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New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
ID Date Icon Author Author Email Categorydown OS ELOG Version Subject Text Attachments
  65909   Mon Jun 9 15:57:15 2008 Reply Erik Iversoneiverson@ornl.govQuestionWindows Re: Mass postings

  65910   Tue Jun 17 11:42:20 2008 Entry Franck Cfranck.c95@free.frQuestionWindows2.7.3Icon and Quick filterHi,
I have defined a quick filter based
on an icon attribute and it does not work:
  65911   Mon Jun 23 12:40:12 2008 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionWindows2.7.3Re: Icon and Quick filter

  65912   Thu Jun 26 22:53:59 2008 Question George Chisholmgeorge.chisholm@terasengas.comQuestionWindows2.7.4browse for hyperlink target?Just upgraded to v2.7.4 and really like
the new editor but I need to be able to browse
for the correct file when inserting a hyperlink. 
  65913   Fri Jun 27 11:45:09 2008 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionWindows2.7.4Re: browse for hyperlink target?

  65914   Fri Jun 27 18:31:08 2008 Reply George Chisholmgeorge.chisholm@terasengas.comQuestionWindows2.7.4Re: browse for hyperlink target?
  65915   Sat Jun 28 10:10:54 2008 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionWindows2.7.4Re: browse for hyperlink target?

  65916   Mon Jun 30 10:55:29 2008 Question Steve MuseremailWe use elog for (amongst other things)
a simple change management log.  About
two dozen users allowed to do updates and
ELOG V3.1.5-2eba886