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ID Date Iconup Author Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subject
  68040   Tue Jul 7 21:57:04 2015 Question Erkcan Ozcanerkcan@gmail.comQuestionLinux3.1.0-5be245eCustomized email subject line for an updated entry


The default email subject line for a new entry is: "New ELOG entry", and the default email subject line for an edited entry is: "Updated ELOG entry". However when we set "Use Email Subject", both new entries and the updated entries use the same email subject. Is there an equivalent of "Use Email Heading Edit" for the subject line? I tried "Use Email Subject Edit", to no avail.

Thanks in advance,


  68045   Mon Jul 20 14:45:12 2015 Question Marty Jansenmarimart@freeler.nlQuestionWindows3.1.0-c701f01FCKEditor not working correctly on a Windows server.


After working many years with previous versions of ELOG, I decided to update to the latest version.
I have installed ELOG version 3.1.0 on a WIndows 2012R2 server with IE 1. The editor is showing up, but everything is greyed out, execpt for some items on the bottom row. (Style, Lettertype...) and after I do load a preset text form with different colors, the page remains white. The tables and text in the form is showing up.

The previous version with the older editor was working great on the same server.

Any suggestions? 

  68060   Wed Jul 29 23:07:41 2015 Question Lucarimbalzina@gmail.comQuestionLinuxELOG V3.1.0-241Insert TimeStamp not working


I have an eLog logbook installed on my machine.

If I click on the INSERT TIMESTAMP botton in this post a Timestamp of the kind "Wed Jul 29 23:09:15 2015" is added.

When I do the same (with the same browser) on my logbook, nothing is added. Ideas about what might be causing this?



  68072   Wed Aug 5 02:59:50 2015 Question William Wongwilliam.wong@fortisbc.comQuestionWindows3.0ELOG 3.0 plus and MS Windows issues.

Greetings all.  A few ELOG users have posted issues with ELOG 3.0 and newer not working with a variety of MS Windows operating systems,.
I have also encountered a similar problem in my environment.

For the following operating systems:        
1) Windows XP SP3 (32-bit)           
2) Windows Server 2003 SP 2 (32-bit)
when either elog.exe or elogd.exe are run from command line or file manager, the operating system reports the program is not a Win32 application.

I have other test computers that succesfully ran ELOG 3.0, 3.1 and 3.1.1
1) Windows Vista Enterprise (32-bit)
2) Windows 7 Professional (64-bit) 

Has ELOG 3.x and newer changed in regards to support for MS Windows but is not documented on the
official ELOG documentation?

Any help would be most appreciated.

NOTE: The current production ELOG I use on Windows Server 2003 is 2.92-2475 but I would like to use the

features available on the 3,.x versions.  Unfortunately, I am not able to change my production operating system.

  68078   Wed Aug 12 16:59:30 2015 Question Philip Leungphilip.leung@cern.chQuestionLinux | Windows3.1.1Isolating search urls

Hello all,

I am in need of isolating GET-requests referring to long-running, read-only elog functions such as search/filter/sort in our Apache proxy and redirecting them elsewhere. There does not, however, appear to be any easy way of reliably isolating these functions (with the exception of sort) by only looking at the URL.

Does anybody have any suggestions?



  68080   Wed Aug 12 23:44:16 2015 Question Eric Quinteroericq@caltech.eduQuestionAll3.0.0-70b274bShow attachments = 0

I have "Show attachments = 0" set in [global], but attachments are shown in the "Full" view. Is this the intended behavior? Looking at individual entries correctly hides the attachments. 

We use inline images often, so when an attachement is shown at the bottom of a post it is effectively a duplicate, which clutters things up a bit. 

  68084   Sat Aug 15 00:00:36 2015 Question John Krautkramerjohn.krautkramer@micrel.comQuestionLinux3.1.1IE 11 - Text Edit Toolbar Not Working


I've been exploring elog. I find when using IE 11, the text editor formatting buttons don't work with HTML encoding selected. The entire toolbar is grayed out. It appears to work fine with Chrome. Any ideas or direction to look? elog v3.1.1 is running on RedHat EL5. I've tried the rpm installation, and source code compilation and installation with no change.

Any input would be greatly apriciated!


  68097   Wed Aug 19 17:08:56 2015 Question Richard for Windows

I am interested in using LDAP authentication for elogd on Windows for which it looks like I need to compile from source, enabling LDAP in the make file.

Does anyone have advice on build environments for Windows in which they have had success making elog?  Free ones preferably, such as Cygwin. 

ELOG V3.1.5-2eba886