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New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
ID Date Icon Author Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subject
  67805   Wed Feb 4 13:32:21 2015 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionAll3.0.0Re: Link to full resolution image attachments

I put the functionality you requested into the current GIT version of ELOG. It works now with Drag & Drop, but not (yet) with the toolbar uploader.

Eric Quintero wrote:

You make a valid point!

My perspective is from my lab's specific use case, in which we often post plots of data in the body of the text, and it is useful for the ELOG-generated thumbnails to link to the full resolution plot. In previous versions, I believe this was the behavior. It would be convenient for my users if this continued to be the case, but I understand that it is not neccesarily the appropriate default behavior for all users of ELOG. 

Andreas Luedeke wrote:
If you add the picture in the HTML editor, then you can add any link you like.
I don't see why the specific link to the full resolution picture should be the default.
If you want to have it, why not just add it by hand?
I took the liberty to edit your Linux Demo post accordingly.

For attachments that is a completely different story, since you cannot add any links there, only ELOG can do this for you



  67804   Wed Feb 4 13:06:52 2015 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionWindows3.0.0Re: CSV question

Allowed encoding = 1

As written in the documentation (which you should read before asking questions here)

Banata Wachid Ridwan wrote:

so I assume there is a way to force member to use plain text mode, right?  :D

how to make my member force to use plain text?

thanx for help sir,

  67803   Wed Feb 4 10:33:16 2015 Reply David Permission on reply

Hi Banata,

If you only have a few people who can reply, then use

Allow reply = <user list>

and no need to produce a "Deny reply" list.

If most people are able to reply, but a few are *not* allowed to reply - bad behaviour or whatever - then the Deny reply list is more appropriate, and no need to generate an "Allow reply" userlist.


Banata Wachid Ridwan wrote:

so let say I just want to add certain members for replying logbook, so I just need to add parameter Allow reply = <user list>

and automatically all members not listed will be forbidden, am I correct?

I dont need to specify members for "Deny Reply" right ?

Stefan Ritt wrote:

You can use the switches

Alloe reply = <user list>

Deny reply = <user list>

to give only certain uses the right to use that command.


Banata Wachid Ridwan wrote:

is it possible to set reply only for certain member?

all members can submit lobook, but only certain member can make reply on it

thanx for help and so sorry if I have too many question :D




  67802   Wed Feb 4 09:48:32 2015 Reply Banata Wachid Ridwanjogjacard@yahoo.comQuestionWindows3.0.0Re: Permission on reply

so let say I just want to add certain members for replying logbook, so I just need to add parameter Allow reply = <user list>

and automatically all members not listed will be forbidden, am I correct?

I dont need to specify members for "Deny Reply" right ?

Stefan Ritt wrote:

You can use the switches

Alloe reply = <user list>

Deny reply = <user list>

to give only certain uses the right to use that command.


Banata Wachid Ridwan wrote:

is it possible to set reply only for certain member?

all members can submit lobook, but only certain member can make reply on it

thanx for help and so sorry if I have too many question :D



  67801   Wed Feb 4 09:10:32 2015 Reply Banata Wachid Ridwanjogjacard@yahoo.comQuestionWindows3.0.0Re: CSV question

so I assume there is a way to force member to use plain text mode, right?  :D

how to make my member force to use plain text?

thanx for help sir,

Stefan Ritt wrote:

If you enter ELOG text body entreis as HTML, they will be exported as HTML, and thus you have the <p> tags. To avoid them, enter the ELOG text body as plain text, or just remove them in your spreadsheet via find and replace (find "<p>" and replace by nothing). Ther is NO HTML to text converter in ELOG, so they cannot be stipped automatically. And maybe other people DO want the full HTML there.

Andreas Luedeke wrote:
I've imported your export.csv file with OpenOffice 3.1.1 and with Excel 2010 and it both works fine (see attachments).
You should consult some Microsoft Helpdesk: ELOG works fine :-)

PS: I'm no English native speaker either. I have been told that international business language is anyway not English, but "Bad English" wink

Banata Wachid Ridwan wrote:

sorry for may bad english, not my natives :D [...]

for second question I'll attach my csv file, and you will see <p> </p> tags still there, and inconsistency when open it to ms excel (see picture)

you can see that portion of text file (second line of text file and soon, placed in "id pesan")

please help us.

