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ID Date Icon Author Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subjectdown
  1198   Fri Jun 17 22:33:29 2005 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug reportLinux2.5.9Re: elog crashes when admin tries to register new users

Heiko Scheit wrote:
The following appended after the base (!) URL results in a segmentation fault

It works fine, if a specific logbook is given. So
is not OK, while
is OK.

Thanks for that info. It helped me debugging things. The problem is that the "activation" URL does not contain a logbook if there is a global password file. I have never tried that so of course it crashes Crying

I tried to fix this and committed the changes to CVS. Can you try with that version?
  1206   Tue Jun 21 19:24:58 2005 Reply Heiko Scheith.scheit@mpi-hd.mpg.deBug reportLinux2.5.9Re: elog crashes when admin tries to register new users


Thanks for that info. It helped me debugging things. The problem is that the "activation" URL does not contain a logbook if there is a global password file. I have never tried that so of course it crashes Crying

I tried to fix this and committed the changes to CVS. Can you try with that version?

Not really, unless you have a fixed 2.5.9 version. Version 2.6 has
way too many new features, which I don't want at the moment. Or is
there a config option to get the old behavior?

I also saw that the format of the email notification has changed. As
I have scripts (bash, akw, procmail) that depend on this format I
would need much more time than I currently have to actually test

Maybe you should consider supporting two branches, say 'stable' (2.5.9
currently) and 'experimental' (2.6 currently)? For 'stable' only
severe bugs and security issues are fixed and in 'experimental' new
features are introduced. What do you say?

For me the risk of upgrading to 2.6 now seems to high, as many people
depend on the logbook.
  1212   Fri Jun 24 21:02:05 2005 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug reportLinux2.5.9Re: elog crashes when admin tries to register new users

Heiko Scheit wrote:
Not really, unless you have a fixed 2.5.9 version. Version 2.6 has
way too many new features, which I don't want at the moment. Or is
there a config option to get the old behavior?

Maybe you should consider supporting two branches, say 'stable' (2.5.9
currently) and 'experimental' (2.6 currently)? For 'stable' only
severe bugs and security issues are fixed and in 'experimental' new
features are introduced. What do you say?

I think elog is such a small project that supporting several branches makes no sense. You can do this if you have several developers, one taking care of each branch. But as you know I'm alone. But what I can do is the following:

  • Have a default switch for the Encoding. So if "default encoding = plain", the "plain" radio button is on by default, so people tend to write plain text rather than ELCoded text.
  • Have either a switch for the email notification, to revert back to the old text format, or have a multipart email message. I saw that outlook sometime does that. One email can contain a "plain" part and an "HTML" part. So you can select in your email reader which one to display. At least thunderbird supports that. But I don't know what your bash scripts say to that, please let me know.

Heiko Scheit wrote:
For me the risk of upgrading to 2.6 now seems to high, as many people
depend on the logbook.

Well, that's why it's called "beta". I first want to make sure that the transition to the new version goes smooth, and nobody's installation gets problems. So the old logbooks should be still readable without any modification, and once I implemented the "dual plain/html" email notification, you should be fine to upgrade. Is that correct?

- Stefan
  66940   Tue Nov 16 13:25:35 2010 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionLinuxV2.7.6-219Re: elog command line submission
> Hi, 
> I am playing with the elog automatic subscription script, but somehow I am failing in submitting an entry. 
> I am using a syntax as this:
> echo test | elog -h -p 8085 -d /usr/local/elogbooks/Elog -l "Sub Elog" -a "Type=MyType" -x -u user passwd
> and I get a message which says: 
> "cannot get host name: Success"
> which seems contradictory and also there is no entry submitted. 
> The command is executed on the host where the elog is running, the port and directory are taken from the cfg File. 
> What is my mistake, where is my misunderstanding of the documentation?
> Any hints appreciated. 
> Erik

The "-d" option is certainly wrong. This is only used when running elog under Apache. But otherwise it should work. I 
tried it myself and it went fine. Try to add a "-v" flag to see verbose output.
  66989   Wed Jan 19 14:47:15 2011 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug reportLinux2.8.0-2313Re: elog command creates always UTF-8 encoded entries
> If I create an entry via the web-interface, the defined encoding of the browser is used.
> If I create an entry via "elog", it is always stored in UTF-8 encoding.
> For the text I can overcome that with HTML encoding, but for attribute values the encoding does not show properly.
> The only solution I found was to convert the whole logbook to UTF-8 encoding:
>  define "charset=UTF-8" in elogd.cfg
>  iconv --from-code=ISO-8859-1 --to-code=UTF-8 elogd.cfg >tmp;mv tmp elogd.cfg
>  iconv --from-code=ISO-8859-1 --to-code=UTF-8 resources/eloglang.german >tmp;mv tmp resources/eloglang.german
> Has anyone any idea why ISO8859-1 does not work for me?
> Or can anyone advice me of an editor similar to NEdit that is capable to display UTF-8? :-)

