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icon1.gif   Question, posted by nickc1 on Mon Apr 14 15:07:02 2003 
Is there a way to hide logbooks from all views.

Basically i want to use the move function to move old entries to another 
logbook but only want administrators to be able to see the logbooks in the 
view, everyone will just see the primary ones.

At the min im having to put Archive logbook, everyone is complaining at me 
that there is too many to choose from :)

Any suggestions ?
    icon2.gif   Re: Question, posted by nickc1 on Tue Apr 15 12:17:12 2003 
> > Is there a way to hide logbooks from all views.
> > 
> > Basically i want to use the move function to move old entries to another 
> > logbook but only want administrators to be able to see the logbooks in 
> > view, everyone will just see the primary ones.
> > 
> > At the min im having to put Archive logbook, everyone is complaining at 
> > that there is too many to choose from :)
> > 
> > Any suggestions ?
> What about grouping the archive logbooks into a logbook group? Like:
> Group Pubilc = Logook1, Logbook2, ...
> Group Archive = Archive1, Archive2, ...
> So if a "normal" user is in the public group, it only sees Logoook1, ... 
> a single tab "archive", which is then (I hope) not too much to choose from.

I tried that but on the summary screen it displays a list of all the logbook 
regardless of group, also im not using public groups im using a seperate 
password file.
    icon2.gif   Re: Question, posted by nickc1 on Wed Apr 16 13:28:38 2003 
> > I tried that but on the summary screen it displays a list of all the 
> logbook 
> > regardless of group, also im not using public groups im using a seperate 
> > password file.
> Ah, you mean by "summary screen" the initial logbook selection screen where 
> each logbook is displayed in one line. For that case, I just added a 
> flag "Hide from selection". If set to "1", this logbook is not dispalyed 
> among the list of logbooks. Is this what you want? New version under CVS.

Yes thats wicked perfect, now im prob being thick but is there a way to hide 
logbook tabs in the same way, as i dont really want to use groups as the 
people that use the system arent really techie and the titles will confuse 
them :)

Im trying to make it idiot proof for them 

    icon2.gif   Re: Question, posted by nickc1 on Sat Apr 19 11:09:33 2003 
> > Yes thats wicked perfect, now im prob being thick but is there a way to 
> hide 
> > logbook tabs in the same way, as i dont really want to use groups as the 
> > people that use the system arent really techie and the titles will 
> > them :)
> Well, I changed the flag from "hide from selection = 1" to "hidden = 1", 
> which hides it now also from the logbook selection tabs on the top row. But 
> this means that the only way to access the hidden logbooks is by entering 
> their URL directly (or from a bookmark). I'm not sure how useful this is...
> New version under CVS.

Thats perfect, administrator such as myself can access those books directly 
from the URL, and can be used as an archive logbook running in sync with the 
live one, so hold records such as completed tickets in a request system once 
completed can be moved to the archive logbook.

Cheers fella  that is gonna help me a great deal.
icon1.gif   Feature request - fairly urgent also :), posted by nickc1 on Fri May 2 10:32:57 2003 
We are using elog as a small database system, today we came across a 
problem where 2 people were editing the same record and the first one to 
submit his changes were overwritten when the second person submitted his.

Is there anyway to lock a logbook record when someone has pressed EDIT, 
maybe set a flag in the logbook entry so it has to be unlocked when its 
submitted by the originator or by an administrator.

Many Thanks
    icon2.gif   Re: Feature request - fairly urgent also :), posted by nickc1 on Fri May 2 11:05:28 2003 
> No, but I will put it on the wishlist. Anyhow it is hard to implement 
> something like this. Assume that I would lock a page whenever it's edited 
> someone. This person can edit it and forget to submit the changes, just 
> the browser. Since the elogd server does not know when a remote browser 
> closed, it cannot determine if the editing is just taking long or if the 
> person closed the browser. In the latter case, the message would be 
> forever and nobody could change it any more. If I put a timeout, like 
> locked for N minutes, it's again not 100% safe. I saw people doing shift 
> with elog, opening a page, keeping it open for 8 hours and then submit 
> if I set the timeout to 8h, and someone abandons editing a message, this 
> message would be blocked for 8h, which is probably also not what you 
> Alternatively, I just can display a messge: Warning: this message is 
> currently edited by user xxx on host xxx. But if the warning is ignored 
> the user, then again we have the same problem.
> Do you see a clever solution to that?

I was thinking of having an icon on the page that administrator can click 
unlock a record that has been left locked by someone, perhaps using 

Allow Unlock = admin (or even just have the option on the top like 
(Admin/Config) for administrators

Just like the delete function works, in addition to the Warning message as 
you suggested
icon1.gif   CVS URL, posted by nickc1 on Tue May 6 10:53:33 2003 
Can anyone tell me the URL for the CVS download section

the link has gone from one of the main screens

icon1.gif   Question, posted by nickc1 on Thu May 8 15:12:11 2003 
Can you tell me what the following change in CVS offers

Revision 1.99 / (download) - annotate - [select for diffs] , Fri May 2 
10:00:31 2003 UTC (6 days, 2 hours ago) by midas 
Changes since 1.98: +10 -1 lines
Diff to previous 1.98 
Added lock icon for protected logbooks

Does this relate to the request in article 309

and if so is there any flags set to enable it.

ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6