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ID Date Icondown Author Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subject
  1728   Mon Feb 27 11:16:56 2006 Warning Alex Halex@synergie-inf.comBug reportWindows2.6.1-1653Re: MOptions problem ?
[quote="Alex H"]Hi Stephan,
I have a unknown bug and need help :)!

First, please take a look to attached screenshot
On the "elog problem1.gif" and "elog problem2.gif" there aren't any problem.
The entry "Mairie STO" appears correct but when I try to edit the "Equipment" field, the list/combo shows 
improper data.
I obtain "- please select -" instead of "RT0004"
What's the problem ?
Thanks a lot.[/quote]

UP! No idea :'( ?
  1739   Wed Mar 1 19:51:05 2006 Warning Alexandre Gauthiersupernaut@underwares.orgBug reportLinux2.6.1-1622Inline images URL not working

I'm running elog on the blackdog embedded device so I can carry it around while doing my consultant work.

Whenever I try to insert an inline picture by using the
elog: /1
paths with ELCode, the link becomes "logbookname2/1" (Where logbookname is the name of my logbook) and hence, doesn't work. I recall that it worked once. The image did not display, but the URL seemed correct...

Any ideas?

EDIT: i inserted a space in the elog URL above because regardless of the code brackets, it would still get interpreted.
  1748   Sat Mar 4 06:08:29 2006 Warning Steve Jonessteve.jones@freescale.comBug reportAll2.6.1-1660Crafted URL causes elog to coredump
While playing with TOP GROUP I managed to get elog 2.6.1 1660 on Solaris 9 to coredump. Since I didn't really understand TOP GROUP I tried a URL where I had Putting that logbookname at the end caused elog to dump.

Can this be reproduced by others?
  1764   Wed Mar 8 22:33:56 2006 Warning Steve Jonessteve.jones@freescale.comBug reportAll2.6.1-1671OPTION <attribute> not working right in [ global <name>] Top Group
I've verified that when the following is part of the definition of a [logbook] OR is part of a regular [global] config:
Options Completed = Open{a}, Closed{b}
{a} Preset CompletedDate = 
{b} Preset CompletedDate = $date

. . . the intended function (when option "Open" is selected the attribute "CompletedDate" is cleared; when the option "Closed" is selected the attribute "CompletedDate" is filled with the current date)

When this same code is moved to a [global <name>] config the function no longer works (the attribute "CompletedDate" is not set).

This for me is a show stopper as using Top Group has allowed me to create and use logbooks in a way that I could not under the old way (single [global]. I have verified that the same thing happens under 2.5.9.
  1765   Thu Mar 9 04:46:42 2006 Warning Steve Jonessteve.jones@freescale.comBug reportAll2.6.1-1671Removing 'New' from "List Menu commands" prevents saving elogd.cfg
Strange as it mmay seem, when I attempt to remove the "New" menu item from "List Menu commands" in a logbook section, I am no longer able to Save the config file -- I am presented with a message saying "Error: Command "Save" not allowed". I have to manually edit the file, add that menu item back in, and then all is ok. This is on the system where I am using 'Top Groups', so the logbook is a part of one of the top groups.
  1773   Tue Mar 14 17:51:52 2006 Warning Steve Jonessteve.jones@freescale.comBug reportAll2.6.1-1668elogd 2.6.1 program Crash is repeatable under Windows
Stefan, I have previously reported that elog crashes with a specific URL -- I have now re-created the crash running under WindowsXP Pro using the pre-packaged Windows installation that I just downloaded. I am attaching screenshots, etc. for your information but I think the source of the problem stems from using "Top Group". I hope that you are able to look into this as I have logged other issues that i believe are specifically related to the use of the Top Group feature. I am also including the .cfg that I used on my Windows box which is the same .cfg that I use in our Solaris environment.
Attachment 1: elogd-error-1.JPG
Attachment 2: elogd-error-2.JPG
Attachment 3:
# This [global] section contains settings common to all logbooks
# If an individual logbook setting should be the same in all
# logbooks, it can be copied into this section. If it is present
# in this section and in a logbook section, the one in the logbook
# section has precedence. 

