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New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
IDdown Date Icon Author Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subject
  68021   Mon Jun 15 08:33:50 2015 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionWindowsELOG V3.1.0-3c6Re: "Preset on reply" not work?

You have "Remove on reply" together with "Preset on reply Author". Since the first is executed later, you first preset the author name, then remove it again. Just discard the "Remove on reply" and you are fine.

Daniel Sajdyk wrote:

Hi all :)

I try to setup my first lobgook, and have some problem. 

I want that Author was preset by $long_name, and it can't change its name. That works correct. I also want, when other user click Reply, that he will be author of reply, but Author windows goes emtpy... No Author, or Reply User in that field. Is it correct?

Do you have any suggestions? 

Here is part of config I use:

; preset author and email
Preset Author = $long_name
Preset Author Email = $user_email

; these attributes cannot be changed
Locked Attributes = Author

; options for reply
Subst on reply subject = Re: $Configuration Name
Remove on reply = Author, Author Email
Preset on reply Author = $long_name





  68020   Mon Jun 15 08:28:43 2015 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chRequestLinuxlatestRe: dependencies lib

If you Google for " is needed", you will find for example this site: , which tells you to install the libssl-dev package.

alireza wrote:

Hi,I'm new here :) and want to install elog on linux suse. could you please tell me, how can I find this following lib dependency.

linuxsuse#rpm -i elogi386.rpm
                 error: Failed dependencies:
         is needed by elog-3.1.0-2.i386

Thanks in Advance


  68018   Sun Jun 14 21:30:14 2015 Question Daniel Sajdykdaniel.sajdyk@gmail.comQuestionWindowsELOG V3.1.0-3c6"Preset on reply" not work?

Hi all :)

I try to setup my first lobgook, and have some problem. 

I want that Author was preset by $long_name, and it can't change its name. That works correct. I also want, when other user click Reply, that he will be author of reply, but Author windows goes emtpy... No Author, or Reply User in that field. Is it correct?

Do you have any suggestions? 

Here is part of config I use:

; preset author and email
Preset Author = $long_name
Preset Author Email = $user_email

; these attributes cannot be changed
Locked Attributes = Author

; options for reply
Subst on reply subject = Re: $Configuration Name
Remove on reply = Author, Author Email
Preset on reply Author = $long_name




  68017   Sun Jun 14 10:17:18 2015 Question alirezaali_f5@yahoo.comRequestLinuxlatestdependencies lib

Hi,I'm new here :) and want to install elog on linux suse. could you please tell me, how can I find this following lib dependency.

linuxsuse#rpm -i elogi386.rpm
                 error: Failed dependencies:
         is needed by elog-3.1.0-2.i386

Thanks in Advance

  68016   Fri Jun 12 12:19:50 2015 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug reportOtherELOG V3.1.1-5eaRe: Upload of images fails from mobile platforms when using ELOG under SSL

Use thumbnails (need ImageMagick to be installed for that), and you can show for example 300x300 pixel thumbnails of all pictures.

Neal Grafton wrote:

On the subject of uploads, is there a way to restrict the viewing size of an uploaded photo or picture in the config? So it doesn't appear over more than one page.



Stefan Ritt wrote:

That's strange. Might have to do with the SSL library elog uses. I just tried this forum (actually the "Demo"), and it worked fine through SSL, but I use an Apache proxy server for elog implementing the SSL protocol, which might be slightly different.

Hanno Perrey wrote:


I discovered a problem uploading images taken with the cameras of mobile devices to new elog entries directly from said devices. When selecting the image and choosing "Upload", either the blue page loading indicator gets stuck at around 10% (mobile Safari, iOS 8.3, iPhone 4 and iPad mini) or the error message "failed secure connection; connection reset while page was being loaded" ("Fehler: gesicherte Verbindung fehlgeschlagen. Verbindung zum Server wurde zurueckgesetzt waehrend die Seite geladen wurde") appears shortly after (Android 5.02, Firefox 37.0.2, Motorola G).

From the desktop browser (Firefox 38.0.5, OSX 10.10) there is no problem uploading images at all.

So far, this problem is very reproducible, but only when using ELOG with SSL enabled. Without SSL, the problem disappears on all platforms.

The ELOG daemon runs under Linux (Fedora 18) and I have also tried using the latest development version of ELOG.

Running ELOG with debug messages the only output after the page has been loaded is:

TCP connection #0 on socket 4 closed
TCP connection #0 on socket 4 closed

After these, there is no further output and the mobile devices do not indicate any progress either even after many mi.

The minimal config file I have been using is:

; network
port = 443
SSL = 1
URL = https://my.server.somewhere/
; paths
Logbook dir = /usr/local/elog/logbooks
Resource dir = /usr/local/elog
Logfile = /tmp/elog.log

Attributes = Author, Type, Category, Subject
Required Attributes = Author, Type
Options Type = Status, Modification, Problem Report, Problem Details, Problem Fixed, Other
Options Category = Facility, Experiment, IT, Other
List Page Title = $logbook - $subject

As mentioned before, removing the first three lines fixes the problem (the URL line points to my actual server of course).

