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New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
ID Date Icon Author Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subject
  67705   Wed Sep 17 17:45:18 2014 Idea Andreas Luedekeandreas.luedeke@psi.chInfoAll V2.9.2-24Re: Sort by date prior to 2002

Chris Jennings wrote:

Chris Jennings wrote:

I have an attribute formatted as a date (but not labeled as date) and is sorted as second priority. The sort works fine until I enter a date older than Jan 1st 2002. When I do this it is sorted as the latest. Is this a bug or simply not designed to use dates this old?

Thanks in advance,


 Sorry, my mistake. The cutoff date is anything before September 9th 2001 does not sort.

I think I remember that this has been discussed earlier: it is a little bug in elogd.
You can see where it comes from if you type in the little command 'date -d "9-Sep-2001 3:46:40" +%s'
Converted to "seconds of the epoche" (seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC) the date "9-Sep-2001 3:46:40" has one digit more than "9-Sep-2001 3:46:39".
Since elog makes a string comparison, suddenly 1'000'000'000 is less than 999'999'999; therefore the wrong sorting.

Workaround: you can modify your old entries and add a leading zero to all entries where your specific date field starts with a '9'.

Stefan: you should fix it at least well before 20-Nov-2286 18:46:40, when the same bug strikes again!
  67704   Tue Sep 16 18:05:41 2014 Reply Chris Jenningscjennings@cosma.comBug reportWindows V2.9.2-24Re: Sort by date prior to 2002

Chris Jennings wrote:

I have an attribute formatted as a date (but not labeled as date) and is sorted as second priority. The sort works fine until I enter a date older than Jan 1st 2002. When I do this it is sorted as the latest. Is this a bug or simply not designed to use dates this old?

Thanks in advance,


 Sorry, my mistake. The cutoff date is anything before September 9th 2001 does not sort.

  67703   Tue Sep 16 17:59:27 2014 Question Chris Jenningscjennings@cosma.comBug reportWindows V2.9.2-24Sort by date prior to 2002

I have an attribute formatted as a date (but not labeled as date) and is sorted as second priority. The sort works fine until I enter a date older than Jan 1st 2002. When I do this it is sorted as the latest. Is this a bug or simply not designed to use dates this old?

Thanks in advance,


  67702   Tue Sep 9 15:50:25 2014 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionLinuxlatestRe: default font style

Sara Vanini wrote:

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Sara Vanini wrote:


is it possibile to set a default font style: format, font, size, color, etc? how?

Thanks a lot


You look here: 

 Thanks! but I'm lost in the themes/default/default.css file.... which is the entry I have to edit for the style of the body text (Format "Normal") of the elog pages?



Just change the body { } entry in the CSS file. Here is a good tutorial: 

  67701   Tue Sep 9 15:42:53 2014 Reply Sara Vaninivanini.sara@gmail.comQuestionLinuxlatestRe: default font style

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Sara Vanini wrote:


is it possibile to set a default font style: format, font, size, color, etc? how?

Thanks a lot


You look here: 

 Thanks! but I'm lost in the themes/default/default.css file.... which is the entry I have to edit for the style of the body text (Format "Normal") of the elog pages?



  67700   Tue Sep 9 10:12:37 2014 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionLinuxlatestRe: default font style

Sara Vanini wrote:


is it possibile to set a default font style: format, font, size, color, etc? how?

Thanks a lot


You look here: 

  67699   Mon Sep 8 14:51:35 2014 Question Sara Vaninivanini.sara@gmail.comQuestionLinuxlatestdefault font style


is it possibile to set a default font style: format, font, size, color, etc? how?

Thanks a lot




  12458   Thu Mar 23 22:14:14 152        
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6