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  66214   Fri Feb 20 05:00:40 2009 Question mike ciancimike2.cianci@comcast.netQuestionWindowsV 2.7.5Append a routine entry

I am using the following commands to display the text of all of the entries at once (so that you can read them without having to click on each entry).

Display mode = threaded
Expand Default = 3

Problem is that the information on the page is packed so tightly together (no white space) that it can be hard to read. Especially with single line entries.

Is it possible to automatically append a new line to a routine entry?

THANK YOU for your assistances.


  66221   Tue Feb 24 12:44:27 2009 Question mike ciancimike2.cianci@comcast.netQuestionWindows2.7.5No Valid Header?


I finally got it installed on a server at work (only took a year to work through all the red tape). I have seven logbooks up and running and only one is giving me trouble. It is an On-Line Help book where I wanted to store documents that could be referenced by our staff. It is the simplest of my logbooks (see config file below) but when I hit the "Submit" button it crashes the program. I can not see the error myself but the server guys are telling me that that we are getting an "Internal error, no valid header!" error. The only other thing that I can think to mention is that the entry that is crashing the program is a 60k Microsoft word table that I had cut and pasted into elog.

Thank you, Mike


Write Password = SWNlQ3ViZQ==
Theme = default
Display mode = threaded
Mode Commands = 0

Thread display = --------------  $Title  --------------
Comment = On-Line Helps

Attributes = Title

Required Attributes = Title
Page Title = ELOG - $subject
Reverse sort = 0

  66295   Thu Apr 9 12:50:03 2009 Question mike ciancimike2.cianci@comcast.netQuestionWindows2.7.5-2185Error Message in "Demo of database-like elog"

I attempted to remove the text editor (like you did in "Demo of database-like elog") using  "Show text = 0".

In both your Demo and my logbook when you hit  "New"  - Explorer generates the folowing error message

        Error: The Textarea with id or name set to "text" was not found.

Is there a solution or do we just live with it.

Thanks,    Mike

  66301   Mon Apr 13 07:26:39 2009 Question mike ciancimike2.cianci@comcast.netQuestionWindows2.7.5-2187Simple Math

Sorry to bother you. I could see in past Forum entries that the question of  "Simple Math" has come up before, although the answers were not all that simple.

Can you do simple math (i.e. attribute A + attribute B = attribute C) in ELOG ?

Thank you for putting up with my questions.


  66334   Wed Apr 29 12:28:13 2009 Question mike ciancimike2.cianci@comcast.netQuestionWindows2.7.5-2185Database Like - ELOG Format


I am using the Database Like - ELOG format and on the list page, the the last two columns (on the right side) are, "Text" and "Attachments (the paperclip)".

Both of which I have deleted from the input page.

Is there anyway to remove them from the List page?

Thanks,      Mike

  66339   Fri May 1 08:05:42 2009 Question mike ciancimike2.cianci@comcast.netQuestionWindows2.7.5-2185Problem Naming Logbooks

I have a logbook named "Centaur" (instrument name) for a problem log on an instrument and a logbook named "CentaurNewLot" for

a logbook (Database Like - ELOG format) where we would log reagent lot number changes for that instrument.

The problem is that when I name the logbooks, like I have, it screws up the formatting (List page) of the second log book.

If I rename the second logbook something totally unrelated to the first logbook my originally intended formatting returns.

  66540   Wed Sep 9 08:16:22 2009 Question mike ciancimike2.cianci@comcast.netQuestionWindows2.7.5-2185Supress Email on Reply

The way I have ELOG configured it sends an email to supervisors based on which "Department " (attribute) was selected. Problem is that when the supervisor replies the department

is still selected and it sends a second email to the supervisor. Is there any way to supress the emails (automatically) on "Reply"?

  66709   Fri Feb 12 08:31:14 2010 Reply mike ciancimike2.cianci@comcast.netQuestionWindows2.7.5-2140Re: Grouping Logbooks

Stefan Ritt wrote:


mike cianci wrote:

I really appreciate your help and I hope that my questions warrant your time.

What I am trying to accomplish is two totally separate groups of logbooks that share a common logbook.

Three logbooks

Logbook A

Logbook B

Logbook C (just informational, write protected)

Two Groups

Top Group 1 = Logbook A, Logbook C

Top Group 2 = Logbook B, Logbook C

What is happening is everything looks good until you try to enter Logbook C from Group 1. You end up in Logbook C (the right logbook) but you are now in Group 2.

Actual Code:

Top Group Central = Centaur, On-LineHelps
Top Group Good Sam = GSH, On-LineHelps

You cannot put the same logbook into two groups. All you can do is to define two logbooks C1 and C2, and force their data directories to be the same (via the "Subdir = ..." directive), so they will actually look at the same data.

 Stefan, sorry to bother you yet again. but I can not seem to get the "Subdir" to do what I want (user error I am sure). Thanks for any help you can give.

Write Password = SWNlQ3ViZQ==
Theme = default
Display mode = threaded
Mode Commands = 0
List Menu commands = New, Find, Config

Thread display = --------------  $Title  --------------

Comment = On-Line Helps
Attributes = Title
Required Attributes = Title
Page Title = ELOG - $subject
Reverse sort = 1


Subdir = \\ssoelog\ELOG\logbooks\OnlineHelps
Write Password = SWNlQ3ViZQ==
Theme = default
Display mode = threaded
Mode Commands = 0
List Menu commands = New, Find, Config

Thread display = --------------  $Title  --------------

Comment = On-Line Helps
Attributes = Title
Required Attributes = Title
Page Title = ELOG - $subject
Reverse sort = 1

ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6