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ID Date Icon Authorup Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subject
  67083   Sat Jun 18 20:29:25 2011 Entry Eoin Butlereoin.butler@cern.chQuestionLinux | Windows | Mac OSX | All | Other2.8.0Format in "Thread display"
Is is possible to add formatting (such as <b> tags, etc..) to the "thread display" option?
  67153   Tue Dec 13 22:18:04 2011 Reply Eoin Butlereoin.butler@cern.chQuestionLinux2.7.7-1Re: Cascading menus???

ron murphy wrote:

This may be already answered somewhere around here, but I could not find it. 

Question: Is it possible to have a pull down will a sub menu.  Something like,


Entry 1

Entry 2 --> Entry 2a

                   Entry 2b

                   Entry 2c

Entry 3

Entry 4

 The way I do this is

Attributes = Author, Subject, Run, Type, Hardware, Software, 

Options Type = Announcement{1}, Shift_Summary{2}, Physics_Discussion{3}, Analysis{4}, Hardware{5}, Software{6}
Options Hardware = Computers, Cryostat/Vacuum, DAQ, Environment Sensors, Magnets
Options Software = Analysis/Simulations, Control/Measurement, Detector, Linux, MIDAS, Sequencer, Windows
Show Attributes = Author, Type, Subject
{5} Show Attributes = Author, Type, Subject, Hardware
{6} Show Attributes = Author, Type, Subject, Software


  67752   Fri Jan 16 13:41:18 2015 Entry Eoin Butlereoin.butler@cern.chRequestAll-Configure default time range in 'Find'


We have a very large elog database, and executing a 'Find' on the whole range takes several minutes, locking other users out of the elog for that time. It would be very nice if there could be an option to set the default value of the 'search last ...' option on the find page. Thanks in advance!

  67754   Mon Jan 19 11:09:31 2015 Reply Eoin Butlereoin.butler@cern.chRequestAll-Re: Configure default time range in 'Find'

Yes, this works, but users inevitably forget to select "last week" or whatever, and just leave it blank, which means their search unintentionally takes a long time. It would be much better if one could configure it to default to something "fast".

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Have you tried in the "Find" page to set a start date, or select "Show last: Month". This shoudl speed up searching quit a bit.

  67760   Thu Jan 22 17:04:03 2015 Reply Eoin Butlereoin.butler@cern.chRequestAll-Re: Configure default time range in 'Find'

This looks like exactly what I wanted, thanks!

Stefan Ritt wrote:

I added a new optoin "Show last default = <days>", where one can pre-set the "Show last" drop-down box. I think this is a good idea, so now people can configure their elog to a certain default in this parameter. Of course all settings in the Find page are AND'ed together, so if one restricts the search to tha last week, but then looks for a date more in the past, the result will be zero by definition. The change is in the GIT repository. If you cannot recompile the code yourself, you have to wait for the next release.

David Pilgram wrote:

By the way, in further testing, the "Show last" selection over-rides whatever two dates are selected, so if you ask for any entry in Dec 2014, but the "Show last" selects "week", nothing is found - very quickly.  I trust that is what you're after, Eoin.  I'll keep my change to the coding, but that's personal choice.


  66776   Sun Mar 21 19:03:52 2010 Cool Eric Fengericjfeng@gmail.comQuestionAll2.7.8-2278Attach multiple (many!) files at one time


Is it possible to attach multiple files at one time?  Right now I have to attach each individually, click submit, then confirm, then re-select the next file...

This is a pain if one is attaching many files as I often want to do.  It would be nice to be able to select groups of files together using Ctrl and/or Shift, and even to attach a whole directory recursively.

I looked through previous threads but did not find this question asked there.



  66781   Tue Apr 6 00:45:10 2010 Reply Eric Fengericjfeng@gmail.comQuestionAll2.7.8-2278Re: Attach multiple (many!) files at one time

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Eric Feng wrote:


Is it possible to attach multiple files at one time?  Right now I have to attach each individually, click submit, then confirm, then re-select the next file...

This is a pain if one is attaching many files as I often want to do.  It would be nice to be able to select groups of files together using Ctrl and/or Shift, and even to attach a whole directory recursively.

I looked through previous threads but did not find this question asked there.



This is a well known problem, but unfortunately it's a limitation of HTML and how web browsers work. If it would be easy to attach whole directories to HTML forms, it would be too easy to steal important files from your computer. So the HTML designers decided that each file hast to be confirmed manually, and that's why you have to click so often. There is no way ELOG could bypass this scheme. 

 Hi Stefan,

Okay thanks for letting me know.  That is unfortunate now.

Is there no way also to select multiple files with shift or ctrl?  Is there any usable workaround that you can see?



  2076   Mon Nov 13 18:10:42 2006 Question Eric Kriseeric.krise@cmicompany.comQuestionWindows2.6.2-1748Report printing
Is there a way to print a summary of all (or selected) log books on a scheduled basis, say like every morning @ 7:00 am? I would like a printed copy of our daily logs (24 hr period). Thanks Eric
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