# Tell eLog to use tabbed UI
# Switches on (1) and off (0) logbook tabs
logbook tabs = 1

# Language can be english, french, spanish, german, dutch, brazilian
Language = english

# Limit the size of attachments to 1MB
Max content length = 1024000

# Point to the localhost as the email relay
SMTP host =
;SMTP host =

# The builtin webserver (eLog is not using Apache) uses port 8080
port = 8080

# User and Group under which the elogd daemon is started under Unix
# Logfiles generate by the daemon are owned by this user
Usr = nobody
Grp = essadm

# URL used for the URL link in email notification and the browser. 

# Access control
# Allow users to register with approval from moderator (Admin).  All LogBooks pull from one password file
Self register = 1
Password file = elogpasswd
Admin user = r4aajl

# To log all user login/logout activity, plus writes
Logfile = logs/elogaccess.log
Logging level = 2

; Turn logbook locking OFF
Use Lock = 0

# Optional Welcome Title can be customized, GIF image has to be in same directory as elogd.cfg
Welcome Title = <center><bold><font size="+3"><b>Design Technology, Engineering Compute</b></font>
<font size="+2"><a href="">Incident Log Facility</a>
<a href="">Change Log Facility</a></font>

Purpose: to capture <b>Planned Changes</b> and <b>Unplanned Incidents</b> to the Engineering Infrastructure that are deemed SIGNIFICANT and/or OPERATIONAL in nature. The Logging facility is implemented per Freescale policy as documented in:

<a href= "">ISO17799: Operational Change Control, Sec8.1.2</a>.
<a href="">Send questions to the eLog Admin</a></bold></center> #--------------------------- # General options #--------------------------- # Use the 'default' theme under the themes/ directory Theme = default ############################# # Some Look And Feel values ############################# Admin textarea = 115, 24 # Lines for message entry window Message Height = 6 # Characters per line for message entry Message Width = 130 # Date/Time format as passed to the strftime() function and used to display the entry date Date format = %B %d, %Y Time format = %B %d, %Y # Provide more menu options to the user ; Menu commands = Back, New, Edit, Delete, Reply, Find, Config, Move To, Help Find Menu commands = New, Find, Select, Config, Change password, Logout, Help, Admin #---------------------------- # Define the major area groupings - Log type # <site>-CL is for change logs by site # <site>-IL is for incident logs by site ; Top text = FreescaleBanner.html Show top groups = 1 Top Group Engineering Compute Change Logs = TX11-CL, TX30-CL, TX32-CL, AZ34-CL, AZ50-CL, FL29-CL, IL108-CL, ZIL05-CL, Approvals-CL, Template-CL Top Group Engineering Compute Incident Logs = TX11-IL, TX30-IL, TX32-IL, AZ34-IL, AZ50-IL, FL29-IL, IL108-IL, ZIL05-IL, Template-IL #Top Group zDemo = DemoChangeLog, DemoIncidentLog, DemoShutdownLog, DemoDCChangeLog #--------------------------- # Flags #--------------------------- # Send plain text emails Email Encoding = 1 # [global Engineering Compute Incident Logs] #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Define the global attributes of the Incident Log #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Main Tab = Home Page, Global Incident Logs Welcome Title = <bold><font size="+3"><b>Design Technology</b></font>
<font size="+2">
Engineering Compute Incident Log Facility</a></font>

Pick the correct site and enter an Incident <b>that has already happened</b>. Questions to be answered are provided.
<a href="">Send questions to the eLog Admin</a></bold>

