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New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
ID Date Icon Author Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subjectdown
  68684   Mon Sep 4 13:08:35 2017 Reply Andreas Luedekeandreas.luedeke@psi.chRequestWindowsELOG V3.1.3-fd7Re: edit elog config via elog web interface

On the right side of "Change password" you should find "Change config file".

But you'll only see this, if the user has admin priviledges defined in the config file: "Admin user = <user>"

config menu

Then you can edit the configuration of that logbook. At the top you'll have a button "Change [global]" to edit the global part of the configuration - if you have the relevant priviledges to do so.

Tim Schelfhout wrote:


Is it possible to edit the entire elog config file via the elog frontend?  I see the config button 
on some screens but it only allows me to change user and password??



  66741   Thu Mar 11 15:36:39 2010 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug reportWindows2.6.1-1681Re: eLog crash

Mirza Ehsan wrote:

I am using eLog ELOG V2.6.1-1681 which has 7 log books under 8 categories. Out of 7 log books, 2 are daily used. It happened that two weeks back. I modified information on two log books which were not used for quite longtime. Hence using CONFIG, I updated these log books, changing text etc. After that eLog in general started giving error. Any time when we click SUBMIT button in any log book, eLog shows page not found. That submit crashes eLog and as a result elogd service stops. Restarting elogd service, eLog operation comes back and the log which I submitted was actualy saved. Difficulty is that this problem is happening with every single submit action. 

I searched forum and learnt that upgrading eLog to newest version 2.7.8 will solve this problem. Upgrade created more problems, I was not able to open any log, authentication was not accepted. I restored that backup and went back to previous version. eLog started working but with submit error.

If any one can help me in fixing this problem

I propose that you get 2.7.8 working. If the authentication fails, try do do password recovery, or recreated the accounts. 

  66758   Sat Mar 13 09:40:37 2010 Reply Mirza Ehsanmirza@cpjeddah.comBug reportWindows2.6.1-1681Re: eLog crash

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Mirza Ehsan wrote:

I am using eLog ELOG V2.6.1-1681 which has 7 log books under 8 categories. Out of 7 log books, 2 are daily used. It happened that two weeks back. I modified information on two log books which were not used for quite longtime. Hence using CONFIG, I updated these log books, changing text etc. After that eLog in general started giving error. Any time when we click SUBMIT button in any log book, eLog shows page not found. That submit crashes eLog and as a result elogd service stops. Restarting elogd service, eLog operation comes back and the log which I submitted was actualy saved. Difficulty is that this problem is happening with every single submit action. 

I searched forum and learnt that upgrading eLog to newest version 2.7.8 will solve this problem. Upgrade created more problems, I was not able to open any log, authentication was not accepted. I restored that backup and went back to previous version. eLog started working but with submit error.

If any one can help me in fixing this problem

I propose that you get 2.7.8 working. If the authentication fails, try do do password recovery, or recreated the accounts. 

 Thanks for the reply. I found problem with existing version. I opened log book group  without  opening log book details in configuration, that is why at submitting or opening elog was not able to find log book for that group and was getting lost.

Regarding moving to 2.7.8, I want to know that in this new version file location for pwd and log books will remain same or are changed. If changed then I have to change location manually. Also how I can perform password recovery.

  1737   Wed Mar 1 10:31:33 2006 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionAll2.5.9Re: eLog Version number as eLog attribute?

Steve Jones wrote:
When a footer is used (via Bottom text = <filename>) eLog no longer displays the eLog version number at the bottom. Is it possible to somehow expose the version/revision as an eLog attribute or have the version still display even when a replacement footer is specified?


I added that feature, but will not be able to commit it before the next weekend.
  1740   Wed Mar 1 20:22:28 2006 Agree Steve Jonessteve.jones@freescale.comQuestionAll2.5.9Re: eLog Version number as eLog attribute?

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Steve Jones wrote:
When a footer is used (via Bottom text = <filename>) eLog no longer displays the eLog version number at the bottom. Is it possible to somehow expose the version/revision as an eLog attribute or have the version still display even when a replacement footer is specified?


I added that feature, but will not be able to commit it before the next weekend.

Not a problem! Thanks
  65808   Thu Apr 3 08:37:27 2008 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionWindows2.7.3Re: e-mail format

Bill Qualls wrote:

I "upgraded" from v2.6.? to v2.7.3.  By "upgrade", I mean "copy all files to a different computer, then run the installer".  e-mail messages received from my v2.6 instance look nice.  The messages look like HTML tables with blue and green coloring.  My v2.7 instance appears to send plain text.  But, when I forward the v2.7 message, the nice HTML tables appear again.  Is there an e-mail formatting setting that I need to change?

That has probably to do with the program with which you read your email. The coloring is done in a cascading style sheet, which the email program has to load from the elog server upon display. Most programs ask you if you like to "load images" for this email. This is a bit misleading since the style sheet is no image, but similarly loaded form an external source. I use Thunderbird, which remembers my decisions. So if I get an elog message from a certain email sender, and I click on "load images always from this sender", then it will show the colored background for each following entry. If the sender now is different (like if you use a different computer), this will be different and you have to load images once by clicking somewhere (mostly a bar above your email display).

  67322   Wed Aug 29 10:37:44 2012 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionLinuxV2.8.1-235Re: dynamic preset text

Zbigniew Reszela wrote:

Dear all,

Is it possible to have a dynamic "preset text" option?

I would like to switch the template file depending on the attribute value. (Of course this attribute values will be a fixed list of options, not extandable). 

I see there one difficulty, that: if user already started editing the text body, he could lose this data. But I think that this could be left on user responsibility to take care about it.

Another option could be to always insert the template text on the very beginning of the text body.

Is this feature implemented, or maybe someone have done it by changing the server code?


This is possible with conditional attributes. An additional trick would be to not show the text body of an attribute is not selected. This way the user first has to select the attribute, then the text field with the specific preset will show up. The configuration would be something along these lines:

Attributes = Type, Subject
Options Type = One{1}, Two{2}, Three{3}
Show text = 0

{1} Preset text = text1
{2} Preset text = text2
{3} Preset text = text3
{1,2,3} Show text = 1


Of course you have to supply proper text files text1, text2, text3.

- Stefan

  67325   Wed Aug 29 17:55:37 2012 Agree Zbigniew Reszelareszelaz@gmail.comQuestionLinuxV2.8.1-235Re: dynamic preset text

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Zbigniew Reszela wrote:

Dear all,

Is it possible to have a dynamic "preset text" option?

I would like to switch the template file depending on the attribute value. (Of course this attribute values will be a fixed list of options, not extandable). 

I see there one difficulty, that: if user already started editing the text body, he could lose this data. But I think that this could be left on user responsibility to take care about it.

Another option could be to always insert the template text on the very beginning of the text body.

Is this feature implemented, or maybe someone have done it by changing the server code?


This is possible with conditional attributes. An additional trick would be to not show the text body of an attribute is not selected. This way the user first has to select the attribute, then the text field with the specific preset will show up. The configuration would be something along these lines:


Attributes = Type, Subject
Options Type = One{1}, Two{2}, Three{3}
Show text = 0

{1} Preset text = text1
{2} Preset text = text2
{3} Preset text = text3
{1,2,3} Show text = 1


Of course you have to supply proper text files text1, text2, text3.

- Stefan


 Thanks, it works perfectly!

ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6