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  Draft   Wed Sep 23 23:57:43 2015 Warning Stefanostefano.colafranceschi@gmail.comQuestionLinux3.1.0elog from php


I need to run elog command in an online php script. The problem I see is that the script works from the command line but not from the browser. In the script I just use:

system(elog -h mypc -p 8080 -l bla -a Author=\'io\' -a Type=\' ..etc.etc

any suggestions?

  68121   Tue Sep 22 15:04:55 2015 Idea Edmund Hertleedmund.hertle@kit.eduRequestAll3.1.1Suggestion for tooltips and/or comments


if you define a Tooltip at the moment it is only displayed on the attribute. I would like it very much if it would also be displayed on the values (on the right column in the detailed view and on the whole column in the list view), since we are using the tooltips to define the units of the attribute and it would be nice to pop up when you hover a value.

As for the comment it would be nice to have a flag to also show the comment on the detailed view while looking at an entry. At the moment it is only showed when creating a new entry. Again we use this field to define the units.

This is an example of how we use these options:

attributes = Fill Number, Beam Current, Beam Energy, Beam Lifetime, RF Voltage S2, RF Voltage S4, RF Frequency, Synchrotron Frequency

Comment Beam Current = in mA
Comment Beam Energy = in GeV
Comment Beam Lifetime = in hh:mm
Comment RF Voltage S2 = in kV
Comment RF Voltage S4 = in kV
Comment RF Frequency = in MHz
Comment Synchrotron Frequency = in kHz

Tooltip Beam Current = in mA
Tooltip Beam Energy = in GeV
Tooltip Beam Lifetime = in hh:mm
Tooltip RF Voltage S2 = in kV
Tooltip RF Voltage S4 = in kV
Tooltip RF Frequency = in MHz
Tooltip Synchrotron Frequency = in kHz



  Draft   Tue Sep 22 14:56:37 2015  Edmund Hertleedmund.hertle@kit.eduRequestAll3.1.1Suggestion for tooltips and/or comments


if you define a Tooltip at the moment it is only displayed on the attribute. I would like it very much if it would also be displayed on the values (on the right column in the detailed view and on the whole column in the list view), since we are using the tooltips to define the units of the attribute and it would be nice to pop up when you hover a value.

As for the comment it would be nice to have a flag to also show the comment on the detailed view while looking at an entry. At the moment it is only showed when creating a new entry. Again we use this field to define the units.

This is an example of how we use these options:

attributes = Fill Number, Beam Current, Beam Energy, Beam Lifetime, RF Voltage S2, RF Voltage S4, RF Frequency, Synchrotron Frequency

Comment Beam Current = in mA
Comment Beam Energy = in GeV
Comment Beam Lifetime = in hh:mm
Comment RF Voltage S2 = in kV
Comment RF Voltage S4 = in kV
Comment RF Frequency = in MHz
Comment Synchrotron Frequency = in kHz

Tooltip Beam Current = in mA
Tooltip Beam Energy = in GeV
Tooltip Beam Lifetime = in hh:mm
Tooltip RF Voltage S2 = in kV
Tooltip RF Voltage S4 = in kV
Tooltip RF Frequency = in MHz
Tooltip Synchrotron Frequency = in kHz



  68119   Mon Sep 21 17:08:44 2015 Reply Edmund Hertleedmund.hertle@kit.eduQuestionWindows2.7.3Re: Syntax for conditional list display

Hey Terry,

I don't think this is possible, since in general you cannot define config settings in a way that it would only affect specific users. For example, you also cannot have different themes for different users (as stated here: )



Terry L wrote:

Good Morning,

I would like to limit the ability to edit certain attributes in an ELOG logbook, depending on the user who is logged in.  I.e. if "guest" or a standard "login user" is logged in, I only want to allow the user to edit "attribute1" & "attribute2" of say, 5 attributes.  However, if an Admin user or specific user, say "Terry" or "Bob" is logged in, I want to allow ALL 5 attributes to be editable.  To expand on this, I may want to even limit the visibility of the attributes as well.

I've read though "Condition Attributes" section of the help page, but it is not clear to me how/if I can do this?  Is that section even relevant to what I want to accomplish?

Can anyone provide some guidance?

