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icon4.gif   a bug and a question, posted by mo on Wed Jul 10 22:19:47 2002 
   If you have only one entry in the logbook and have it set up in threaded 
mode like: ?cmd=Search&mode=threaded&reverse=1, when you click on the icon 
of the entry or the number of the entry to see it, it does not allow you 
to.  If there is more than one entry, it works fine.  
   Also I wanted to make a submit page from where you could either go back 
to the logbook which you just entered a message for or type a new entry for 
that logbook.  First of all, is there a way to have only one file called 
submitpage.html in which I can define this for all logbooks or do i need it 
for ever logbook.  And also, is there a way I can even set a link that will 
allow to create a new entry.  I tried: 
    <a href="demo/?cmd=new">Enter</a> another message<p>

but for some reason it does not work.  Is there a way to implement this?

icon4.gif   entry number not updated properly after deleting, posted by mo on Thu Jul 11 15:59:17 2002 
    If you delete a message from the middle of a logbook that contains a 
bunch of messages, the message numbers do not get updated properly.  For 
instance, if you have 20 messages in the logbook, and delete number 15, 
entry numbers 16 through 20 all do not get subtracted by one; their numbers 
stay the same with #15 just missing in the middle.  

icon5.gif   Scroll box for attributes, posted by mo on Tue Jul 30 17:33:24 2002 
   If you have the text box turned off so you only enter attributes, is it 
possible to have a couple of attributes that have small scroll through text 
boxs of a couple of lines rather than just one line?   Like not as big as 
the regular text box but something small to be able to post a couple of 
lines in and if it gets bigger then you scroll down.  For instance if you 
are posting a problem and a solution just have one small text box for the 
problem and one for the solution.

icon5.gif   Resubmit as new entry, posted by miljan dedic on Thu Jun 3 22:22:33 2004 
Elogd crashing when "Resubmit as new entry" is executed.
Tried with demo config, same result, also tried with snapshot version.
After the first crash i restart elogd, then it crashes every time i enter 
the logbook containing the entry i tried to "Resubmit as new entry"
Anyone seen same behavior, on win2000 platform ?.

icon5.gif   Problem with Email Notification, posted by mike cianci on Sat Mar 1 07:40:18 2008 

Sorry to bother you with this, but I am not a programmer and this is probably a simple question but I need some help if someone has the time.

Under Global I have the command   -  SMTP host  =

ELOG responds with  -  Error sending Email via "": 5.1.0 sender rejected : invalid sender domain



icon5.gif   still having email problems, posted by mike cianci on Mon Mar 10 15:09:56 2008 

I no longer get an error message when I try to send an email (I get the "email sent" message) but the email never arrives.

Thank you (in advance) for any help.

My elog.log looks like:

10-Mar-2008 07:05:31 [] {Centaur} NEW entry #0
10-Mar-2008 07:05:31 [] {Centaur} Email from ELog@desktoppc to, SMTP host desktoppc
10-Mar-2008 07:05:31 [] {Centaur} 220 Microsoft ESMTP MAIL Service, Version: 6.0.2600.2180 ready at  Mon, 10 Mar 2008 07:05:31 -0800
10-Mar-2008 07:05:32 [] {Centaur}
10-Mar-2008 07:05:32 [] {Centaur} HELO desktoppc
10-Mar-2008 07:05:32 [] {Centaur} 250 Hello []
10-Mar-2008 07:05:32 [] {Centaur} MAIL FROM: ELog@desktoppc
10-Mar-2008 07:05:32 [] {Centaur} 250 2.1.0 ELog@desktoppc....Sender OK
10-Mar-2008 07:05:32 [] {Centaur} RCPT TO: <>
10-Mar-2008 07:05:32 [] {Centaur} 250 2.1.5
10-Mar-2008 07:05:32 [] {Centaur} DATA
10-Mar-2008 07:05:32 [] {Centaur} 354 Start mail input; end with <CRLF>.<CRLF>
10-Mar-2008 07:05:32 [] {Centaur} Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2008 07:05:31 -0800
From: ELog <ELog@desktoppc>
User-Agent: Elog Version 2.7.3
Subject: New ELOG entry
Message-ID: <Centaur-23@desktoppc>
X-Elog-URL: http://localhost:8080/Centaur/23
X-Elog-submit-type: web|elog
Content-Type: text/html; charset="ISO-8859-1"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<title>ELOG - Test</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://localhost:8080/Centaur/default.css">
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico" />
<link rel="icon" href="favicon.png" type="image/png" />
<table class="frame" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<tr><td><table class="listframe" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<tr><td class="title1">
A new ELOG entry has been submitted:</td></tr>
<tr><td class="attribhead">
<input type=hidden name="Author" value="mike">
<input type=hidden name="Instrument" value="Ginger">
<input type=hidden name="Category" value="Problem">
<input type=hidden name="Test" value="General">
<input type=hidden name="Subject" value="Test">
<input type=hidden name=browsing value=1>
Logbook:&nbsp;<b>Centaur</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;Message ID:&nbsp;<a href="http://localhost:8080/Centaur/23"><b>23</b></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Entry time:&nbsp;<b>03/10/08 07:05:31</b>
<tr><td><table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td nowrap class="attribname">Author:</td><td class="attribvalue">
</tr><tr><td nowrap class="attribname">Instrument:</td><td class="attribvalue">
</tr><tr><td nowrap class="attribname">Category:</td><td class="attribvalue">
</tr><tr><td nowrap class="attribname">Test:</td><td class="attribvalue">
</tr><tr><td nowrap class="attribname">Subject:</td><td class="attribvalue">
</table><!-- listframe -->
<tr><td class="messageframe"><p>This is a Test</p></td></tr>

