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Wed May 14 18:18:05 2003 |
| nickc1 | | Info | | | WIshlist Additional |
Is it possible to make the logbook summary screen sort differently
For example on a customer name field it displays as follows :-
Its sorting alphabetically but is putting upper case characters before
their lower case equivalents, which in a customer list where lots of
initials are used its making the list look non sorted rather than truely
based on the character regardless of case.
Thanks in advance. |
Wed May 14 18:18:31 2003 |
| nickc1 | | Request | | | Re: Feature request - fairly urgent also :) |
Thanks Ill grab it tomorrow and try it,
when is the new version out btw ? |
Mon Jun 16 17:44:49 2003 |
| nickc1 | | Bug report | Linux | 2.3.8 | Bug Found |
Ive just been alerted to a bug with email notifications in Elog.
Basically if your log book contains a space then the URL that is sent in
emails when creating tickets or updating old entries doesnt put %20 (IEs
space) inthe URL it leaves a space hense breaking the link.
for example
Correct Way prior to 2.3.8
Broken way with new version Request/35
Link is broken at this point
My config looks like this
Email Status Assigned = $
Email Status Re-Assigned = $
Email Status Completed = $
Email "Send Update Email" Yes = $
Use Email Subject = A Provisioning Ticket has been assigned to you or
Use Email From = |
Fri Jun 20 10:40:43 2003 |
| nickc1 | | Bug report | Linux | 2.3.8 | Re: Bug Found |
> > Correct Way prior to 2.3.8
> >
> >
> >
> > Broken way with new version
> >
> > Request/35
> Exactly this problem has been fixed between 2.3.7 and 2.3.8, so can it be
> that you mixed up these two versions? To be precise, the fix happend in
> Revision 1.113 from 2003/06/04 08:17:35. So are you sure that you use a
> version of elogd after that modification? I tried to reproduce your
> with the official 2.3.8 version, but I got the correct result.
Im using the plain RPM from 2.3.8, i uninstalled the 2.3.7 RPM before this
upgrade, the only thing I kept was my own stylesheets and the config file.
One thing I just noticed is that if you dont have the URL statement set
under global properties, some machines quote the hostname of the machine at
which point this breaks the link. if you define the URL to the IP address
the problem goes away.
However even without the URL setting undefined, it works for some people
but not for others, I tried from 2 seperate machines and got 2 lots of
results, so I suspect it might be DNS related somewhere along the lines. |
Thu Jul 10 10:11:41 2003 |
| nickc1 | | Bug report | | 2.3.9 (src) | Currently being edited option has gone |
In the current source which ive compiled and am using on our elog system,
the feature that you put in for me that says "Entry is currently being
edited by Joe Bloggs on" has vanished.
It removes existing locks from before updating the binary but doesnt but
new ones on.
Is this something that was removed intentionally or by accident ?
Thanks |
Fri Jul 11 11:09:10 2003 |
| nickc1 | | Bug report | | 2.3.9 (src) | Re: Currently being edited option has gone |
Excellent thanks |
Wed Jul 16 21:42:54 2003 |
| nickc1 | | Info | | 2.3.9 | Re: Version 2.3.9 released today |
Can you give a syntax example of the Logging Level option ?
> Version 2.3.9 of elog has been released today. Enhancements are:
> - Added options "Use Lock", "Title image"
> - New "Email format" specifies what is sent exactly in an email
> notification. This may now include also attachments
> - "Format <attribute>" lets you assign separate style sheet classes to each
> attribute, making the web display more powerful (see this forum,
> the "subject" uses a separate formatting). Note that this feature requires
> an update of the old "default.css" CSS file, if a elog version prior to
> 2.3.9 is already installed on a system.
> - "Execute new/edit/delete" lets one execute shell commands on the server
> side for new, edited or deleted messages. Since this can cause security
> problems, a new flag "-x" has been added to the elogd daemon to enable this
> feature. It can be used to synchronize the elog database with other
> databases, or to send SMS messages to people.
> - New "Logging level" option gives enhanced logging capabilities, including
> read and write access logging to individual elog entries.
> - The elog utility can now edit existing messages, and correctly quotes
> messages with "> " on replies.
> A few small bugs have been fixed, refer to the ChangeLog for more details. |
Thu Jul 17 18:06:17 2003 |
| nickc1 | | Info | | 2.3.9 | Re: Version 2.3.9 released today |
It appears Im having problems getting this to work, my config is as follows, yet
its not updating the log file since i installed the new RPM 2.3.9, is there a
problem or am I doing something wrong ?
Thanks in advance.
port = 81
Logbook dir = /data
Logbook Tabs = 1
Main Tab = Home
Page title = LogBook System
SMTP host = support.localnet
Logfile = /var/log/elogd.log
Logging level = 3
Resource dir = /usr/local/elog
Welcome title = <img src="logo.gif"><p><font size=4 color=white>Customer Relational
Management System</font>
Page title = Customer Relational Management System
Bottom text = bottom.html
> > Can you give a syntax example of the Logging Level option ?
> Please refer to the documentation (, I just
> updated it. "Logging Level = 3" is the maximum level which includes writes and
> reads. |