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  68005   Wed Jun 10 15:48:57 2015 Reply David Is ELOG sending out cookies?

Hi Stefan,

Thanks for the explanation.  I realised it was just an error message of no real import, but it can get irritating at times.

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Cookies are sent from your browser. ELOG has no influence on what the browser sends where. Probably you run your calender at the same machine where ELOG is running, so all the cookies your calender app stores in your browser are sent to ELOG as well. ELOG just complains about something it does not know, but otherwise this message can be simply ignored. Of course you can delete your cookies in your browser, but after the next call to your calendar app they will show up again.

David Pilgram wrote:

On my linux box, every time I select a thread, or start a new entry etc, I see that one or many cookies are sent.

On a terminal, I get the message

Received unknown cookie "CalciumDisplayParams"

Now I do have a perl script called Calcium, (Calendar viewed through the browser) but it's definately not running now, not in any browser window, and in any case why should an action of ELOG trigger this?  I realise it may be due to an idiocyncratic set up of this box.  But in normal operation, I doubt the user would see these cookies being received.



  68004   Wed Jun 10 15:35:14 2015 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chInfoLinuxV3.1.0-5be245eRe: Is ELOG sending out cookies?

Cookies are sent from your browser. ELOG has no influence on what the browser sends where. Probably you run your calender at the same machine where ELOG is running, so all the cookies your calender app stores in your browser are sent to ELOG as well. ELOG just complains about something it does not know, but otherwise this message can be simply ignored. Of course you can delete your cookies in your browser, but after the next call to your calendar app they will show up again.

David Pilgram wrote:

On my linux box, every time I select a thread, or start a new entry etc, I see that one or many cookies are sent.

On a terminal, I get the message

Received unknown cookie "CalciumDisplayParams"

Now I do have a perl script called Calcium, (Calendar viewed through the browser) but it's definately not running now, not in any browser window, and in any case why should an action of ELOG trigger this?  I realise it may be due to an idiocyncratic set up of this box.  But in normal operation, I doubt the user would see these cookies being received.


  68003   Wed Jun 10 14:25:16 2015 Question David ELOG sending out cookies?

On my linux box, every time I select a thread, or start a new entry etc, I see that one or many cookies are sent.

On a terminal, I get the message

Received unknown cookie "CalciumDisplayParams"

Now I do have a perl script called Calcium, (Calendar viewed through the browser) but it's definately not running now, not in any browser window, and in any case why should an action of ELOG trigger this?  I realise it may be due to an idiocyncratic set up of this box.  But in normal operation, I doubt the user would see these cookies being received.

  68002   Wed Jun 10 13:00:07 2015 Reply Neal Formatting multiple datetime entries

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Neal Grafton wrote:
Also, is there a way of automatically displaying the difference in Hrs mins between Time start and Time End?

I guess you want to do some more complex calculations, like adding the running times, etc. This goes beyond the scope of elog. You can however export elog entries as a CSV file and import it in a spreadsheet program and do there all calculations you want.


Thanks Stefan

  68001   Wed Jun 10 12:56:58 2015 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionAll3.1Re: Formatting multiple datetime entries

Neal Grafton wrote:
Also, is there a way of automatically displaying the difference in Hrs mins between Time start and Time End?

I guess you want to do some more complex calculations, like adding the running times, etc. This goes beyond the scope of elog. You can however export elog entries as a CSV file and import it in a spreadsheet program and do there all calculations you want.

  68000   Wed Jun 10 12:52:48 2015 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionAll3.1Re: Formatting multiple datetime entries

Neal Grafton wrote:

Also, is there a way of automatically displaying the difference in Hrs mins between Time start and Time End?

Nope. The only way to do that is to use a scrip on the server (see elog:67876 for example), or use JavaScript. With "Top Text = <file>" you can "sneak in" some JavaScript code which massages the DOM tree and computes everything you want.

  67999   Wed Jun 10 12:48:41 2015 Reply Neal Formatting multiple datetime entries

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Edmund Hertle wrote:

in one of my measurement logbooks I'm using two datetime entries (for start and end time of a measurement). The entries are created automatically by the measurement script.
Attributes = Time Start, Time End

Type Time Start = datetime
Type Time End = datetime

Time format = %H:%M:%S
For better visual appearance I would like to only display the time on the two additional datetime fields but keep the full date and time on the standard date field. Using the "Time format" option will influence all three at once.

Is there an option to do something like the time format for individual attributes (similar to the syntax of adding comments etc)?

Attributes = Time Start, Time End

Type Time Start = datetime
Type Time End = datetime

Time format Time Start = %H:%M:%S
Time format Time End = %H:%M:%S

Ok, implemented in the current version.

I can use that....
Also, is there a way of automatically displaying the difference in Hrs mins between Time start and Time End?
  67998   Wed Jun 10 12:22:35 2015 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug reportOtherELOG V3.1.1-5eaRe: Upload of images fails from mobile platforms when using ELOG under SSL

That's strange. Might have to do with the SSL library elog uses. I just tried this forum (actually the "Demo"), and it worked fine through SSL, but I use an Apache proxy server for elog implementing the SSL protocol, which might be slightly different.

Hanno Perrey wrote:


I discovered a problem uploading images taken with the cameras of mobile devices to new elog entries directly from said devices. When selecting the image and choosing "Upload", either the blue page loading indicator gets stuck at around 10% (mobile Safari, iOS 8.3, iPhone 4 and iPad mini) or the error message "failed secure connection; connection reset while page was being loaded" ("Fehler: gesicherte Verbindung fehlgeschlagen. Verbindung zum Server wurde zurueckgesetzt waehrend die Seite geladen wurde") appears shortly after (Android 5.02, Firefox 37.0.2, Motorola G).

From the desktop browser (Firefox 38.0.5, OSX 10.10) there is no problem uploading images at all.

So far, this problem is very reproducible, but only when using ELOG with SSL enabled. Without SSL, the problem disappears on all platforms.

The ELOG daemon runs under Linux (Fedora 18) and I have also tried using the latest development version of ELOG.

Running ELOG with debug messages the only output after the page has been loaded is:

TCP connection #0 on socket 4 closed
TCP connection #0 on socket 4 closed

After these, there is no further output and the mobile devices do not indicate any progress either even after many mi.

The minimal config file I have been using is:

; network
port = 443
SSL = 1
URL = https://my.server.somewhere/
; paths
Logbook dir = /usr/local/elog/logbooks
Resource dir = /usr/local/elog
Logfile = /tmp/elog.log

Attributes = Author, Type, Category, Subject
Required Attributes = Author, Type
Options Type = Status, Modification, Problem Report, Problem Details, Problem Fixed, Other
Options Category = Facility, Experiment, IT, Other
List Page Title = $logbook - $subject

As mentioned before, removing the first three lines fixes the problem (the URL line points to my actual server of course).

I would appreciate any pointers on how to debug this further! The functionality of posting images directly from mobile devices is quite important for the planed deployment of ELOG and I would very much prefer to have SSL enabled when doing so.


Thanks and cheers,



ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6