I would appreciate any pointers on how to debug this further! The functionality of posting images directly from mobile devices is quite important for the planed deployment of ELOG and I would very much prefer to have SSL enabled when doing so.


Thanks and cheers,





  68015   Fri Jun 12 11:59:00 2015 Reply Neal reportOtherELOG V3.1.1-5eaRe: Upload of images fails from mobile platforms when using ELOG under SSL

On the subject of uploads, is there a way to restrict the viewing size of an uploaded photo or picture in the config? So it doesn't appear over more than one page.



Stefan Ritt wrote:

That's strange. Might have to do with the SSL library elog uses. I just tried this forum (actually the "Demo"), and it worked fine through SSL, but I use an Apache proxy server for elog implementing the SSL protocol, which might be slightly different.

Hanno Perrey wrote:


I discovered a problem uploading images taken with the cameras of mobile devices to new elog entries directly from said devices. When selecting the image and choosing "Upload", either the blue page loading indicator gets stuck at around 10% (mobile Safari, iOS 8.3, iPhone 4 and iPad mini) or the error message "failed secure connection; connection reset while page was being loaded" ("Fehler: gesicherte Verbindung fehlgeschlagen. Verbindung zum Server wurde zurueckgesetzt waehrend die Seite geladen wurde") appears shortly after (Android 5.02, Firefox 37.0.2, Motorola G).

From the desktop browser (Firefox 38.0.5, OSX 10.10) there is no problem uploading images at all.

So far, this problem is very reproducible, but only when using ELOG with SSL enabled. Without SSL, the problem disappears on all platforms.

The ELOG daemon runs under Linux (Fedora 18) and I have also tried using the latest development version of ELOG.

Running ELOG with debug messages the only output after the page has been loaded is:

TCP connection #0 on socket 4 closed
TCP connection #0 on socket 4 closed

After these, there is no further output and the mobile devices do not indicate any progress either even after many mi.

The minimal config file I have been using is:

; network
port = 443
SSL = 1
URL = https://my.server.somewhere/
; paths
Logbook dir = /usr/local/elog/logbooks
Resource dir = /usr/local/elog
Logfile = /tmp/elog.log

Attributes = Author, Type, Category, Subject
Required Attributes = Author, Type
Options Type = Status, Modification, Problem Report, Problem Details, Problem Fixed, Other
Options Category = Facility, Experiment, IT, Other
List Page Title = $logbook - $subject

As mentioned before, removing the first three lines fixes the problem (the URL line points to my actual server of course).

I would appreciate any pointers on how to debug this further! The functionality of posting images directly from mobile devices is quite important for the planed deployment of ELOG and I would very much prefer to have SSL enabled when doing so.


Thanks and cheers,




  68014   Thu Jun 11 09:09:03 2015 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug reportLinux3.1.0Re: Drag-and-drop not working in elog 3.1.0

Sure, I just wanted to get feedback from you regarding the draft functionality. As it looks now people are happy, so I will do a 3.1.1.

Andreas Luedeke wrote:
PS: Stefan, V3.1.0-2411f95 is from April and you've spend a lot of work on ELOG since then. Maybe you could merge the development branch and release the 3.1.1 as an RPM? Thanks!


  68013   Thu Jun 11 08:48:21 2015 Reply Andreas Luedekeandreas.luedeke@psi.chBug reportLinux3.1.0Re: Drag-and-drop not working in elog 3.1.0
Dear David,
what I meant with a "fresh and clean installation" is, that you do not install elog on the production system over the existing elog, but instead on another Linux box.
One possible problem could be that you have a modified CSS (or some other file), which is not overwritten by the ELOG installation. That file could break the D & D functionality.
My advise would be, to do an ELOG test installation and try D & D on the demo logbook of that installation. If that works, then you'll need to find out which of your local files is the culprit.
In any case, I would advise to grap the latest source from the development branch in Git and build from that: there had been many bugfixes since April.
Kind Regards
PS: Stefan, V3.1.0-2411f95 is from April and you've spend a lot of work on ELOG since then. Maybe you could merge the development branch and release the 3.1.1 as an RPM? Thanks!
David Wallis wrote:


I am running the latest version of the elogd source RPM that I could find - ELOG V3.1.0-2411f95 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.6 (Santiago), with kernel level 2.6.32-504.16.2.el6.x86_64. I can try grabbing the latest source code from Git and try building that. There are a couple other fixes I'd like to apply anyway. Thanks!


Andreas Luedeke wrote:
As you've pointed out, for the very same browsers D&D works with the Forum, and that is ELOG 3.1.0.
Hence I can only conclude that it is neither a browser, nor an ELOG issue, but a problem of your local installation. Maybe you try with a fresh and clean installation first? What Linux are you using, by the way?
Or you've picked by bad luck a 3.1.0 version where D&D did really not work. But I cannot tell, since you did not specify the git revision in the ELOG version (it is possible now ;-)
David Wallis wrote:

Drag and drop for attachments dosn't work on either Chrome 37.0.2062.94 (64-bit) or FIrefox 31.5.3 (both on Linux). D&D works on the demo page.

On my logbooks, the "drop attachements here" area does not have a dashed line border.

I don't see anything in the elogd.conf file that pertains to this feature.




ELOG V3.1.5-2eba886