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  67842   Mon Mar 30 14:46:28 2015 Question Tim Scheltim.schelfhout@fixbrussel.beQuestionWindowsELOG V2.9.Strange browser behaviour with chrome?
Hello there,

I have been using ELOG for 4 years now and all of a sudden I see a strange behaviour.
As you can see in the screenshots below I have configured 6 logbooks (tabs) ... only 2
display (colors in CSS?) correctly as configured.
There haven't been any changes recently configuration wise .. but I suspect my chrome
has been upgraded silently.

Any ideas why one logbook (see screenshot 2) called Kandidaten would display
correctly and the other called DSP doesn't?
The first screenshot displays all rows in blue and purple letters ....
The Logbook Stagiairs even has multiple behaviours .... some of it sub books display correctly
and some don't.

I have a new colleague since a few days who uses the ELOG as well but using Internet Explorer
and she doesn't have this strange behaviour. I can rule out configuration error since
I stripped configuration and added verbosity logging level up and nothing was detected.

Is this possible solely due to chrome update (of which I am not even sure).
I looked at the CSS source of both screenshots and I notice that in the first case (wrong!)
there is no CSS class attributed to the TD elements.

Anyway I can understand that the browser displays everything wrong ... but this behaviour
I cannot explain.
  67841   Fri Mar 27 08:24:47 2015 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionWindows3.0.0Re: Permission to view


Banata Wachid Ridwan wrote:

so if that is the solution, all user that not allowed cannot login and cannot fill logbook

in my case, user still can login and fill logbook but cannot see other user's data on the same logbook, so user only see their own data.

but few members have a special permission to see all.

is that possible?

Stefan Ritt wrote:

You need

Password file = logbook.pwd
Login user = <name of allowed user(s)>




  67840   Fri Mar 27 08:19:56 2015 Reply Banata Wachid Ridwanjogjacard@yahoo.comQuestionWindows3.0.0Re: Permission to view

so if that is the solution, all user that not allowed cannot login and cannot fill logbook

in my case, user still can login and fill logbook but cannot see other user's data on the same logbook, so user only see their own data.

but few members have a special permission to see all.

is that possible?

Stefan Ritt wrote:

You need

Password file = logbook.pwd
Login user = <name of allowed user(s)>



  67839   Fri Mar 27 07:26:45 2015 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionWindows3.0.0Re: Permission to view

You need

Password file = logbook.pwd
Login user = <name of allowed user(s)>

Banata Wachid Ridwan wrote:

I just read all administrator guide especially in :

and I didnt find it that exactly match with my need, or maybe I read wrong section :P

maybe my explanation little bit general.

I'll try to explain in detail, In my office, I just create 1 logbook for all employee,

one of my friend ask me if it possible to only give few people the ability to read all entry inside the logbook (all members), and the others (rest of the members) only able to input entry in the logbook and read their own.

please guide us.

Andreas Luedeke wrote:

Yes, it is possible. And explained in ELOG documentation.

Banata Wachid Ridwan wrote:


related to the permission, is it possible to set permission ?, so only the owner or certain people can view list all logbok and regular member can only see their own logbook, not the others.

thanx for the help




  67838   Fri Mar 27 05:39:29 2015 Reply Banata Wachid Ridwanzjogjacard@yahoo.comQuestionWindows3.0.0Re: Permission to view

I just read all administrator guide especially in :

and I didnt find it that exactly match with my need, or maybe I read wrong section :P

maybe my explanation little bit general.

I'll try to explain in detail, In my office, I just create 1 logbook for all employee,

one of my friend ask me if it possible to only give few people the ability to read all entry inside the logbook (all members), and the others (rest of the members) only able to input entry in the logbook and read their own.

please guide us.

Andreas Luedeke wrote:

Yes, it is possible. And explained in ELOG documentation.

Banata Wachid Ridwan wrote:


related to the permission, is it possible to set permission ?, so only the owner or certain people can view list all logbok and regular member can only see their own logbook, not the others.

thanx for the help



  67837   Wed Mar 25 10:36:15 2015 Entry Tim Scheltim.schelfhout@fixbrussel.beInfoLinux | Windows3.00test


  67836   Tue Mar 24 19:08:34 2015 Reply Pedro thisBug reportWindows3.0.0Re: Trouble to install ELOG V3.0.0-72a8401 in XP SP3

Maybe, nobody uses XP SP3 but i get Win32 invalid aplication error.  Not work!

Pedro Acosta wrote:


It´s not possible to install the last version V3.0.0-72a8401 over XP SP3, the previous version works well.  For Windows Vista Home Basic SP2 work fine the last version. 

I´m not sure if this the correct site to post this.



Pedro Acosta



  67835   Tue Mar 24 15:49:28 2015 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chCommentAll-Re: Configure default time range in 'Find'

Show last default = 0

always worked, even in my original code. It was just not documented. I added that.

Andreas Luedeke wrote:
Hi David,
I was confused because one normally does not need to include a line in the configuration to set a default value. A default is exactly what you get if you don't specify anything in the configuration wink
But I think I've figured it out: you were overriding the default in the global section for all logbooks and wanted to get back to the default for a particular logbook.
Then another simple solution would have been to remove the line in the global section and add it just in those logbook configurations, where you actually need it.
Anyway, it is good that one can now set the default in the configuration; I agree that this should always be possible.
David Pilgram wrote:

Hi Andreas,

Yes, the empty string does exactly that, in the drop down menu, but before my changes, I could not set it to be the default setting in the configuration file.  In an archived logbook, it's perfectly possible for "all time" to be the only sensible value.  I tried "Show last default =  " and various other variants, with no success in getting what I actually required.  Also, in the documentation, there was no mention of a way to set the default as "all time", just a list of number of days (week (7), month (31), year (364) etc), which also led me to believe that it was not possible with the existing code.

I've sent an email to Stefan giving my coding changes for information.

ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6