I just tried it submitting to the Demo logbook:

using some German Umlauts, and saw that it works fine. "elog" does not do any conversion, just submits the text as is. 
If your text is ISO-8859-1 encoded, it will be submitted as such, and your browser will correctly display it. Have you 
tried removing the "charset=UTF-8" from your elogd.cfg?
  68923   Thu Apr 4 11:57:46 2019 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionLinux3.1.1 revision Re: elog client through proxy

The "elog" client does unfortunately not support proxies. You could however achieve the same with the "curl" tool. Have a look at elog:68597


gibelin julien wrote:

Dear users,

we started an elog serveur (using ssl) and open to the world which is working fine.

However I am trying to access it via the command line client, from a computer that uses a proxy to connect to internet.

The environnment variable are set :

declare -x ftp_proxy="ftp://myproxy:3128/"
declare -x http_proxy="http://myproxy:3128/"
declare -x https_proxy="https://myproxy:3128/"
declare -x socks_proxy="socks://myproxy:3128/"


but when I try to connect

elog  -h myelog -p 443 -l lognote -s 1 -u username passwd  -w last

I have the following message :

Cannot connect to host myelog, port 44

How should I proceed ?

Best regards





  Draft   Mon Sep 21 10:14:50 2015 Reply Edmund Hertleedmund.hertle@kit.eduBug reportLinux2.9.0(elogd)Re: elog client overwriting attached files when editing existing log


I think this is a "problem" of the elog client, since it simply replaces the data. In most cases this is what you want, but since I wanted to have the option to append to the acutal message I built a function to first read-back the entry and add to the message instead of replacing it.

I just played around a bit and found that the attachments will be even disconnected, if you do not specify the -f parameter but just edit a different part of this entry.

A work-around for this is tricky. I tried to write to the "Attachment" attribute directly (-a "Attachment=Filename'), since then you coud read back the data first and manually add the filenames again. But this does not work.

Since the attachments are not actually removed, the only option I see is to modify the logbook file entry on the server by manually re-adding the filenames to the "Attachment: " line. But 

Joseph McKenna wrote:

Using the elog client to upload atachments, I can successfully send attachments to an existing elog, however the existing attachments are lost.

I have tested using the elog client version 3.1.1 and elog client version 2.9.2 sending to elogd 2.9.0

elog -h localhost -p 8080 -l test -f  file1.png -f file2.png -e 249 -v -x

This works great, the text contained in the elog post is retained, however all attachments are lost and replaced with those sent by this command.

Can anyone provide some tips? I am not sure if its a problem with the client or server.

Thank you in advance!




  68118   Mon Sep 21 10:48:31 2015 Reply Edmund Hertleedmund.hertle@kit.eduBug reportLinux2.9.0(elogd)Re: elog client overwriting attached files when editing existing log


I think this is a "problem" of the elog client, since it simply replaces the data. In most cases this is what you want, but since I wanted to have the option to append to the acutal message I built a function to first read-back the entry and add to the message instead of replacing it.

I just played around a bit and found that the attachments will be even disconnected, if you do not specify the -f parameter but just edit a different part of this entry.

A work-around for this is tricky. I tried to write to the "Attachment" attribute directly (-a "Attachment=Filename'), since then you coud read back the data first and manually add the filenames again. But this does not work.

Since the attachments are not actually removed, the only option I see is to modify the logbook file entry on the server by manually re-adding the filenames to the "Attachment: " line.

Joseph McKenna wrote:

Using the elog client to upload atachments, I can successfully send attachments to an existing elog, however the existing attachments are lost.

I have tested using the elog client version 3.1.1 and elog client version 2.9.2 sending to elogd 2.9.0

elog -h localhost -p 8080 -l test -f  file1.png -f file2.png -e 249 -v -x

This works great, the text contained in the elog post is retained, however all attachments are lost and replaced with those sent by this command.

Can anyone provide some tips? I am not sure if its a problem with the client or server.

Thank you in advance!




ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6