<font size="-1"><table width="100%"><tr><td align="left" valign="top"><a href= "">ISO17799: Operational Change Control, Sec8.1.2</a></td><td align="right" valign="top"><a href="">Looking for the Change Logs?</a></td></tr></table></font> Top text = FreescaleBanner-IL.html Bottom text = IncidentLogFooter.html Page Title = Engineering Compute Post Incident Logs Quick filter = Date, Duration Menu commands = Back, New, Edit, Delete, Reply, Find, Config, Help Message Height = 30 Attributes = Author, Date of Occurrance, Duration, EmailAddr, EmailNotify, Incident Coordinator, Short Summary ; Put these attributes on the same line as the preceeding attribute ;Format Date of Occurrance = 1 Format Duration = 1 ;Format EmailNotify = 1 ; ; The summary listing limits the displayed fields List display = Edit, Delete, Date, Author, Incident Coordinator, Date of Occurrance, Short Summary Summary lines = 0 Display mode = threaded Expand default = 0 Reverse sort = 1 Thread display = "Happened on: $Date of Occurrance. $short summary. Incident Coordinator: $Incident Coordinator." Preset Author = $long_name Locked Attributes = Author Type Date of Occurrance = date Date format = %B %d, %Y Time format = %B %d, %Y Subst on edit short summary = UPDATE: $short summary Subst on reply short summary = UPDATE: $short summary Comment EmailAddr = Tooltip EmailAddr = People to notify. Use full email addr separated w/commas. MOptions EmailNotify = Notify Local EC, Notify ALL EC ; This attribute is used globally, so set to "nul" Comment EmailNotify = Tooltip EmailNotify = Select whom to notify, EC list is pre-loaded. Use 'Manual Email Addresses' for all others. Options Incident Coordinator = ? Tooltip Incident Coordinator = Who Responded? If it is the author, just leave blank Extendable Options = Incident Coordinator Options Duration = < 1 hr, 1-12 hrs, 24 hrs, 72 hrs, 1 week, 1 month, > 1 month Tooltip Duration = Pick an Outage Duration. These coincide with BIA outage categories Required Attributes = Date of Occurrance, Incident Coordinator, Duration, Short Summary Preset text = IncidentLogFooter.incl ; Email Preferences Use Email Subject = "[eLOG: $logbook]: $short summary" Email EmailNotify "Notify Local EC" = Email EmailNotify "Notify ALL EC" = Email All = $EmailAddr [global Engineering Compute Change Logs] #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Define the global attributes of the Change Log #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Main Tab = Home Page, Global Change Logs Welcome Title = <bold><font size="+3"><b>Design Technology</b></font>
<font size="+2">
Engineering Compute Change Log Facility</a></font>

Pick the correct site and register all SIGNIFICANT Engineering Infrastructure <b>Planned Changes</b>.
<a href="">Send questions to the eLog Admin</a></bold>