Thank you for your time & help!




  68118   Mon Sep 21 10:48:31 2015 Reply Edmund Hertleedmund.hertle@kit.eduBug reportLinux2.9.0(elogd)Re: elog client overwriting attached files when editing existing log


I think this is a "problem" of the elog client, since it simply replaces the data. In most cases this is what you want, but since I wanted to have the option to append to the acutal message I built a function to first read-back the entry and add to the message instead of replacing it.

I just played around a bit and found that the attachments will be even disconnected, if you do not specify the -f parameter but just edit a different part of this entry.

A work-around for this is tricky. I tried to write to the "Attachment" attribute directly (-a "Attachment=Filename'), since then you coud read back the data first and manually add the filenames again. But this does not work.

Since the attachments are not actually removed, the only option I see is to modify the logbook file entry on the server by manually re-adding the filenames to the "Attachment: " line.

Joseph McKenna wrote:

Using the elog client to upload atachments, I can successfully send attachments to an existing elog, however the existing attachments are lost.

I have tested using the elog client version 3.1.1 and elog client version 2.9.2 sending to elogd 2.9.0

elog -h localhost -p 8080 -l test -f  file1.png -f file2.png -e 249 -v -x

This works great, the text contained in the elog post is retained, however all attachments are lost and replaced with those sent by this command.

Can anyone provide some tips? I am not sure if its a problem with the client or server.

Thank you in advance!




  Draft   Mon Sep 21 10:14:50 2015 Reply Edmund Hertleedmund.hertle@kit.eduBug reportLinux2.9.0(elogd)Re: elog client overwriting attached files when editing existing log


I think this is a "problem" of the elog client, since it simply replaces the data. In most cases this is what you want, but since I wanted to have the option to append to the acutal message I built a function to first read-back the entry and add to the message instead of replacing it.

I just played around a bit and found that the attachments will be even disconnected, if you do not specify the -f parameter but just edit a different part of this entry.

A work-around for this is tricky. I tried to write to the "Attachment" attribute directly (-a "Attachment=Filename'), since then you coud read back the data first and manually add the filenames again. But this does not work.

Since the attachments are not actually removed, the only option I see is to modify the logbook file entry on the server by manually re-adding the filenames to the "Attachment: " line. But 

Joseph McKenna wrote:

Using the elog client to upload atachments, I can successfully send attachments to an existing elog, however the existing attachments are lost.

I have tested using the elog client version 3.1.1 and elog client version 2.9.2 sending to elogd 2.9.0

elog -h localhost -p 8080 -l test -f  file1.png -f file2.png -e 249 -v -x

This works great, the text contained in the elog post is retained, however all attachments are lost and replaced with those sent by this command.

Can anyone provide some tips? I am not sure if its a problem with the client or server.

Thank you in advance!




  68116   Wed Sep 16 02:47:33 2015 Question Joseph McKennajoseph.mckenna@cern.chBug reportLinux2.9.0(elogd)elog client overwriting attached files when editing existing log

Using the elog client to upload atachments, I can successfully send attachments to an existing elog, however the existing attachments are lost.

I have tested using the elog client version 3.1.1 and elog client version 2.9.2 sending to elogd 2.9.0

elog -h localhost -p 8080 -l test -f  file1.png -f file2.png -e 249 -v -x

This works great, the text contained in the elog post is retained, however all attachments are lost and replaced with those sent by this command.

Can anyone provide some tips? I am not sure if its a problem with the client or server.

Thank you in advance!



  Draft   Wed Sep 16 01:27:20 2015  Joseph McKennajoseph.mckenna@cern.chBug reportLinux2.9.0(elogd)elog client overwriting attached files when editing existing log

Using the elog client to upload atachments, I can successfully send attachments to an existing elog, however the existing attachments are lost.

I have tested using the elog client version 3.1.1 and elog client version 2.9.2 sending to elogd 2.9.0

elog -h localhost -p 8080 -l test -f  file1.png -f file2.png -e 249 -v -x

This works great, the text contained in the elog post is retained, however all attachments are lost and replaced with those sent by this command.

Can anyone provide some tips? I am not sure if its a problem with the client or server.

Thank you in advance!



ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6