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  68676   Tue Aug 22 18:29:02 2017 Question Stefano Bonaldostefano.bonaldo.13@gmail.comQuestionMac OSXv3.1.2Hide logbook tab when not authorized

Hello, I read carefully the manual, but I didn't find a way to hide the logbooks in the logbook bar and in the initial logbook selection for which the user does not have the access. So, if a user1 does not have the access to a specific logbook, user1 is not able to see that logbook in the bar and neither in the initial logbook selection. How can I do this without using the top groups?

  68682   Mon Sep 4 11:22:05 2017 Question Tim Schelfhouttimpieworks@gmail.comRequestWindowsELOG V3.1.3-fd7edit elog config via elog web interface


Is it possible to edit the entire elog config file via the elog frontend?  I see the config button 
on some screens but it only allows me to change user and password??


  68683   Mon Sep 4 11:56:47 2017 Question Tim Schelfhouttim.schelfhout@fixbrussel.beQuestionWindowsELOG V3.1.3-fd7javascript?

Is there anyone out there who can help me get started using javascript in elog ?  Is there an example somewhere ... i suppose you put the code in the
scripts folder?

Basically I am trying to calculate age of an added person in the database and display it after the birthdate field.  I  want to do other stuff, but once I know how 
the interaction is done I can proceed.

Thankx heaps

Great job btw with this ELOG ... been using it for years now.  I see you can add forms with html also, this might interest me for the future.


  68686   Fri Sep 15 00:56:38 2017 Question Alan Grantagrant@winnipeg.caQuestionLinux3.1.2Elog System Requirements

In response to an elog-hang issue I've been having on the Windows platform, I am building a new Unbuntu 14 TLS VM machine to host the identical configuration so that I can more easily debug when the hang happens again. I don't mind beefing up the hardware resources to either eliminiate that as a factor or resolve the problem. I'll have a higher end CPU to deal with 20 to 50 clients doing searches through the data (since the elog configuration currently does not provide a setting to limit how far back it can search with Quick Filters - pretty please add this basic setting!), but the main question I have now is what is a good amount of memory to add to the VM? I suspect even with 30 concurrent searches going CPU power will have more impact than memory in the case of elog. Can someone please confirm my suspicion and also recommend a suitable amount of memory I should install? My data volume is about 25 MB, all textual (no attachmemts), and the number of daily files goes back about 5 years. Any other tips for the build is very welcome.

  68688   Wed Sep 20 16:34:18 2017 Question Ben fields - accept semicolons too

My elog has a field for entering a list of email addresses, which goes into the "Email All" attribute. They need to be comma-separated, and an error is thrown if semicolons are used instead. Would it be possible to automatically change semicolons into commas before attempting to send the mail via SMTP? Neither character is allowed in email addresses so it shouldn't break anything to just do that silently. Thanks!

  68689   Mon Oct 2 12:55:18 2017 Question Tim Schelfhouttim.schelfhout@fixbrussel.beQuestionWindowsELOG V3.1.3-fd7Format Form

Hello there,

I am trying to format my entry form a little bit more practical and readable. I am struggling with the following:

  • Numbers should be standard fields of 3 characters and can only be 3 characters wide (doing this by Format Leeftijd=1, css, 3, 3)
  • Text Entry fields should be max. width of 15 characters ? 

Also struggling with mutliple fields on one line:

  • Can Spacing between fields be controlled?  Even vertical spacing?
  • When omitting the css in the Format syntax, the fieldname and field gets colored dark blue
    .. found via css inspection a part solution using "Format Leeftijd=1, attribname, 3, 3",  which solves the field title
    but then the value still gets colored dark blue

Also I see that when one formats the entry field in edit mode it shows differently in list mode. (for example set width is not enforced in list mode)

Anyone ?


  68693   Wed Oct 11 15:55:02 2017 Question Tim Schelfhouttim.schelfhout@fixbrussel.beQuestionWindowsELOG V3.1.2-793Date must be between 1970 and 2037??

 Hey there,

Trying to record birthdates in ELOG ... field type being date results in error:

Date must be between 1970 and 2037

Can this be avoided?  I like the fact that one can use the date picker to enter birthdate

  68694   Mon Oct 23 11:47:50 2017 Question Stefano Lacaprarastefano.lacaprara@pd.infn.itQuestionLinuxV3.1.1-0767eb0Attribute option "+x" not searcheable
Dear experts,
   I have an elog with an attribute with fixed values, like this:

Attributes = Half
Options Half = +x, -x, both

It works fine, but I would like to find (or quick filter) all entries with Half=+x .

If I go to the search form, I can select +x from the dropdown menu for Half, but the search returns no result, even if I do have a number of entries with Half=+x. Likewise if I try to do the same with Quick filter.

I believe that this is due to the fact that the search uses regex, and "+" is reserved. I've tried to perform a search by entering manually and escaped "\+x", and it works as intended.


However, since this attribute has a list of fixed values, it is not possible to entry manually something different "\+x" than what is defined in the config, that is "+x".

Is there a solution for this problem?

I would rather not change the attributes options (to, say, positive/negative), since that would mean changing manually a non negligible number of entries.

ELOG V3.1.5-2eba886