<font size="-1"><table width="100%"><tr><td align="left" valign="top"><a href= "">ISO17799: Operational Change Control, Sec8.1.2</a></td><td align="right" valign="top"><a href="">Looking for the Incident Logs?</a></td></tr></table></font> ##################################################################################################### #These are options that are applied to all CL LogBooks, dictate what info is needed ######################################### # Define the attributes for all logbooks # Attributes = SiteBook, Author, LastRevision, Subject, PlannedDate, Significance, ApprovalRequired, ApproverName, ApproveState, FunctionalArea, Operation, Category, HardwareName, EmailNotify, Manual Email Addresses, Completed, DateCompleted Required Attributes = Author, PlannedDate, FunctionalArea, Operation, Significance, Subject, Completed, ApprovalRequired Top text = FreescaleBanner-CL.html Bottom text = ChangeLogFooter.html Page Title = Engineering Compute Change Logs Message Height = 30 ######################################### # The message field gets pre-loaded text Preset text = ChangeLogInclude.incl ######################################### # Set some attributes to DATE type # Type PlannedDate = date Tooltip PlannedDate = When is this change planned to occur? Type DateCompleted = date ######################################### # Make sure that certain log field entries are not changed later # Fixed Attributes Edit = SiteBook Preset SiteBook = $logbook Fixed Attributes Edit = Author Preset Author = $long_name Preset ApproverName = Preset ApprovalState = Not Approved Preset Completed = Open Locked Attributes = SiteBook, Author, LastRevision, DateCompleted, ApproverName, ApproveState ##################################################################################################### # Tell some attributes to go on the same line as the preceeding attribute # #### Put Author on same line as SiteBook Format Author = 1 #### Put 'LastRevision' on the same line as 'Author' Format LastRevision = 1 #### Put 'DateCompleted' on the same line as 'Completed' Format DateCompleted = 1 #### Put 'ApproverName' on same line as 'ApprovalRequired' Format ApproverName = 1 #### Put 'ApproveState' on same line as 'ApprovalRequired' Format ApproveState = 1 ##################################################################################################### # The summary listing limits the displayed fields List display = Edit, Delete, Author, PlannedDate, FunctionalArea, Operation, HardwareName, Subject Summary lines = 0 Display mode = threaded Expand default = 1 Reverse sort = 1 Quick Filter = ApprovalRequired, PlannedDate, Completed Thread display = <b>What:</b> $subject &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <b>Scheduled for:</b> $PlannedDate &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <b>Change Status:</b> &nbsp <b>$ApproveState</b> and&nbsp;$Completed &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <b>Completed Date:</b> $DateCompleted Entries per page = 10 ##################################################################################################### # add last revision and change subjectline on each edit/reply Subst on edit lastrevision = REVISED: $date by $long_name Subst on reply lastrevision = REVISED: $date by $long_name Subst on reply subject = UPDATED: $subject ##################################################################################################### # Start defining how the form works ################################################## # Define FunctionalArea # Options FunctionalArea = NFS{1}, LDAP{2}, LoadBalancer{3}, LSF{4}, SunRay{5}, Tarantella{6}, Vital Server{7}, ClearCase{8}, CFEngine{9}, DataCenter{10}, Compute{11}, Network{12} ################################################## # Define Operation # {1} Options Operation = Maintenance, SW Installation, SW Upgrade, Configuration Change, Patch Applied {2} Options Operation = Schema Change, Maintenance, SW Installation, SW Upgrade, Configuration Change, Patch Applied {3} Options Operation = New Service Added, Configuration Change, Maintenance, SW Installation, SW Upgrade, Patch Applied {4} Options Operation = Schema Change, Queue Change, License Change, SW Installation, SW Upgrade, Configuration Change, Patch Applied {5} Options Operation = Maintenance, SW Installation, SW Upgrade, Configuration Change, Firmware Upgrade, Patch Applied {6} Options Operation = WebTop Change, Server Added, Maintenance, SW Installation, SW Upgrade, Configuration Change, Patch Applied {7} Options Operation = New Service Added, Maintenance, SW Installation, SW Upgrade, Configuration Change, Patch Applied {8} Options Operation = New VOB, New View, Maintenance, SW Installation, SW Upgrade, Configuration Change, Patch Applied {9} Options Operation = SW Upgrade, Configuration Change, Patch Applied {10} Options Operation = New HW Install, HW Maintenance, Power/UPS, HVAC, Network HW {11} Options Operation = Maintenance, SW Installation, SW Upgrade, Configuration Change, Patch Applied {12} Options Operation = Maintenance, SW Installation, SW Upgrade, Configuration Change, Patch Applied Tooltip FunctionalArea = The predefined Operations areas under which a Change may be scheduled. Tooltip Operation = Choose FUNCTIONALAREA first ################################################## # Define Category # {1} Options Category = HP, Celera, Sun, Brocade, StorageTek, EMC {2} Options Category = Supplier, Hub, Consumer,Gateway, Client {3} Options Category = F5, CSS {4} Options Category = Master {5} Options Category = SunrayServer {6} Options Category = TTServer, DesktopServer {7} Options Category = WWW, NIS, LISTSRV, NTP, DNS, MTA, TWIKI, ELOG, LOGGING HOST, GSH {8} Options Category = VOB, VIEW {9} Options Category = ? {10} Options Category = Cisco, Netbotz, Liebert Paging {11} Options Category = HPUX, Solaris, Linux {12} Options Category = Cisco Tooltip Category = Optional attribute. Please use for furthur classification. ################################################## # Define Significance # MOptions Significance = Routine, Multiple User Impact, Requires EC Communication, Deviates from EC Standard Tooltip Significance = Why is this entry being created - what is the SIGNIFICANCE of the change? ################################################## # Define EmailNotify # MOptions EmailNotify = Email to EC, Email to EC Admins, Other email (please complete "Manual Email Addresses" field) Tooltip EmailNotify = Select whom to notify, EC list is pre-loaded. Use 'Manual Email Addresses' for all others. ##################################################
... 464 more lines ...
  1841   Tue May 30 17:54:21 2006 Warning Steve Jonessteve.jones@freescale.comBug reportAll2.6.1-1681Losing field 'focus' when using Conditional Attributes
Stefan, any way to address this? It appears to only be applicable when one defines conditional Options - when javascript updates the conditional lists the input focus appears to shift to the HTML edit area. I am still running ELOG V2.6.1-1681 and this is under Windows (my test system).

With version 2.6.1 rev 1681 I believe this is when I started seeing the behavior such that when a conditional attribute value is selected the focus switches to the message entry window. It looks like when the javascript cond_submit() is called for some reason on returning focus defaults to the message window. This occurs under Windows (rev 1861) and Solaris (rev 1864). I can see in function chkform() that focus is returned for checking Required attributes, but I see nothing for conditional attributes.

  1847   Wed Jun 21 14:21:01 2006 Warning Ulrich Trüsselulrich.truessel@familienhund.chBug reportWindows2.6.1-6Corrupt page link
If a loggbook contains more than one page of entries, above and under the list are links for changing the page by number (or privous / last and all) conatining links looking like "http://localhost:8080/logbook/page2?mode=mode". This is the correct link and will work until Version 2.6.1-5!

In Version 2.6.1-6 the link is corrupted and look always like "http://localhost:8080/logbook/pag"
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6