</table><!-- show_standard_title -->
<center><a class="bottomlink" title="Goto ELOG home page" href="">ELOG V2.7.3-2058</a></center></body></html>

10-Mar-2008 07:05:32 [] {Centaur} 250 2.6.0  <Centaur-23@desktoppc> Queued mail for delivery
10-Mar-2008 07:05:32 [] {Centaur} QUIT
10-Mar-2008 07:05:32 [] {Centaur} 221 2.0.0 Service closing transmission channel

    icon2.gif   Re: still having email problems, posted by mike cianci on Mon Mar 10 17:58:06 2008 

Stefan Ritt wrote:

The transcript below looks all ok to me, so it's most likely that the email went to your Spam folder.

mike cianci wrote:

I no longer get an error message when I try to send an email (I get the "email sent" message) but the email never arrives.

Thank you (in advance) for any help.

My elog.log looks like:

10-Mar-2008 07:05:31 [] {Centaur} NEW entry #0
10-Mar-2008 07:05:31 [] {Centaur} Email from ELog@desktoppc to, SMTP host desktoppc
10-Mar-2008 07:05:31 [] {Centaur} 220 Microsoft ESMTP MAIL Service, Version: 6.0.2600.2180 ready at  Mon, 10 Mar 2008 07:05:31 -0800
10-Mar-2008 07:05:32 [] {Centaur}
10-Mar-2008 07:05:32 [] {Centaur} HELO desktoppc
10-Mar-2008 07:05:32 [] {Centaur} 250 Hello []
10-Mar-2008 07:05:32 [] {Centaur} MAIL FROM: ELog@desktoppc
10-Mar-2008 07:05:32 [] {Centaur} 250 2.1.0 ELog@desktoppc....Sender OK
10-Mar-2008 07:05:32 [] {Centaur} RCPT TO: <>
10-Mar-2008 07:05:32 [] {Centaur} 250 2.1.5
10-Mar-2008 07:05:32 [] {Centaur} DATA
10-Mar-2008 07:05:32 [] {Centaur} 354 Start mail input; end with <CRLF>.<CRLF>
10-Mar-2008 07:05:32 [] {Centaur} Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2008 07:05:31 -0800
From: ELog <ELog@desktoppc>
User-Agent: Elog Version 2.7.3
Subject: New ELOG entry
Message-ID: <Centaur-23@desktoppc>
X-Elog-URL: http://localhost:8080/Centaur/23
X-Elog-submit-type: web|elog
Content-Type: text/html; charset="ISO-8859-1"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<title>ELOG - Test</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://localhost:8080/Centaur/default.css">
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico" />
<link rel="icon" href="favicon.png" type="image/png" />
<table class="frame" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<tr><td><table class="listframe" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<tr><td class="title1">
A new ELOG entry has been submitted:</td></tr>
<tr><td class="attribhead">
<input type=hidden name="Author" value="mike">
<input type=hidden name="Instrument" value="Ginger">
<input type=hidden name="Category" value="Problem">
<input type=hidden name="Test" value="General">
<input type=hidden name="Subject" value="Test">
<input type=hidden name=browsing value=1>
Logbook:&nbsp;<b>Centaur</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;Message ID:&nbsp;<a href="http://localhost:8080/Centaur/23"><b>23</b></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Entry time:&nbsp;<b>03/10/08 07:05:31</b>
<tr><td><table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td nowrap class="attribname">Author:</td><td class="attribvalue">
</tr><tr><td nowrap class="attribname">Instrument:</td><td class="attribvalue">
</tr><tr><td nowrap class="attribname">Category:</td><td class="attribvalue">
</tr><tr><td nowrap class="attribname">Test:</td><td class="attribvalue">
</tr><tr><td nowrap class="attribname">Subject:</td><td class="attribvalue">
</table><!-- listframe -->
<tr><td class="messageframe"><p>This is a Test</p></td></tr>

</table><!-- show_standard_title -->
<center><a class="bottomlink" title="Goto ELOG home page" href="">ELOG V2.7.3-2058</a></center></body></html>

10-Mar-2008 07:05:32 [] {Centaur} 250 2.6.0  <Centaur-23@desktoppc> Queued mail for delivery
10-Mar-2008 07:05:32 [] {Centaur} QUIT
10-Mar-2008 07:05:32 [] {Centaur} 221 2.0.0 Service closing transmission channel

I checked for a spam filter and found none. I have also tried this on three different computers (with different email accounts) and still no luck.

icon5.gif   Mass postings, posted by mike cianci on Sat May 3 14:59:14 2008 

I am setting this up as instrument log in a multi-hospital system, where there will be multiple instruments, in multiple departments, at multiple facilities.

I am using the "Top Group" function to keep the books separate so operators from one instrument/department/facility don't contaminate another instrument/department/facility's logbook.

What I am wondering is there someway to set it up so that a system wide manager could post a message to 5 individual logbooks for 5 identical instruments at 5 different locations all at once (one ELOG server)?

I hope this made sense.  Thank you for your help.

ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6