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  68059   Wed Jul 29 11:53:13 2015 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chInfoLinux3.1.0Re: Pasting pictures from clipboard does not work anymore (firefox 39)

I updated the current version with this change (CKEditor 4.5.1) and indeed it fixes the problem. The change is comitted to the git repository and will be contained in the next release.

Jan Henry Hetzel wrote:


following the author of imagepaste one should upgrade the version of th CKEditor to a version >= 4.5. So replacing the folder ckeditor with a new version helped.



Stefan Ritt wrote:

I'm not aware of any workaround, so you might ask the author. Once you find a solution, I'm happy to include it in the distribution.


Jan Henry Hetzel wrote:
Hallo, as I have already written in the title, my problem is that after uprgrading my firefox to version 39 I cannot include pictures from clipboard. A downgrade to a previous version of firefox helped. But as this is not recommended I wanted to ask if there is a workaround or if I should inform the author of the "imagepaste"-extension of the CKEditor? Best regards, Jan




  68058   Sat Jul 25 20:28:45 2015 Reply Marty Jansenmarimart@freeler.nlQuestionWindows3.1.0-c701f01Re: FCKEditor not working correctly on a Windows server.

Sorry for the late reply. I have installed a slightly newer version of Elog, but the results are the same. I do get de the 3 editor bars, but the top 2 are greyed out and the bottom one doesn't do anything if clicked. I have commented out the lines that refer to the online equation editor, but that doesn't help much either. I think I let it rest. The old 2.9.xx version still works great, so we leave it at that.

Thanks anyway for the suggestions


Marty Jansen wrote:


After working many years with previous versions of ELOG, I decided to update to the latest version.
I have installed ELOG version 3.1.0 on a WIndows 2012R2 server with IE 1. The editor is showing up, but everything is greyed out, execpt for some items on the bottom row. (Style, Lettertype...) and after I do load a preset text form with different colors, the page remains white. The tables and text in the form is showing up.

The previous version with the older editor was working great on the same server.

Any suggestions? 


  68057   Thu Jul 23 08:19:38 2015 Agree Jan Henry Hetzelj.hetzel@fz-juelich.deInfoLinux3.1.0Re: Pasting pictures from clipboard does not work anymore (firefox 39)


following the author of imagepaste one should upgrade the version of th CKEditor to a version >= 4.5. So replacing the folder ckeditor with a new version helped.



Stefan Ritt wrote:

I'm not aware of any workaround, so you might ask the author. Once you find a solution, I'm happy to include it in the distribution.


Jan Henry Hetzel wrote:
Hallo, as I have already written in the title, my problem is that after uprgrading my firefox to version 39 I cannot include pictures from clipboard. A downgrade to a previous version of firefox helped. But as this is not recommended I wanted to ask if there is a workaround or if I should inform the author of the "imagepaste"-extension of the CKEditor? Best regards, Jan



  68056   Wed Jul 22 22:54:59 2015 Entry Jaime Duranjduran@yorku.caBug reportLinux3.1.0-2elogd crashes with a URL

URL causes elogd to crash when a global password file name doesn't match any group's password file name. 

The offending URL is copied from the address field of the browser after sorting a logbook by on of the fileds.

After login out and using the copied URL, elogd shows the authentication dialog and then crashes after the credentials are submited.

Some debugging point me to a NULL pointer on the following instruction in line   25502  of elogd.c :

  if (lbs->pwd_xml_tree) {

The work around was to name the global password file as the password file of one of the groups.

  68055   Wed Jul 22 03:09:39 2015 Idea Banata Wachid Ridwanjogjacard@yahoo.comInfoWindows3.1.0Revision for Indonesian Translation

hello, in my spare time, I try to fix some bugs, typo, and update for Indonesian translation

  Draft   Wed Jul 22 00:48:24 2015 Warning Banata Wachid Ridwanjogjacard@yahoo.comInfoWindows3.1.0 
  Draft   Wed Jul 22 00:48:21 2015 Warning Banata Wachid Ridwanjogjacard@yahoo.comInfoWindows3.1.0Revision for Indonesian translation

I got some spa

  68052   Tue Jul 21 15:02:19 2015 Reply Andreas Luedekeandreas.luedeke@psi.chQuestionWindows3.1.0-c701f01Re: FCKEditor not working correctly on a Windows server.

Just to clarify: I can easily use IE11 to access my 3.1.1 version of ELOG. I run the server on a Linux box (SL6) but I don't think that this makes any difference.

I repeat my guess: ELOG is probably not installed properly on your WIndows server. My suggestion would be to move the old installation to some backup directory and do a clean reinstall. Several files are not overwritten when you just update an existing installation, maybe some of them are too old for the current version of ELOG to work properly.

Andreas Luedeke wrote:

I've browsed the web for the error and apparently it is appearing with a variety of IE versions in combination with certain versions of the CKeditor.

Sorry, I can't help you with the problem: only found problem reports, no fixes. Therefore my advise (for now) would be: either use the old ELOG version or use a different browser. Microsoft anyway announced the end-of-life for IE with Windows 10.

Marty Jansen wrote:

Sorry for the typo,of course I meant IE 11.

I do get on "Error on page" error. After switching on the developer tools, I get the following output:

{exception} The value of the property 'dndInit' is null or undefined, not a Function object. I get this error when I trying to make a new entry.

If I use ELOG version 2.9.2-2455 it all works fine, but that version has an different editor.



Andreas Luedeke wrote:
Marty Jansen wrote:

I have installed ELOG version 3.1.0 on a WIndows 2012R2 server with IE 1. [...]

Seriously "IE 1" ??? Javascript was invented in 1995 just before IE 1 came out, I doubt it was supported by IE 1 ;-) I guess it was supposed to read IE 11?

As far as I know the Javascript code of the CKeditor runs on the client, I would not expect the server to be the culprit. I would first try a different browser, then check if the ELOG installation was complete (check for warnings?)

Do you have a Javascript error console in your browser? It should tell you something about what is going wrong.

Cheers, Andreas




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