elog on Debian 10.

The issue also exists on version 3.14 (1.20190113git283534d97d5a.el7), which I tested on an AmazonLinux EC2 instance.

This is what I found:

1. if I leave out the extension at the end of the URL for a non-existent page, it gives me the red error box. So far so good... Example: /gibberish

2. if I include any random extension at the end of the URL for a non-existent page, it gives me the red error box. So far so good... Example: /gibberish.php or /gibberish.htm or /gibberish.asdfasd

3. if I include any .html extension specifically at the end of the URL for a non-existent page, elog exposes the path /usr/share/elog/themes/default/gibberish.html. This is a bug... Example: /gibberish.html exposes the path, and likewise, /.gibberish.html ( "dot" + gibberish) exposes the path

4. if I include a valid, existent .html file which is located in the directory /usr/share/elog/themes/default/, and call it, elog exposes the html document. Example: I created an html file called gibberish.html (containing <html><body><p>Hello world</p></body></html>) in my system's /usr/share/elog/themes/default/ directory. After navigating back to the /gibberish.html URL, I was presented with the HTML file.

Turning on -v (verbose mode), the response by elogd when accessing these are: "GET /elog/gibberish.html HTTP/1.0 Returned 605 bytes" (displays "Hello world" html file), and "GET /elog/gibberish.asdfasd HTTP/1.0 Returned 605 bytes" (displays red error box).


My guess: the program seems to be caring about the files ONLY if they have html file extension. Please see the screenshots below.


What are the security implications? Not much, I think. From what I can tell, exposing the "/usr/share/themes/elog" path, and also exposing the elog version when the file does not exist. Hope this reply helps anyone else with the same question.

(I am sure the error exposing the version can be removed by editing the source code--this is probably beyond my capabilities at this point).

Attachment 1: no_extension.png
Attachment 2: nonexistent_html.png
Attachment 3: random_extension.png
Attachment 4: valid_html_file_with_html_extension.png
  66658   Wed Dec 23 08:47:35 2009 Question pirat sriyothajotawski@gmail.comQuestionOther2.6.3.1elog start with number of entries are zero (0) for all logbook

hi sirs,

am using freebsd, this morning i started elog and did a few record with no problem.

just this afternoon when i enter firefox3 http://localhost:8000/, i got zero number of records for all of my logbooks.

but the data are not erased though.

any idea would be appreciated.





  69156   Mon Jun 8 07:30:06 2020 Question pierre brionnetpierre.brionnet@gmail.comQuestionLinux3.1.4-4936b76email notification for self register 2 3 and 4


I have set up my elog for testing and setup postfix to be able to send email notification for register of new user but whatever i try elog cannot set email. I try to sent test email in my bash and this is working without problem to my gmail account.

I have tried several configuration for my smtp client on my centos 7 but nothing is working in elog for the email. I also tried with several other email but no change either.

Is there a problem with the automatic sending of email ? 





ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6