Andreas Luedeke wrote:

If you have more than one topic it is better to do more than one post.

I did not understand your first question. You should not have a line "SMTP host= " if you don't want to send any email. Have you tried "Suppress Email to users=1" to get rid of the error message?

If you export in cvs format, then it is the correct behaviour that multiple lines of text in the body are put into quotation marks and printed as multiple lines in the output. Every spreadsheet program (Excel, Openoffice, Libreoffice, ...) should be able to read that into a table. I've tested it, it works fine. If you have a problem, then you'll need to attach your elogd.cfg file and the exported file in the forum and some screenshots of what your MS Excel does with it.

Banata Wachid Ridwan wrote:


first of all, congrats for bring back the forum after down for sometimes, :D

but seems my old account is broken, I cant login with that anymore, so I make new account and strangely I can make identical account like the old one ahahahaha


okay first question :

Recently my elog setup got smtp host error, everytime someone submit log, error result that SMTP host is not found in global setting.

I dont't set mail server on my server so I cant use smtp host function, and I use register type 1 to avoid email function, but after sometimes those error occured, it seems some members accidentally check ëmail notification option

so, how to completely disable this function or maybe some work around on this error? I dont have mail server right now,



When we export logbook to CSV and open to microsoft excel, html tags still there, how to ommit html tags completely during export? and how to make nice table data from csv in elog? I saw many inconsistency there, especially on comment data

for example if I make more than two lines of logbook, second line will place in first column , not in the last column, just like the first line of comment.






  67800   Wed Feb 4 08:51:37 2015 Reply Eric Quinteroericq@caltech.eduQuestionAll3.0.0Re: Link to full resolution image attachments

You make a valid point!

My perspective is from my lab's specific use case, in which we often post plots of data in the body of the text, and it is useful for the ELOG-generated thumbnails to link to the full resolution plot. In previous versions, I believe this was the behavior. It would be convenient for my users if this continued to be the case, but I understand that it is not neccesarily the appropriate default behavior for all users of ELOG. 

Andreas Luedeke wrote:
If you add the picture in the HTML editor, then you can add any link you like.
I don't see why the specific link to the full resolution picture should be the default.
If you want to have it, why not just add it by hand?
I took the liberty to edit your Linux Demo post accordingly.

For attachments that is a completely different story, since you cannot add any links there, only ELOG can do this for you


  67799   Tue Feb 3 06:48:32 2015 Idea Andreas Luedekeandreas.luedeke@psi.chQuestionWindows3.0.0Re: SMTP Host Error
Hey, great: I've learned something new about elog! I always took great care to get the capitalization of the options correct wink
Stefan Ritt wrote:

That's not correct. Any option in the configuration file is case-insensitive. It should also not matter if the statement is under the logbook or in the [global] section. 

What you probably made wrong is to write "supress email to users =1" instead "suppress email to users =1". Note the second "p". So English in the end DOES matter, at least here wink

Andreas Luedeke wrote:

You need to specify "Suppress Email to users=1" in the [global] section of the configuration. And it does matter if the letters are capitalized on not.

Banata Wachid Ridwan wrote:

sorry for may bad english, not my natives :D

for first question, I'll make it clear,

after sometimes running elog, suddenly SMTP host error occured.

I dont have SMTP host= on my configuration, but that error keep show up.

how to disable email notification completely for my elog? or at least how to disable those SMTP Host error?

I'll try supress email users =1 to my elog.cfg and error still exist. where I should place supress email users flag to make it works?

on the picture attached, it is said there is no smtp host defined in global setting.

could it be because members check automatic email notification on their setting?


for second question I'll attach my csv file, and you will see <p> </p> tags still there, and inconsistency when open it to ms excel (see picture)

you can see that portion of text file (second line of text file and soon, placed in "id pesan")


please help us.


Andreas Luedeke wrote:

If you have more than one topic it is better to do more than one post.

I did not understand your first question. You should not have a line "SMTP host= " if you don't want to send any email. Have you tried "Suppress Email to users=1" to get rid of the error message?

If you export in cvs format, then it is the correct behaviour that multiple lines of text in the body are put into quotation marks and printed as multiple lines in the output. Every spreadsheet program (Excel, Openoffice, Libreoffice, ...) should be able to read that into a table. I've tested it, it works fine. If you have a problem, then you'll need to attach your elogd.cfg file and the exported file in the forum and some screenshots of what your MS Excel does with it.

Banata Wachid Ridwan wrote:


first of all, congrats for bring back the forum after down for sometimes, :D

but seems my old account is broken, I cant login with that anymore, so I make new account and strangely I can make identical account like the old one ahahahaha


okay first question :

Recently my elog setup got smtp host error, everytime someone submit log, error result that SMTP host is not found in global setting.

I dont't set mail server on my server so I cant use smtp host function, and I use register type 1 to avoid email function, but after sometimes those error occured, it seems some members accidentally check ëmail notification option

so, how to completely disable this function or maybe some work around on this error? I dont have mail server right now,



When we export logbook to CSV and open to microsoft excel, html tags still there, how to ommit html tags completely during export? and how to make nice table data from csv in elog? I saw many inconsistency there, especially on comment data

for example if I make more than two lines of logbook, second line will place in first column , not in the last column, just like the first line of comment.






  67798   Mon Feb 2 12:44:24 2015 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionWindows3.0.0Re: SMTP Host Error

That's not correct. Any option in the configuration file is case-insensitive. It should also not matter if the statement is under the logbook or in the [global] section. 

What you probably made wrong is to write "supress email to users =1" instead "suppress email to users =1". Note the second "p". So English in the end DOES matter, at least here wink

Andreas Luedeke wrote:

You need to specify "Suppress Email to users=1" in the [global] section of the configuration. And it does matter if the letters are capitalized on not.

Banata Wachid Ridwan wrote:

sorry for may bad english, not my natives :D

for first question, I'll make it clear,

after sometimes running elog, suddenly SMTP host error occured.

I dont have SMTP host= on my configuration, but that error keep show up.

how to disable email notification completely for my elog? or at least how to disable those SMTP Host error?

I'll try supress email users =1 to my elog.cfg and error still exist. where I should place supress email users flag to make it works?

on the picture attached, it is said there is no smtp host defined in global setting.

could it be because members check automatic email notification on their setting?


for second question I'll attach my csv file, and you will see <p> </p> tags still there, and inconsistency when open it to ms excel (see picture)

you can see that portion of text file (second line of text file and soon, placed in "id pesan")


please help us.


Andreas Luedeke wrote:

If you have more than one topic it is better to do more than one post.

I did not understand your first question. You should not have a line "SMTP host= " if you don't want to send any email. Have you tried "Suppress Email to users=1" to get rid of the error message?

If you export in cvs format, then it is the correct behaviour that multiple lines of text in the body are put into quotation marks and printed as multiple lines in the output. Every spreadsheet program (Excel, Openoffice, Libreoffice, ...) should be able to read that into a table. I've tested it, it works fine. If you have a problem, then you'll need to attach your elogd.cfg file and the exported file in the forum and some screenshots of what your MS Excel does with it.

Banata Wachid Ridwan wrote:


first of all, congrats for bring back the forum after down for sometimes, :D

but seems my old account is broken, I cant login with that anymore, so I make new account and strangely I can make identical account like the old one ahahahaha


okay first question :

Recently my elog setup got smtp host error, everytime someone submit log, error result that SMTP host is not found in global setting.

I dont't set mail server on my server so I cant use smtp host function, and I use register type 1 to avoid email function, but after sometimes those error occured, it seems some members accidentally check ëmail notification option

so, how to completely disable this function or maybe some work around on this error? I dont have mail server right now,



When we export logbook to CSV and open to microsoft excel, html tags still there, how to ommit html tags completely during export? and how to make nice table data from csv in elog? I saw many inconsistency there, especially on comment data

for example if I make more than two lines of logbook, second line will place in first column , not in the last column, just like the first line of comment.





ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6